Thursday 25 July 2024

No Place for a Woman

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: No Place for a Woman - The Political and Spiritual Power Abuse of Women Within Catholicism by Debra Maria Flint. Lantern Publishing & Media. 2024. RRP £18.99 Released in April 2024. 

This book has many reviews by eminent theologians and it has several quotes including one from the current Pope Francis. 

The text is well written and knowledgeably researched. It ranges wide in its references, and digs deep into the patriarchal heart over the long era of Christianity. It explains how the New Testament has been manipulated to disfavour women and to promote men into positions of power. It also includes a personal experience by the author that shows that today, church prejudices towards women is continuing. 

This is a powerfully insightful - and highly valuable book - that is suitable for all Christians to read. 

A penetrating and a profound and provoking account of the unjust and manipulative sexual mores of the Roman Catholic priesthood. 

Impactful and original, new material. This book will radically change your perspective! The sequel is on its way! 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

The Masks of Christ

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Masks of Christ - Behind the Lies and Cover-Ups About the Man Believed to be God by Lynn Pickett and Clive Prince.

Many religious influences are detailed, from the pagan, Samaritan, Hellenism, and other religious movements that were popular at the time Jesus lived. The controversies are discussed, such as Morton Smith’s discovery of the Secret Gospel of Mark and Jesse, and his research on magic. Topics include historical references, analysis of the Jerusalem temple, the life and acts of the Gospel writers, Gnosticism, the crucifixion of Jesus, the Baptist, St James, Joseph of Arimathea, Paul of Tarsus, Simon Peter, Josephus, Mary the Mother, and the Magdalene, Egypt, Galilee and Jerusalem, and other influences and recordings of the life of Christ. 

The Masks of Christ offers a critique of Christianity - and Christians, and a debunking of Jesus and the New Testament writings. Was Jesus a Jew? His teaching wasn’t new. Did he really have sexual intercourse with the Samaritan woman at the well?  Previously, the authors wrote ‘The Sion Revelation’, and ‘Turin Shroud - How Leonardo da Vinci Fooled History’ so their emphasis is on radically taking apart the Gospels, even one could say demolishing the entire story of Christ. 

The Bloodline of the Holy Grail

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Bloodline of the Holy Grail - The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed by Laurence Gardner. 

Kicking off, by page 4, the author is drawing attention to how far our society has degraded from the Grail ideology. The author promises to set out the Grail Code - which is one of service - of conscience, and therefore the grail transmits a true religious message across the world and across the generations. All credit to the late Laurence Gardner for recognising and teaching this ancient and vital knowledge. 

The late Laurence Gardner (died 2010) was a controversial character, a writer, researcher and one time stockbroker. He believed that the Ark of the Covenant produced monoatomic gold, a white powder that has superhuman healing properties; that aliens from other planets brought us religion; that the origins of Judaism lie in Egyptology; and that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, had children and their offspring are in the House of Stewart. He worked closely with HRH Prince Michael of Albany, Head of the Royal House of Stewart, aka Michael Roger Lafosse who has been entirely discredited. 

Rota Mundi Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Rota Mundi Tarot  - The Rosicrucian Arcanum by Daniel E Loeb. Published by REDFeather/Schiffer Publishing. Presentation boxed set of 78 Cards and Guidebook. US: $34.99 and U.K.: £31.99 
Are you seeking a very special conceptual Tarot deck in order to deliver in depth, and extraordinary readings? This is it! 
This innovative deck honours the original Fraternity of the Rose Cross, subsequent Rosicrucians and invisible colleges. Alchemy, Gnosticism, hermeticism, Kabbalah, Judeo-Christian mysticism and other antique secret knowledge sources, known only to selected members of society are revealed.

Monday 22 July 2024

Magdalene Oracle Cards

Mind Body Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Magdalene Oracle - An Ocean of Eternal Love by Toni Carmine Salerno, published by Blue Angel Publishing, 45 cards in a boxed set with instruction booklet. £17.99

Mary Magdalene is presented through the modern artwork and text of Toni Carmine Salerno, with figurative and some abstract paintings. Mary Magdalene is the bearer of infinite love and timeless wisdom and the deck can be used for personal guidance or for simple readings. For each card, a 150 word reading is supplied. 

Text description and meaning of the cards follows: 

Magdalene Manifestation Cards

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Magdalene Manifestation Cards - Create Abundance through Love by Danielle Rama Hoffman, published by Bear & Co (22/6/2023) US:$30.00 CAN$37.50 UK£20.99 

The sturdy magnetic lid box holds 44 cards and the accompanying guidebook. Hoffman is also the author of The Temples of Light, The Council of Light and The Tablets of Light. 
Each Magdalene Manifestation Card has a computerised design, a title, a subtitle, and a short message of 15 words. For example, the first card in the deck is titled “Yummy Money and is first of the Resource Codes. The subtitle is Thriving Mission and the message is ‘Money is designed to champion your mission. Let money do things for you and watch your mission thrive.” Others in the Resource Codes are titled: Sublime Time, Divine Relationships, and Radiant Energy’.”

The concept of this deck is to replace lack based consciousness with abundance and prosperity. The guidebook is extensive and the text provides a 10 word quote for each card, a 200 word message and a 400 word Application. The guidebook opens with a dedication from the author and the Magdalene Midwives, and we have lots of information about developing a higher dimensional collective intelligence, harnessing your co-creational power, deepening your Magdalene Manifestation Practice, assisting your ascension, and making intimate connections with Source and learning about Holograms. Your multi-dimensionality will expedite manifestation even while you sleep! 

The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene Cards

Mind Body Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene Inspiration Cards by Sharon Hooper and Susun Luvit published by Sanctuary Publications, Boxed set of 36 cards plus instruction booklet.

These 36 card images are taken from classical paintings, some well known, others rarer, and depict Mary Magdalene in her roles as described in The Gnostic Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of Thomas and other texts related to her roles as the the archetype of an ever unconditional loving Divine Feminine. "If Mary Magdalene were alive today, what teaching would she give to you to address your concerns? Can you recognise love in your life? How would she uplife and guide you in your life?" 
Each card carries a message from ancient texts. 

My favourite Mary Magdalene card deck! Review by Wendy Stokes

Sunday 21 July 2024

Magdalene's Lost Legacy

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Magdalene's Lost Legacy - Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity by Margaret Starbird, Published by Bear & Co, paperback and kindle. 
Patriarchy has failed us for millennia! The author, Margaret Starbird has written 7 books on the topic of Mary Magdalene’s role in the life of Jesus and has studied original Greek manuscripts to decode embedded gematria (numbers) within the New Testament texts. She has uncovered hidden aspects of the divine feminine, and the sacred partnership between Jesus and his bride, that was the earliest of Christian spiritual relationships. This secret wisdom was corrupted by St Paul and other misogynistic Church fathers. This sacred marriage of the Lamb and the Bride unites the divine aspects of the male and female, known as the 'heiros gamos'.  Margaret Starbird challenges the celibacy of Jesus replacing it with a union with Mary Magdalene that restores the female to its rightful place as bride, beloved and sacred partner, and provides a true understanding of love and commitment. 

Secrets of Mary Magdalene

Mind Body Soul Ezine Book Review: Secrets of Mary Magdalene - A Guide to Her Story, History and Heresy anthology edited by Dan Bernstein & Arne de Keijzer, published by Orion Books, kindle and paperback, 480 pages £6.99 With colour plates.

“The Untold Story of a History’s Most Misunderstood Woman!’ Well, certainly there is nothing in the New Testament to suggest that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, so how did this malign story develop, and who was the real Mary Magdalene and what do we know about her?

Secrets of Mary Magdalene

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Secrets of Mary Magdalene -A Guide to Her Story, History and Heresy by Dan Burstein and Arne de Keijzer. 

The life of Mary Magdalene is examined by the experts, with contributions from Elaine Pagels, Margaret Starbird, Merlin Stone and a host of other writers and researchers throughout all time. Each provides from their perspective who this enigmatic woman was, what do we know about her from the canonical gospels and the many other traditions that describe her as a provider, lover, outcast, harlot, wife, teacher, priestess, healer, apostle to the apostles, and in poetry, painting, fact and fiction. This book has it all! 

It is my favourite book about the Magdalene. It''s brilliant! Easy to read, with broad, fascinating, often new and exciting content. Recommended. 

14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine

Mind Body & Soul Book Review: 14 Steps to Awaken the Sacred Feminine - Women in the Circle of Mary Magdalene by Joan Norton and Margaret Starbird. Published by Bear & Co. US $14 : Can $17. 

Each chapter provides a lesson/group activity as taken from the structure of the Los Angeles Magdalene Circle based on Margaret Starbird’s work with Mary Magdalene as the married female counterpart to Jesus. This Mary is the Bridegroom, Mary of Bethany, as well as the Mary of the Gnostic gospels. Information about her life with Jesus and also her journey by boat by France. 

Each meeting involves a prayer, music, sharing of experiences, meditation, scripture reading, describing dreams, channelling, journaling, and other group and solo practices. Poems included and a rosary devoted to the Magdalene. 

Mary Magdalene, Beloved Disciple

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Mary Magdalene, Beloved Disciple by Clysta Kinstler, published by Cygnus Books, paperback 320 pages £9.95

The late Clysta Kinstler taught Women's Studies, Humanities and the Philosophy of Religion at American River College, Sacramento, California and is also the author of "Moon Under Her Feet', a biblical account of the myth of Isis and Osiris, and Inanna and Dumuzi and a connection of Mary and Jesus to the ancient stories. 
In this novel, 'Mary Magdalene, Beloved Disciple', the perspective is again in this Middle Eastern 'goddess' culture genre that is woven into the Jewish biblical narrative. Written from the perspective of Mary, as though it is her 'gospel' as the divine feminine spouse of Jesus, her story is one of love struggling against the forces of evil that beset their lives. As the goddess representative on Earth, Mary, a tower to her people, she is strong, capable, caring and sincere. With quotes from Dante's Inferno, the Old and New Testament, Bhaghavad Gita, and other sources, the topic is fleshed out into a highly readable, enjoyable and moving storyline. 

The Secret Legacy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Jesus Mary Joseph - The Secret Legacy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene by Ariadne Green published by Palm Leaf Press, 316 pages £10.80

'The truth is not hard to kill and a lie well told is immortal' Mark Twain

In the sixth century, Pope Gregory manipulated information provided in the New Testament about the life of Jesus of Nazareth, and he accused Mary Magdalene of being a prostitute! He also changed the role of Jesus and the message of his mission. This book explains that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had children, and they travelled from Judea to Egypt and then to Gaul and to Britain. This is a well researched book which provides detailed information and new material of considerable interest. I sensed whilst reading it, a peace and tranquility, and a beauty that the author, Ariadne Green, imparts to the reader. Green has a background in Educational Psychology, with a thesis in the Philosophy of Psychology, focussing on consciousness studies. She is also a dream expert who devoted ten years to producing this particular book, including a visit to places in the Middle East associated with the life of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

The Healing Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Healing Wisdom of Mary Magdalene - Esoteric Secrets of the Fourth Gospel by Jack Angelo. Published by Bear & Co. RRP US $16.00 : Can 19.50

Taking as its source the fragments of text that comprise the Gnostic Gospels, we read that Mary Magdalene was a gifted visionary and spiritual teacher and was intended to lead the Jerusalem group following the death of Jesus but was prevented by the male authority figures who were also the Disciples of Jesus. Jack Angelo had a personal insight in France that the Gospel of St John the Evangelist was actually written by Mary Magdalene to endorse the importance of women’s teaching, and bring about healing and transformation. 
A glossary and suggestions for further reading are included. 

The Chalice of the Magdalene

Mind Body Soul Ezine Book Reviews: The Chalice of the Magdalene - The Search for the Cup that Held the Blood of Christ by Graham Phillips, Paperback and Kindle formats, Published by Bear and Co.

Was the Holy Grail a cup used at the Last Supper by Jesus and his disciples? Was it able to perform miracles? Did Mary Magdalene collect the blood of Jesus in this cup when he appeared to her following his death on the cross? Was there a relic known as the Marian Chalice taken to Rome by Constantine's mother, Helen? Was a cup smuggled from Rome in 410 AD according to Olympiodorus? Was it brought to Britain for safe keeping? This book focuses on the journey of this grail. It identifies Arthur and the place where the Holy Grail is now. 

The Church of Mary Magdalene

Mind Body Soul Ezine Book Review: The Church of Mary Magdalene - The Sacred Feminine and the Treasures of Rennes-le-Chateau by Jean Markale

This book examines the connection between the Templars, the Cathars, and the enigmas of the Rennes-le-Chateau area of France, and its connection to the legends of Mary Magdalene. Does the church hold the answers to the questions that seekers ask about who Mary Magdalene was? Was she ever there? Was she married to Jesus? Did she have children? Was she a High Priestess who anointed the Priest King into his spiritual destiny? Etc. These questions are answered in the text along with the mystery of a newly appointed priest in 1885 and the unusual behaviour and strange building work that occurred during his tenure. Did he discover something valuable while renovating the church, from Roman, Templar, Cathar, or other group?  

Magdalene Mysteries

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Magdalene Mysteries - The Left Hand Path of the Feminine Christ by Seren & Azra Bertrand. Published by Bear & Co. 

Mary Magdalene, as we know from original and earliest sources was a Jewish woman who assisted Jesus and the apostles with their finances. She had seven demons driven from her by Jesus, and was at the foot of the cross when he was crucified. And she is reputed to have been the first person to see the risen Christ. Even this last point about her life is debatable. Women were not considered reliable witnesses, especially one who had been affected with 7 demons. As a Biblical persona, she has been confused with Mary of Bethany, and Mary of Egypt, hence the accusation of prostitution - a terrible slur against her name. 

This book is a NewAge/Fertility Goddess genre paperback. It’s about a pagan Mary Magdalene, coupled with assumptions and corruptions, and it’s about a different kind of Jesus to the one that is prophecies and documented in the Old & New Testaments. For 1,400 years, Mary Magdalene suffered a gross injustice, as she was accused by the Papacy of prostitution. There is nothing in the New Testament to associate her name with this way of making her money. Was Jesus a pimp living off immoral earnings? It is highly unlikely that this Mary was a prostitute, as Jewish women and the entire society were extremely sexually oppressed. At the time, with Roman soldiers in the city, disease would have been rampant amongst prostitutes and they would have been violently driven from the city. 

The Magdalene Legacy

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Magdalene Legacy - The Jesus and Mary Bloodline Conspiracy by Laurence Gardner, with colour plates, published by Element Books, Hardback and paperback: 416 pages.

This is an exploration of Mary Magdalene by the late art historian and genealogist, Laurence Gardner. He tells us of the duff stuff in the book ‘The Da Vinci Code’ by Dan Brown, and he exposes the scam of The Priory of Sion. He provides information about the French Connection, the anointing, the Nazarenes, Templars, the House of Judah, Mary and Martha at Bethany, explains who the three Marys were, Joseph of Arimathea, the Fisher King, Qumran, Sarah-Salome, the Sangreal, the Jerusalem Temple, Chartres Cathedral, the Ark of the Covenant, the Atbash Code, the messianic lineage, Leonardo da Vinci, Sophia, the Gospels, Simon Zealotes, Sts. Peter and Paul, the Old Testament, including the revelations of the names of the persons who wrote St John’s Gospel and the Book of Revelations, and he explains his take that ‘bread’ mentioned in the Lord’s Prayer was a ‘powder of projection’ that was manufactured by Karnak priests, and was the foundation of the Davidic dynasty (not what you might think but something rather incredible). And you will never believe what Joseph and Joseph of Arimathea did for a living! There are short chapters on Arthur, the Grail Castle, and the Last Supper! Revelations and more revelations, including many pages of genealogy. From Martin Malachi: “Only those of the bloodline of Jesus through his mother qualify for the designation of ‘desposyni’.” 
There is an in depth study of the days of the trial and crucifixion, grail tables and the Merovingians.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Beowulf Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Beowulf Oracle  - Wisdom from the Northern Kingdoms by John Matthews and Virginia Chandler, illustrated by Joe Machine. Published by Schiffer Publishing. Drawer pull quality boxed set of 22 cards with instruction book. U.K. £29.99  US  $29.99

“Fate will often save a uncursed man, if his strength is constant.” 

Hwaet! Listen!  This is the first word of the Beowulf poem which tells a long tale of huge difficulties, dangers, interpersonal relationships, battles and treasures, and great acts of courage. 

Friday 19 July 2024

The Language of Letting Go

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie. 

A book of 365 advice style meditations provided on a daily reading basis. Melody shares her recommendations for letting go of anxiety, despondency, needyness, frustrations, and other common problems, replacing them with confidence, joy, self understanding and positivity. Each daily meditation is followed by a one sentence prayer. AA and other similar programmes for recovery from addictions, codependency and compulsions are the foundation of this book. 

Recommended. Review by Wendy Stokes

Thursday 18 July 2024

Talking Story

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review - One Woman’s Quest to Preserve Ancient Spiritual and Healing Traditions by Marie-Rose Phan-le. Published by North Atlantic Books. RRP US $18.95 : Can $22.50 

“God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches you by means of opposites, that you need two wings to fly not one.” Rumi

“What is good is bad!” Author’s mother’s philosophy. 

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Goddess Spirit Oracle Deck

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Goddess Spirit Oracle Deck. Writer & Artist, Rachael Johnson, published by Blue Angel Publishing, 44 cards with accompanying Guidebook. Card size: 12cm x 17cm £18.99

Women (and girls - though none older than middle age) and of varying nationalities feature in this deck by full time U.K. artist and designer Rachael Johnson, now residing in Australia’s Gold Coast. The card deck is divided into 7 Chakra Energy cards, 11 Arcana Goddess cards, 7 The Septuple, and 8 Lunar Energy cards. Many of the goddesses mentioned in this oracle helped Rachael Johnson to create it and we are instructed to follow our own intuition when using the cards, whether connecting to feminine power of the Lunar Energy or honouring and connecting to the Arcana cards by placing them on your altar. You can also draw a card and keep a journal of your thoughts and experiences, or use the cards for divination. 

Lost Oracle Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Lost Oracle - Ancient wisdom to find your way in a modern world by Fiona Horne. Boxed set of 36 cards and full colour guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. RRP : US $24?95 : UK £18.99 

Sample card: 36 Chalice of Charity. Here is a promise of sustenance, abundance and replenishment. This cup offers also sanctity and safe passage for those who go with the flow of life. Drink from it and there will be blessings of emotional momentum, helping you to get past old worn out attitudes and trapped emotional states. This is the cup of plenty, offering fluidity, adaptability and transformation. 

This is a chalice of enchantment and emotional abundance which replenishes your reservoir and nurtures seeds of positivity. Be confident in the energy that is foretold when this card is drawn. Like the Holy Grail of King Arthur’s legend, Chalice of Charity serves as a supreme source of refreshment by providing drink that never depletes. 

Mystical Healing Oracle Review

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Mystical Healing Oracle - Intuitive guidance to transform your soul by Inna Segal. Boxed set of 36 cards and full colour Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. RRP US $26.95 : UK £19.99

Sample Card: Number 11. 

Examine Your integrity - stand strong in your convictions. Your “I” has been weakened, which means that you are vulnerable to other peoples influence. Only you can decide, through clear objective thinking and feelings, what is the best for you in the situation. Take the time to go within, to look at the bigger picture. Ask what are the long-term consequences of your decision. You are being asked to examine your personal integrity and make a stand for something that aligns with your strongest ideals. The choices you make now will not only impact your life but also your experience in the spiritual worlds and your future life. Even though you may feel that you are giving up a fantastic opportunity, be aware that new, potent possibilities are opening up and these possibilities will allow you to influence others in a truly positive manner, thereby creating ripples of goodness in the world.

Monday 15 July 2024

Alchemystic Woodcut Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Alchemystic Woodcut Tarot - Secret Wisdom of the Ages by D W Prudence, published by Red Feather. £33.99 Quality boxed set of 78 cards and guidebook. Card Size: 5” x 3.5”. 

Daniel W Prudence is known as Dwell With Prudence. He is a hypnotherapist with a background in esoteric topics, such as symbolism, alchemy, Kabbalah and Tarot. The deck has numerous quotes from the Judaeo-Christian Bible making the deck’s system religious in nature, and leaning towards Christianity.


The Holy Grail

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Holy Grail - Its Origins, Secrets & Meaning Revealed by Malcolm Godwin.  

Early Grail and Arthurian stories are brought to life in this full colour book, which is related in the present tense, with explanations, comparisons, illustrations, and providing major events whilst keeping the poetic beauty and complexity of the original texts. All the great Grail personages are included: the Fool, Le Conte del Graal, Peredur, Parzival, Lancelot, The Fisher King, Maidens of the Well and the Lady of the Fountain, the Castle, Mary Magdalene, and the Black Virgin and many others. The hallowed relics: the sword, the paten, the cup, and the spear are also described. The book leads us to the question, the Wasteland, the hero’s path, the female principle, and to Tarot cards which are majored at the end of the book. 

Kenya - My Story Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Kenya - My Story by J. L. McKinney. Published by Michael Terence Publishing. (Release date 12th July, 2024)  RRP: £12.99 

This is a true and moving story of Jeanette’s life in Kenya - but who goes on holiday to Africa and decides to stay to start a business? Jeanette was always an adventurer, like Voltaire’s Candide, she lives life to the maximum! Who could believe that she survived three years in the sleazy, seedy and sordid backwaters of an African Mafia hell hole? She did because she is resilient, strong and caring, and had love in her life, however misguided it was! 

Enthralling, entertaining and exciting! Shocking and disturbing! A sequel is being prepared! 

Sunday 14 July 2024

The Spiritual Roots of the Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Spiritual Roots of the Tarot - The Cathar Code Hidden in the Cards by Russell A Sturgess. Published by Inner Traditions. US $24.99 : CAN $31.50 Quality paperback 
339 pages. 

Many photos are included including full colour glossy images to illustrate the text which covers what is described as the Western Tradition of Mindfulness that has its roots in Christian Gnosticism, and includes the Medieval Theology of Love - sacred knowledge of the holy grail that leads to inner peace and enlightenment. The author, Russell Sturgess was conducting research into the Tarot when he realised that the Cathars, when accused of heresy, had hidden their Gnostic Christian wisdom teachings within the Major Arcana of the Marseilles Tarot card images. The Magician and the Strength cards hold keys to recalibrating Christ consciousness alongside particular cards within the deck that act as pivotal energies to take us from ignorance to awareness, and through to what the Cathars referred to as the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ which is presented within these cards. These are medieval mysteries for our modern day. 

Saturday 13 July 2024

A Guide to Sacred Activism

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: A Guide to Sacred Activism By Andrew Harvey  Paperback £10.99  Published by Hay House Author website:

Andrew Harvey is 2011 winner of the prestigious Nautilus Silver Award for Social Change and is the founder of the international Institute for Sacred Activism and the Academy of Sacred Leadership. He has taught at Oxford and Cornell and other prestigious universities. He is known as a modern day visionary and mystic but, for me, his role is close to that of the Old Testament prophets; urgently warning, kindly admonishing and desperately pleading to prevent planetary suicide. 

The Spirit of Nature Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Spirit of Nature Oracle - Ancient Wisdom from the Green Man and the Celtic Ogam Tree Alphabet by John Matthews and Will Worthington. Published by Eddison Books Ltd. Boxed set of 25 cards plus book. Deck previously known as "The Green Man Tree Oracle".

“It is wise to listen to the voices of the trees for they tell us much that we might otherwise forget” Tacitus.

Pieces of bark or stone with letters from the Celtic alphabet known as Ogam have been used for divination for 1,600 years. Information about this 'secret' alphabet, sacred groves and the Green Man are provided in the companion book.  Each card carries an image of one of the sacred trees of the Celtic people, with the title of the tree and the Ogam letter it represents. For each tree, a divinatory meaning, tradition and lore are supplied. 

Friday 12 July 2024

In Between Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: In Between Tarot by Janine Worthington and Art by Franco Rivoli. Published by Lo Scarabeo. 

We have the Before Tarot and the After Tarot which add to the understanding of the RWS deck. This one focuses on the energies between the cards and how they link together, and relate to the cards either side of the one chosen. They are idea, for single card readings, and for single card meditation. There are zodiac, numerology alchemical and pagan hints. Wands are fire, Pentacles are Earth, Swords are Air and Cups are Water. 

Thursday 11 July 2024

Rainbow Tribe

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Rainbow Tribe - Ordinary People Journeying on the Red Road by Ed McGoo - Eagle Man. Published by Harper San Francisco.
The author, Ed McGaa known as Eagle Man is a Oglala Sioux, born on a reservation with the number 15287 who joined the marine corps and became a fighter pilot. He holds a law degree from the University of South Dakota and is the author of many books on spirituality and philosophy. This book is dedicated to several First Nation teachers who the author admires “to the rare warriors with special courage to go out to the lonely edge - the chasm of change - where the detractors are many and the supporters are few.”
Who are the Rainbows? “Rainbow people work in cities and towns. Some are housewives raising their young. Rainbows work, thrive, vote, pay taxes, abide by laws, and our drug-free, abstain from or rarely touch alcohol, and do what almost everyone else does legally in this land. They also do ceremony and have found a closer connection to the creative entity all around them. 

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Loftus: The Hall of Dreams Extract


Chapter III. The House of the Dead

“There had stood a great house in the centre of the gardens, where now was left only that fragment of ruin. This house had been empty for a great while; years before his—the ancient man’s—birth. It was a place shunned by the people of the village, as it had been shunned by their fathers before them. There were many things said about it, and all were of evil. No one ever went near it, either by day or night. In the village it was a synonym of all that is unholy and dreadful.”

~ William Hope Hodgson, The House on the Borderland

Saturday 6 July 2024

Gilded Reverie Lenormand

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Gilded Reverie Lenormand Gold Edged 'Expanded Edition' by Ciro Marchetti published by U S Games Systems Inc. 47 cards with explanatory book.

The card faces have a contemporary computer graphic presentation, a number and playing card information. Added to the 36 Lenormand deck, the author has added 8 special supplementary cards with information on how to use the extra cards in a reading. There is a simple Nine-Card Spread with sample reading, The Fortune-Telling Day Spread with 9 cards with sample provided, The Chocolate Box Spread with 18 cards and sample. I find the images are easy to connect with and inspire my readings. I like these cards very much and appreciate the extra cards in the Expanded Edition. If  I had to use one word, I would say 'glamorous!' 

Healing Through Indigenous Wisdom

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Healing Through Indigenous Wisdom by Valerie Ringland PhD. Published by Rockpool Publishing. RRP US $18.95 : UK £16.99 

This work book helps you to deepen your understanding of yourself and others. By learning about indigenous cultures, we learn about our own. It is designed to be used each week over the course of a year and it provides exercises and space to record your perceptions. In addition to altars, animals, ceremonies, stories and other shamanic topics, it covers personal trauma, addictions, emotional problems that beset all people wherever they are in the world. It is an exceptional book and one that brings about change through guidance and life wisdom gained from older tribal cultures. 

The Jolanda Witch Tarot

Mind Body & Soulja Ezine Card Deck Review: The Jolanda Witch Tarot - The Healing Art of Magic by Rosie Bjorkman & Hans Arnold. Boxed set of 78 cards and Guidebook. Published by Findhorn Press. RRP US $40.00 : Can $49.99

This Tarot deck has a strong female emphasis. It also has a witchcraft theme, which covers female archetypes, animal guides, esoteric symbolism, alchemy, and shamanic, Theosophy, Jungian psychology and many other traditions. The author is known as Jolanda the Witch. She trained in the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society and this is her ‘method’ of reading Tarot. The artist is Hans Arnold who has produced a very nice RWS influenced deck with clear images and nice colouring. 

Friday 5 July 2024

The Journey Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Journey Oracle - Discover Your Personal Pathway by Adrienne Trafford  Boxed set of 46 Cards published by Schiffer Publishing, RRP £22.99 $24.99 

The stylised figurative female images are pleasant and strong, most are portraits which accompany a hundred words of text that explains what the card says, and what the card means. The artist and deck creator, Adrienne Trafford studied art in Italy and graduated from Kutztown University. She is a charity worker and enjoys dog rehoming. 

Sample Card: 6 Desire: What the card says: Your craving is like a thirst that cannot be easily sated. 

Thursday 4 July 2024

Mystical Kipper

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Mystical Kipper is a very elegant deck of 36 fortune telling cards, created by Regula Elizabeth Fiechter and the artist, Urban Trosch, and published by the card deck specialist, AGM Urania.

Sample: Tree is numbered 17 and is titled 'Receiving a Gift'. It shows a Christmas tree with fairy lights. Gifts are laid out around its base, we guess who purchased these, and who they are for and what might be inside the wrapping paper. Will this be a happy Xmas event. Someone has gone to much trouble to create a perfect setting. It is a card which draws us to the creation of  homely happiness and sharing a time of celebration with others.    

The Mystical Kipper cards, however, do not depict all sweetness and light! Some cards highlight the more difficult aspects of life which are ever present for the unsuspecting. There are false persons, unhappiness, prison, bereavement, and other dangers. All 36 cards can be laid in an 'All Cards' spread, nine cards in four rows and the cards are read horizontally, diagonally and vertically. 

 This is a delightful deck, as is it's companion, the Mystical Lenormand, by the same creators, Fiechter and Trosch. I like to use the Mystical Kipper cards alongside the Lenormand Cards to create a 72 card combined deck. There is sufficient information in the little white booklet in the deck packs to get the beginner started. 

Earth Song Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Earth Song Oracle - Guidance and Wisdom from Mother Nature by Tarn Ellis. boxed set of 36 cards and Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing/ RRP £18.99 

Tarn Ellis provides advice and inspiration from nature in this modern oracle card deck. The box glints with red gold highlights and the cards are edged with the same red gold. 

Biographical information in the opening pages and how to use the oracle, such as pick a card at random when you need it or ask a question and pick a card. There are also useful spreads, such as the 3 card Timeline or the Five-Card Flower. Each card image offers a red earthy clay colour, a number, a title,  subtitle and short sentence of guidance. In the Guidebook, there is a 200 word ‘song’ of understanding of the energy of the card’s title, and a 200 word piece of advice. 

Feminine Wisdom Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Feminine Wisdom Oracle - Awaken Your Intuitive Energy by Lea Androic. Boxed set of 36 Cards and full colour Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. RRP £19.99 (1st August 2024)

Yellow gold highlights glint from the sturdy box which contains the cards and instruction book. The card edges are also yellow gold leafed and tied with a pink satin ribbon. This Oracle is designed to awaken femininity, provide good life advice and strengthen intuition and wellbeing. 

Sample: 17. Kindness. A beautiful quality that is love in action; being considerate and generous. When, in doubt, choose kindness, for your kindness, heels, hearts and nurtures peoples souls. It’s important to be kind to yourself, and to heal your inner child. You must show yourself compassion and empathy. Choose to realise that we are all flawed and that it is absolutely okay to make mistakes. Offer yourself the gentle hand that you so often and selfishly give to others. Affirmation, I am worthy of my own kindness. 

Botanical Inspirations

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Botanical Inspirations Deck and Book Set by Lynn Araujo, published by US Games Systems, Inc. Boxed set of 44 cards plus guidebook and pull out chart and card bag.

Full colour prints of illustrative paintings of 44 different flowers with the common name, Latin or other name, with keywords and a quotation. The booklet provides symbolism, flower lore, legend, hidden messages and affirmations. A Three-card reading and the Past, Present and Future reading is provided with examples. One card can be used for daily inspiration. Pick a card at random, look at the image and message. Close your eyes and meditate and make this image come alive. As it grows in your mind's eye, reach out your hand to feel its petals, put your face to the flower, feel its coolness on your brow, put it to your lips and feel its texture! Every day you choose a card, you will be given the gift of this flower until you choose another!

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Great Eastern Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Car Deck Review: Great Eastern Oracle - Empowering Guidance of the Mystics from Ancient to Modern Times by Rassouli. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Boxed set of 44 cards with accompanying Guidebook. £18.99 

Rassouli lives in Southern California. He lives a vigil of love through the surrendered heart, exhibiting his artwork, and writing inspirational books and creating card decks. He is the oracle creator and artist. This Oracle is based on the unknown with ideas from the great sages. The card images reflect the mystery contained within. There are differences between Eastern and Western philosophy, with self realisation from the East and self-creation from the West. This oracle is the Eastern, and we await the publication of the deck of the Western sages. 

Spiritsong Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Spiritsong Tarot by Paulina Cassidy, published by US Games Inc. Boxed set of 78 cards plus information booklet. Cards size: 3" x 5" Price Point: UK £15.34 US S17.99  

All 78 cards (Major and Minor Arcana) are individual artworks where animals rest in a fairyland bower of swirls, flowers. leaves and dots, like sand on a dreamlike seashore. The deck unites the traditional wisdom of tarot cards with the shamanic tradition, where animals provide spirit guidance and learning. The intention of this combination is to provide empowerment and insight, and connection to our higher self through the traditional wisdom of animals.

The four suits are: Acorns for wands, Feathers for swords, Shells for cups, and Crystals for pentacles. Each card carries an image, title and a few keywords. Some cards have had a creative name change: The Fool is now The Traveller; the Hierophant is Shaman; The Lovers is Love; Death is Transformation; The Devil is The Shadow, and others, always erring on the side of a positive and uplifting meaning. The booklet provides greater information on how to use the cards, their more advanced meaning, and suggested spreads, such as: One Card Oracle Reading, Three Card Oracle Reading, The Spiritsong Star (6 cards); The Spiritsong Healing (6 cards) and the Spiritsong Tree of Life (10 cards). Reversed meanings are included and the card backs do not expose which way the cards are laid.

Dog Speak Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dog Speak Cards - How To Learn Your Pup’s Body Language Published by Rockpool Publishing. Pack of 24 self explanatory cards RRP US $14.95 : UK £12.99 Released 4th July 2024

Each of the cards has an image and a title. They are divided into 2 suits, one is How to Teach Your Dog This behaviour, such as Sit, Stay, Lie Down, etc., and What You Should Do If You See This, such as Eating Grass, Chasing Tail, Panting, etc. 

On the back of the cards are explanations in 150 words. 

Helpful tips in card form. Designed to be given as a gift to new dog owners. 

What Would Britney Do?

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: What Would Britney Do? pack of 24 cards. Published by  Rockpool Publishing. RRP US $14.95 : UK £12.95 29th August 2024

Each card carries an attractive artwork of Britney Spears and a title. On the back of the cards is the information about the artwork, and a 30 word life advice/guidance. 

Sample: Own It Take charge of everyone and everything in your domain. With a cast of 44 dancers, magicians, clowns and acrobats Britney really was the ringleader of her very own circus. She called the shots and commanded the stage through this amazing performance.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Tarot of Dreams

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Ciro Marchetti's 'Tarot of Dreams' boxed set of 83 cards plus written guidebook by Lee Bursten, published by U S Games Systems Inc.

These cards are inspired by dreams, but not the type of daydreams or fantasies, hopes or inspirations, but by the dreams we have at night whilst we sleep and are a communication between the unconscious and the conscious mind and lead us to greater personal understanding and understanding of the world's collective unconscious. The cards are designed to inspire us to develop new perspectives, examine our associations and to encourage us to think creatively. Our learning can be limitless.

Fenestra Tarot Review

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Fenestra Tarot by Chatriya, Published by US Games Systems Inc. £18.75 Pack contains 78 cards and instruction leaflet. Card size: 3” x 5” (7 x 12 cm). 

Thai artist Chatriya Hemharnvibul has produced this very beautiful card deck, having previously produced artwork for Wicca Cards. Definitely a fine colourist and expert figurative painter, the artwork will delight. The title of the deck ‘Fenestra’ means ‘windows’ in Latin and the intention behind the title is to open windows within the imagination. I think this is a deck, created by a female for females, due to its gentleness and soft energy. Only a little white information insert with very basic information in several European languages is included in the pack but the artwork of the cards says it all! 

Mythos Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Mythos Tarot - Guidance from the Greek Gods by Helena Elias. Published by Rockpool Publishing. Boxed set of 78 cards and guidebook. 

These Tarot cards feature both Gods and Goddesses in the Greek pantheon. It is a very modern deck. The images are glamorous photographic models, very fashionable and very Hollywood! The cards are edged with gold leaf and are glossy card stock. The images are young trendy types, with facial make up, and wearing crowns, with rays emerging from their head. The author was a senior fashion designer and her commercial work has been featured on billboards in Times Square. 

Visconti Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck review : Visconti Tarot - An Extraordinary example of Renaissance Art, published by Lo Scarabeo. 

From the distinguished specialist card publisher, Lo Scarabeo, this is the perfect gift for a tarot enthusiast! These are most beautiful images from the earliest known tarot decks (1300s) - known as Visconti-Sforza. They are displayed in museums across the world or owned by privileged private collectors. Tarot experts think that the tarot was probably designed for education purposes, not for divination: this was a development that occurred later, most likely in the 18th century. These cards offer beautiful works of art which can be appreciated by using a jeweller's eye glass to see the detail. 

Shaman Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Shaman Tarot by Massimiliano Filadoro, Sabrina Ariganello and Alessia Pastorello. Published by Lo Scarabeo.

The path of the shaman is to heal the world, care for other species, live in harmony with others, to see sacredness in water, stones, trees and all nature, and trance to travel the Otherworld for messages of wisdom and compassion. The time is right to be working with these energies! 

All Major and Minor cards have new titles. Drums are Earth Pentacles, Bows are Air Swords, Bones are Fire Wands, and Stones are Water Cups. Court cards are Page, Knight, Queen and King. 

Arcanum Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Arcanum Tarot, published by Lo Scarabeo.

From the word ‘arcanum’, meaning mystery or secret, this Tarot deck has been named. The images are digitally produced photos, ideal for modern, young, readers and enquirers, created by Renata Lechner, with author, Jaymi Elford who authored the Steampunk, the Art Nouveau, and the Runic Tarot decks. 

Based on Rider Waite Tarot, Court Cards are traditional King, Queen, Knight, and Page. Cups are blue, Pentacles are green, Wands are gold, and Swords are blue/grey. 

This deck is included in the Total Tarot Collection course, Magazine numbers 18 & 19.