Sunday, 18 October 2020

The Crystal Ally Cards

Mind Body Soul card deck review: The Crystal Ally Cards - The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge by Naisha Ahsian, published by Heaven & Earth Publishing.

The 50 cards are divided into 5 sections of 10 cards each representing Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Storm.
The accompanying information book has b/w images of the cards, and provides a page about each card with title and subtitle, with a message and affirmation. Information also on the chakra of each stone, crystal grids, daily cards, meditations, and covers topics, such as Earth, magic, crystals and what is described as Crystal Resonance Therapy. Reversed cards do not have a negative connotation but carry a deeper and stronger message. Spreads are titled Heaven & Earth, Pyramid,  Chakra, Elemental Ally and Trinity. 

Who Moved the Stone?

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Who Moved the Stone? By Frank Morison, paperback published by Authentic Media.

The author, Frank Morison was a non believer, but upon studying the text of the New Testament and related material, he became convinced of its historical truth. The book is an indepth historical study, and a psychological study, of the last week of the life of Jesus, from his last supper with the disciples, to his arrest in Gethsamene, the demands of the Sanhedrin, his trial conducted by Pilate (whose wife Claudia had a warning dream), Pilate washing his hands and offering a replacement to the people of Barabbas, the crucifixion and burial in the tomb of Joseph of Arimethea, and the women's story of their visit to the tomb on the third day.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Your Healing Power Review

Circle Network Book Review: Your Healing Power - A Comprehensive Guide to Channeling Your Healing Energies by Jack Angelo, website: Published by Piatkus. Paperback: £10.99
'There is a sacred journey we were born to take. It is 'The Great Healing'.

This book, written by South Wales healer and energy medicine specialist, is as an illustrated course for those interested in learning how to heal. Spiritual exercises, explanations, instructions, blessings, relaxation, balancing, opening up, closing down, clearing negative energy, meditation, imagery, candle flame, dreams, energy blocks, inner child, life renew, meditation on death, letting go, loss, chakras, colour, sensing the aura, emotions, stress and other topics are covered. Also by this author:

Maggie Whitehouse & Kabbalah

Maggie Whitehouse is an interfaith author and specialist in Judaeo-Christian mysticism. Her books on Judaism, Christianity and faith, include three on Kabbalah. She is Consultant Editor of the holistic magazine 'Tree of Life' and teaches workshops on spirituality and prosperity consciousness in the UK, USA and Europe.
Her book (2007) titled 'The Marriage of Jesus' explored the social and economic situation of his time. She suggests that Jesus would have married, like any other young man of his times, at approximately 14 years of age. The average life-span of a woman in Jesus' time was 27 years. As Jesus began his ministry when he was approximately 30 years old, she thinks it is likely that he was a widower when his ministry bagan.

Monday, 5 October 2020

Richard Harvey - Dreaming

Richard Harvey is a psychotherapist, author and spiritual teacher. He is the founder-director of Therapy and Spirituality, a personal and spiritual growth centre situated in the Sierra Nevada mountains in Spain. His background is in Humanistic and Transpersonal psychologies, Taoism and Zen. He is trained in western psychology and eastern meditative methods, psycho-spiritual psychotherapy and bodywork. The author of The Flight of Consciousness and several other books and articles focused on realizing our true selves, his innovative approach to human development, The Three Stages of Awakening, is discussed in his latest book, The Inner Journey to Authenticity and Spiritual Enlightenment.