Saturday, 8 February 2025

The Tantric Dakini Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Tantric Dakini Oracle by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger. Published by Destiny Books. 65 Cards and instruction book in quality drawer pull presentation box. US $35 : Can $39.99

“Look into the mirror of your mind - The home of the Secret Dakini.”

The sandstone Ranipur Jharial Temple in Sambalpur region of India dates from the 8th century when it was an initiation centre. It has 64 statues of the Dakini goddesses surrounding an inner court space where there is a statue of Shiva dancing. These are the inspiration for this oracle deck. 

The Dakinis are aspects of archetypal energies. They is a comparison with the Tarot and a parallel as the 22 Dakinis relate to the 22 cards of the Tarot’s Major Arcana. The further 40 cards in the Tantric Dakini Oracle relate to the Tarot’s pip cards. This deck has 4 elemental suits of 10 cards, and 3 Time Cards that represent the Past, Present and Future. 

Thursday, 6 February 2025

The Wandering Star Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Wandering Star Tarot written and illustrated by Cat Pierce. Boxed set of 80 cards and guidebook. Published by Hay House. Nov 2021UK: £22

“Gather Knowledge. Love deeply. Soak in joy.”

Sample: 3 of Cups: The air is positively crackling with possibility! Pleasures, flirtations, and frovoloty beckon. They beg you to indulge a bit – to leave cars behind, laugh, heartily, and enjoy the lighthearted energy that is costing through you. You have worked hard and been very diligent, and you deserve a moment of fun. Seek out friends and family members, who are light and easy and help raise your vibration. Avoid and put up a boundary against people who drain your precious life for us. This is the time to emerge. The bear is positively crackling with possibility! Pleasures, flirtations, and for Valatie Beaconsfield. They beg you to indulge a bit – to leave cars behind, laugh, heartily, and enjoy the lighthearted energy that is costing through you. You have worked hard and been very diligent, and you deserve a moment of fun. Seek out friends and family members, who are light and easy and help raise your vibration. Avoid and put up a boundary against people who drain your precious life for us. This is the time to energise and soak in an abundance of earthly delights… So be careful not to overindulge! Too much of a good thing can also text the spirit. A day without laughter is a day wasted.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Messages from the Spirits of Nature Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Messages from the Spirits of Nature Oracle by Dr Steven D Farmer. published by Hay House. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. UK £14.99 : US $22.99 : Can $29.99

Sample Card: 36 Snake : Shedding. In many belief systems and mythologies, the snake is seen as a living representation of the duality of good and evil, as a deity, the soul of life, the gateway to the heavens, a healing force, or an embodiment of the underworld. Once such example is the caduceus, an emblem with two snakes intertwined around a pole. Several times a year, snakes shed their skin in one continuous piece. The body grows, but the skin does not, and a new layer was generated, while the old is discarded like clothes that no longer fit. The process takes a few days, during which it’s important that the snake is not disturbed. Unlike the dragonfly butterfly, there is no physical transformation from the shedding just a bigger snake and a larger skin. It’s an inevitable transition for you, and one where you will still be you, yet with a greater sense of purpose, and a willingness to continue changing as each new era in your life presents itself. Though some struggle, you must trust the process, a bigger self will emerge. 

The Tree of Life Oracle Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Tree of Life Oracle by David Wells. Published,I shed by Hay House. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. RRP UK £14.99 : US $22.99 : Can $29.99

Sample card 19th Path: Strength/Lust Defending the weak, peacekeeping, sincerity.  

Here you’re confronted with your own shadow. Examine the stories you have told yourself about your life. Confront them. Be courageous and self-assured. Strength isn’t always loud. There are conditions in your life that are no longer serving you. A bitter cup is offered in these circumstances. The first sip is the regrets, but as you drink deeper, it turns into a honeyed elixir. You have removed your distasteful pride, and found what makes life sweeter. You may also find someone who needs support, perhaps defending them or lifting them up through your encouraging words and actions. Be a defender of those in need and ask what you can do to help. It may be making a donation of time, company, money, etc., you feed your soul. 

The Priestess of Light Oracle Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Priestess of Light Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor & Kimberly Webber. Boxed set of 53 cards and Guidebook. Published by Hay House. RRP UK £16.99 : US $21.99 : Can $28.99 

Sample Card: 44 Harvest - Gathering of Blessings. The Priestess of the Harvest gazes at an ear of corn, with great reverence and appreciation for the sustenance provided by the soil, a sacred blessing from Mother Earth. There is a project where you devoted much effort, and you are about to reap the rewards. You have planted, nurtured and will reap the fruits of your labour. What work is yet to be done? Consider  the best course of action and make that a priority. Remember to notice how cause-and-effect work in your life. Even as you are harvesting, the blessings of past actions, you are planting the seeds of future outcomes. Ready yourself for your harvest, also know that your thanks and gratitude for the gifts will seed the energetic fields with even more joyous results. Affirmation, I worked joyously on my achievements and goals and I continue to plant, and to nourish my future. I appreciate all the support and sustenance that the universe offers me. 

Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid. Boxed set of 52 cards and guidebook. Published by Hay House. RRP UK £18.99 :US $24.99 : Can $33.99 

Sample card: 51 Truth. 

Truth in word and deed is required of you. As well as resonating with your own personal truth, it’s important now to also demand exacting truth from others. We must enquire “is this real?” “Am I hearing truth or is that a lie?” Am I speaking honestly, or am I lying and manipulating to get what I want?” Remember, even a white lie will cause your light to fade and you will lose power, not gain it. A lie is a very low vibration of the ego world, ruled by separation and limitation. It a seduction by the lower world and serves no-one but the forces of darkness. This card reminds you to remain in the light of truth, even if it seems like a more difficult path. Truth will build a bridge across the chasm. Truth will lend you a magic wand of strength and integrity. Truth is freedom and provides blessings. 

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue PhD Published by Hay House £13.99 for box of 44 cards plus explanatory booklet.

Always good quality card stock at Hay House. The deck is designed for divinatory use for oneself or for others. The cards are of excellent quality, the artwork is detailed and can stand the scrutiny of a jeweler's eyeglass. 44 popular Goddesses are profiled with their history and function and a channelled message from each. The book offers an alphabetical list of each of the goddesses, instructions on working with the cards, how to consecrate and store the cards, how to give a card reading (including the use of inverted cards), how to choose which goddess to work with and how to invoke the goddesses.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Eros Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Eros Oracle - 
'He loves me, He loves me not' is created by by Laura Tuan. 

The secrets and symbols of The Eros Oracle offer a key to sexuality and describes facets of love - not all hunky dory as we know! It is obviously created for women and comes in a pack of 32 cards, an explanatory booklet (as well as a little white book of five European languages) with information about how to bless the cards with a rose and candle, red hot chillies, red pepper grains and Rose Quartz. There are three suits with different coloured borders. The cards have titles, such as malice, ecstasy, possess, dominion, caress, arousal, play, jealousy and guilt. There is much beauty about the artwork which is glamourous and tasteful, and has sensitive reproductions of the female in various states of undress. It is mischievous and flirtatious, titilating and teasing. 

The Green World Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Green World Oracle by Kathleen Jenks. Art by Sandra Stanton. Presentation box set of 33 cards and Guidebook. Published by Schiffer Books. RRP US $39.99 : UK £26.00

In the extensive Guidebook, we are given for each card, a number, a title, a quote, a painting and notes from the artist. Then the deep dive begins for each card with The Mythic World, a delicious, poetical and magical write up, nourishing, and vast in its understanding, The Botany/History describes more about the particular plant and its healing and health abilities. Then comes The Reading. When you know all about the card chosen, then you give the reading. Upright and Reversed positions are detailed. 

The deck is dedicated to the Earth’s trees and plants and the humans who seek wisdom. Taking its titles from trees and the natural world, we find a bible of ancient and natural law. 

Wisdom of the Elders Oracle Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review:  Wisdom of the Elders Oracle by Shawn Leonard, Published by Hay House. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. RRP UK £14.99 : US$21.99 : Can $28.99 

Sample card: 29 Sacred Journey Transformation. Butterfly teaches us that we are on a sacred journey. We have a unique and individual path, with distinct challenges. Sometimes we must struggle, but in the end, we achieve spiritual growth. Butterfly will change and evolve, and will be beautiful because of that transformation. This is symbolic of the sacred journey where we gain immeasurable levels of wisdom and knowledge. The gift we earn through the hardships are that we become more spiritual. What can you gain from this lesson? What can you learn from this experience?  Changes are inevitable. Embrace the teachings of butterfly and transform effortlessly. Take note of the cycles and patterns. Are you currently in an egg stage, possibly giving birth to some new area of life? A caterpillar phase, requiring a major decision to be made? Are you presently wrapped in a cocoon nurturing and developing the changes taking place? Or have you reached your metamorphosis where you are being called to break out of your shell and show the world your true self?

The Shaman’s Dream Oracle Reviews

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Shaman’s Dream Oracle, a collaboration between Alberto Villoldo and Colette Baron-Reid, illustrated by Jena DellaGrottaglia, published by Hay House. RRP UK £18.99 : US $29.99 Can $39.99 Boxed set of 64 cards and guidebook. 

Sample card! Covenant. Number 7. Commitment to a sacred contract and the greater good is required now. This covenant is an insurance agreement that needs to be renewed or cancelled or torn up. It is an opportunity that is full of promise, but can you sign and seal the deal and commit to it? The contract has been elevated to a sacred covenant which must be founded on truth. Not your truth, or anyone else’s truth, but objective truth which is a greater truth that takes the destiny of all into account. The covenant is not about your agenda, and spirit is invited to come to the table as guarantor. You must assess what you sign up to. Your integrity must not be compromised. You must be transparent, honest and fair. Nothing hidden from view. State your commitment and purpose witnessed by spirit. 

Tarot and the Gates of Light

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Tarot and the Gates of Light - A Kabbalistic Path to Liberation by Mark Horn, paperback, 530 pages published by Destiny Books.

This is a workbook to assist the student to gain enlightenment through an ancient Kabbalistic cleansing ritual known as ‘Counting the Omer’. This practice traditionally began at Passover and continued for 49 days to Shavuot or what many know as Pentecost or Whit (white) Sunday. Tarot cards are used here - b/w drawings of the Rider Waite deck are provided within the text, in this newly designed method, which incorporates Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim texts and has therefore, an ecumenical base that does not exclude anyone of these religions, or none.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

The Storyteller’s Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Storyteller’s Tarot by David Pasquale. Boxed set of 78 cards and Guidebook. RRP £18.99 Published by Hay House

Sample card! Five of Coins - The Snake. Legend tells us that the snake had four legs but it attacked humans. The Jade Emperor gave a command to cut them off. The snake made amends, and gave his body to traditional medicine after he died. He was then rewarded with a place in the zodiac. Snakes are determined creatures, private and reticent. Snakes are wise, but easily stressed and require their own space and time. Upright: adversity, and worry, misfortune, isolation. Reversed: spiritual poverty, recovering from financial loss, isolation. This card can mean that financial loss is currently a reality or  important in your life has been lost, a job, a home or financial stability. You may be wondering when help is going to arrive, but you must ask. 

California based David Pasquale is a character designer in the animation industry and his characters are highly individual and enjoyable to work with. 

Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle

Psychic News Magazine Oracle Card Deck Review: Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle by Abiola Abrams. Boxed set of 43 cards and Guidebook. Published by Hay House. RRP £17.99 (12th March 2024)

“You are made with the legacy of love. You are stardust. You are a library. You are a sacred heir to the queendom of the Divine.”

From the inside box cover: Whether or not you know your ancestors - they know you. Spirit was our first ancestor. 

Abiola explains that we have been given a blessed assignment by our ancestors to evolve our consciousness, awaken our life purpose and clarify our truths. This Oracle helps us to do this by connecting to spirit guardians, guides and ascended masters who reveal this assignment and assist us with its undertaking. These ancestors can intercede with the Divine on our behalf to help us along this spiritual path. Our ancestors have prayed for us to connect with them and wish to show us our sacred inheritance and help us to deepen our wisdom. Our ancestors might not be blood relatives. They can be community or cultural ancestors, and can also be animals and plants that are linked to the land and which help with our healing and empowerment. One day, we will be an ancestral spirit and can start today with this responsibility. 

Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle - Connecting to Your Family Lineage, Exploring Modern Ancestral Veneration, and Revealing Divine Guidance Cards by Abiola Abrams. Boxed set of 45 cards and guidebook. Published by Hay House. Launch March 2024 

“You are made with the legacy of love. You are stardust. You are a library. You are a sacred heir to the queendom of the Divine.” From the inside box cover: Whether or not you know your ancestors - they know you. Spirit was our first ancestor. 

We have been given a blessed assignment by our ancestors to evolve our consciousness, awaken our life purpose and clarify our truths, and this Oracle helps us to do this by connecting to spirit guardians, guides and ascended masters who reveal this assignment and assist us with its undertaking. These ancestors can intercede with the Divine on our behalf to help us along this spiritual path. Our ancestors have prayed for us to connect with them and wish to show us our sacred inheritance and help us to deepen our wisdom. Our ancestors might not be blood relatives. They can be community or cultural ancestors, and can also be animals and plants that are linked to the land and which help with our healing and empowerment. One day, we will be an ancestral spirit and can start today with this responsibility. 

The Enchanted Love Tarot

Mind, Body & Soul Card Deck Review: The Enchanted Love Tarot  - The Lover’s Guide to Dating, Mating and Relating by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber. Published by Red Feather. Boxed set of 78 cards (12.5 cm x 7.5cm) and guidebook. US $34.99 : U.K. £22.68  Visit:

A beautiful romantic tapestry collection of 78 works of needlecraft art by Amy Zerner feature in this card deck of love, written by her loving husband and business partner, Monte Farber. Both are tarot experts who have produced excellent decks, such as the Enchanted Tarot, that is one of my all time favourites. This deck offers insightful and timeless spiritual advice on how to find a soul mate, how to become a better lover, how to improve relationships in general by caring and forgiving. The first part of any relationship is to know ourselves, and to get in touch with the divine within ourselves, the part that admits to mistakes, solves relationship problems with the best intentions for both parties, involves mutual decision making, making each other our priority, and become the person that God wants us to be. 

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Gaian Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Gaian Tarot - Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves text and artwork by Joanna Powell Colbert, published by Schiffer Books, quality boxed set of 78 cards and guidebook. 

I am immediately attracted to the title, as caring for the Earth Goddess is also caring for ourselves and for future generations. For me, the New Age is about Earth centred spirituality, and this deck has this important emphasis. This is Tarot for those who love the natural world. It has been 9 years in the making and is a spiritual weathervane to connect us to the Divine Feminine. It is presented as an eco course to raise planetary consciousness. The author is a teacher and workshop facilitator, the deck  highlights the importance of indigenous species and the dangers of imported species. She is a sage woman, one of the wisdom keepers of the Goddess spirituality movement and she presents the deck as a tool for inner awareness and guidance. 

The Robin Wood Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Robin Wood Tarot, created and written by Robin Wood and Michael Short. Published by Llewellyn Publications. 

Robin Wood passed into higher life earlier in 2021 with carcinoma. She is hugely missed and was well known for her visionary artwork of dragons for board and internet role playing games, Second Life, etc.  This deck took nearly a decade to design. It combines traditional tarot with natural symbolism. It is much loved by pagans with its expressive artwork that is full of tarot and pagan symbolism. 

Meditate on each card and make a note of your associations and emotions as this information will become your own personal guide to interpreting this deck. 

There are standard card titles,  with 5 sentences of meaning for uprights and 5 for reversed. Pentacles, Wands, Swords and Cups; Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages. 3 layouts are suggested: The 15-Card, The 10-Card and The 5-Card. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Chinese Fortune Reading Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Chinese Fortune Reading Cards by Sharina Star, published by Rockpool Publishing, comprises of a set of 36 high quality cards and instruction book, both full colour, packaged in a magnetic flip top box. The book includes information on how to read the cards, with two simple layouts. Each card has a number, a title and an image, and the book provides keywords, a general interpretation, a career/finances aspect, relationship advice and a Feng Shui tip. The interpretation of the cards is advice based, very modern. It is ideal for a first ever oracle card deck; it is a young person's deck, suited to online dating user age group. 

The cards feature a brush script from the Oracle Bones Script, discovered in the Anyang capital and date to the Shang Dynasty of 1,100 years ago. They have an authentic Chinese look about the images, reds and golds predominate, and have a Chinese script on each card. Titles are, for instance, Renewal, Forgiveness, Heaven, Abundance, Wisdom, Reunion, and images feature fishing, candles, flowers, brush writing, dragon, lanterns, a Buddha image.

The Chinese Five Elements Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Chinese Five Elements Oracle by Vicki Iskandar, illustrations by Candice Soon. Boxed set of 60 Cards and Guidebook. Published by Hay House. Date: 10/10/2023 RRP US $29.99 : Can $39.99 : UK £15.99

60 cards represent the cycle or pillars of 10 Heavenly Stems of Yin and Yang qualities and the 5 elements of wood, fire, metal, water, and earth, which are the foundation of the Tao. 12 Earthly Branches depict animals, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, bird, dog and pig.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Dragons and Serpents

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Dragons & Serpents - Earth Mysteries and the Time of Change by Stefan Broennle. Published by Earthdancer - an Inner Traditions imprint. b/w images and photos. RRP $14.99 US : $18.99 Can

This is a broad look at these dragon and serpent archetypes and metaphors from China, Wales, and across the world, through their myths, symbolism. geology, healing and famous dragons, female and Earth energy, creation and shadow energy, gods and spirit guardians, soul, dragon and ley paths, and how we can bring changes to our lives with dragon consciousness. This is the dragon’s greatest treasure! There is an exercise at the end of the book to Awaken the Dragon for personal growth.

The author, Stefan Broennle has extensive knowledge of geology and geomancy - and especially dragons and serpents- and he welcomes us into the depths of the sacred Dragon’s Cave to discover a valuable hoard of gems, rebirth, and elemental power and ancient stories.

Monday, 27 January 2025

The Female Archangels Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Female Archangels Oracle by Calista, illustrated by Marie-Joe Fourzali. Boxed set of 44 cards and Guidebook. Published by Findhorn Press.  RRP US $25.00 Can: $31.50          
Open your wings and get set to fly! 

Sample: Archangel Gabriel - No 6. Speak Your Truth. Short Angel Message - Feel your feelings and say what needs to be said. Speak your Truth. Expanded Meaning: Gabriel reflects divine strength, and serves on the White and Crystalline Ray of Harmony, Purity and Communication with his counterpart, Achaia Hope. Gabriel helps us tap into our emotional strength so we can be real and honest. If you have children or work with them, ask Gabriel to help you best cater to their needs. Gabriel will help balance emotions, will aid conception and childbirth, creativity through writing and purification. Reverse Card Reading: soften your rigidity. Communicate from your heart to honour everyone and everything. Rise like an Angel -  Writing with your Inner Child. This is a cathartic exercise that can heal emotional pain and emotional vacancy. You may also find yourself more playful and buoyant. Gather paper and a pen, then ask Archangel Gabriel to sit with you. Breathe in his crystalline light to create greater honesty and understanding within your mind. Close your eyes and imagine you’re in a child. What age, size, mood, and other meaningful impressions do you see? Write it down, and invite the child to write through you. Listen as a compassionate observer. Take a breath in and read their message. Now write again from your heart in response. Swap over as many times as it feels appropriate. Stay heart centred and enjoy the space of acknowledging and sharing truth. Know your emotions do not define you, yet by listening to them, cycles of destructive behaviour can end. Give love to your inner child as you resolve to make peace with the past. No matter what happened, you don’t have to live in the painful days of the past. Ask your inner child how you can honour them in your everyday life. Then close the exercise by giving each other a big hug. As you thank Gabriel notice how different you feel. Blessing: With hands on your heart say aloud three times “by listening to my needs and following through with what supports me, I uplift the world.” 

The Stained Glass Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Stained Glass Tarot - An Illuminated Journey through the Cards by James Edward. A Boxed Set of 78 Cards and Guidebook. Published by Destiny Books. 

Sample of poetry: Ace of Cups: “The Ace of Cups, a chalice so bright, an invitation to emotions, and pure light, a new beginning, a fresh start, a path of love to heal one’s heart. It overflows with loving grace, this chalice, a beauty to embrace, a symbol of mercy, a symbol of peace, offering blessing both gentle and deep. It’s water so pure with gentle waves, healing and soothing, a a balm for one’s days, overflowing with passion, with hope, offering kindness and helping one cope. It is a reminder to feel and to care, to pursue one’s passions without any scare, to open our hearts to let love flow, to start a new with the Ace of Cups in tow.” 

Magnetic opening for this stylish presentation box with full colour cards and top quality guidebook. The information provided is suitable for a beginner but the deck is also useful for experienced readers. 

The Fool's New Journey Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Fool's New Journey Tarot - Sixty Triumphs for a New Dawn by John Matthews and Charles Newington. Boxed set of 60 cards and full colour Guidebook. Published by REDFeather Publishing (Schiffer Books) RRP US $34.99 

Consider your origin: you were not born to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge. Dante. 

Magnetic and drawer pull box reveals a new Tarot journey using 60 cards to portray the human condition (though my drawer could not be pulled and I realised the sleeve needed to be removed so the box would open!) The cards backs are The Fool in the midst of his journey, surrounded by clouds, moving full circle, half a mirror image not to show which way up the cards have been dealt. There are some exceptional spreads, a Two-Card, a Three-Card, and a Five-Card. 

Simply Deep Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Simply Deep Tarot by Chanel Bayless with artwork by James Battersby. Published by Schiffer Publishing. Boxed set of 78 Cards and Guidebook. RRP US $24.99 

Sample card: Ace of Cups - keywords: Gratitude, Refreshment, Compassion. Upright: Unconditional love is overflowing in your life. Let peace fill your heart. This is the beginning of an emotional journey in which you will be called upon to learn a higher form of love, evolving outside of physical intimacy. Reversed: Smothering isn’t good for either party, as it feels like forced affection. Love may be conditional, or this is a negatively energised relationship that outweighs any benefits.

Here we have a Tarot with vibrantly painted images by an Irish artist. The 78 cards come in a magnetic fliptop box with the guidebook. Detachment is suggested for readings without bias, prejudice or emotion. A preparation method is given for highly individual personal readings for yourself. No spreads are suggested, but shuffle the deck and ask your question, lay down one card as an answer. Look up the meaning provided in the guidebook. And look at the card - what do you see immediately? What personal meaning does it have for you? What does it remind you of? Write these answers down. An example of a one card reading is provided and there are a variety of exercises. I like the method presented in this Tarot. 

The Healing Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Healing Tarot - 78 Ways to Wellness, by Juno Lucina, illustrated by Monica Knighton. Presentation box containing 78 cards and guidebook. Published by Schiffer Publishing. RRP US $39.99 

This is an interesting study on what each Tarot card means here in terms of Astrology, Qabala, Archetypes, and the traditional RWS perspective. Health, diet, fitness, wellness, balance of body, mind and spirit are provided with upright and reversed meanings for self readings and readings for others. The guidebook contains detailed text for Majors and lessons text for Court Cards and Minors. Each card provides a pencil sketch, title, subtitle, additional title, number, quote, information on the meaning, astrology connections, traditional interpretations, and health advice for upright and reversed cards. 

Spreads suggested are Acute Illness 4 cards, Healthy Zodiac 12 cards, and Diet/Fitness 7 cards. 

Celtic Goddesses, Witches, and Queens Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine: Celtic Goddesses, Witches, and Queens Oracle by Danu Forest, and illustrated by Dan Goodfellow. Boxed set of 40 cards and Guidebook. Published by Schiffer Books. $29.99 ISBN: 978-0-7643-6700-7 

Expect a council of wise and powerful women from pre-Christian, Celtic cultures! Warriors, elders, lovers, and queens from Northern Europe, the islands of Britain and Ireland are featured in this delightful deck with excellent artwork and equally good write-ups on each card. We are connected to the cards through our own challenges and trials, with nature, home, sovereignty, death, healing, courage, fortitude, etc., being just some topics. We learn about background lore, the meaning and purpose, the mystery and history of these 40 powerful females, such as Brigid, Cerridwen, Danu, Epona, Macha, the Morrigan, Nimue, and some rarer female energies. 

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Tarot at a Crossroads

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Tarot at a Crossroads - The Unexpected Meeting of Tarot & Psychology by Kooch N Daniels and Victor Daniels. Published by Schiffer Books. Full colour Hardback U.K. £27.99 and US $29.99

“The whole is different from the sum of its parts.” Max Wertheimer

If you have an interest in psychology and Tarot, this is a work book to fulfil deeper levels of understanding, and will stretch you and inspire you. It provides a powerful method of conducting Tarot  readings, created with a Gestalt and psychological emphasis which produces valuable, grounded, and wise divination for clients, but can also be used for exploration and personal growth for oneself. The card images used as examples are taken from a number of different artists, but it is suggested that you work from a traditional Tarot deck, such as the Rider Waite Colman Smith Tarot deck or you can use an Oracle deck if you prefer. Which cards represent you and where you are in your life? 

Tree Calendar

Mind Body & Soul Ezine book review: 'The Healing Power of Trees - Spiritual Journeys through the Celtic Tree Calendar' by Sharlyn Hidalgo Published by Llewellyn Publications, in paperback and kindle 336 pages.

Seattle born Sharlyn Hidalgo has worked as a psychotherapist and has a masters degree in psychology. She has multiple interests as a circle leader, healer, Native American specialist, Egyptian mysteries teacher and Celtic tree book author. 15 trees are described in detail with a drawing for recognition, each have respective deities, totems, ruling planets, month of power, their uses in history and in healing, rituals and higher appreciation and understanding of their spiritual energies. 

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights

Mind, Body and Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights, 78 individually illustrated cards with decorative miniature images from the stories of this name by Leon Carre, published by Lo Scarabeo. Between 1926 and 1929 the French painter, Leon Carre designed the art for the Arabian Tales, One Thousand and One Nights working alongside Algerian miniaturist Mohammed Racim. In 2004, the beauty of Middle Eastern culture was brought to this deck. A little white booklet is included in the pack with a few words of divinatory meaning for each card in English and 4 other languages. 

The wonderful collection of Middle Eastern tales were written in Persia in the 10th century. Antoine Galland in 1700s to the French court of the Sun King translated this story. The wicked Sultan has an endless stream of brides who come to his chamber each night. After the wedding night is over, he kills them. But the clever Scheherazade weaves an endless story of Aladdin, Sinbad and Ali Baba that hold his attention night after night. He falls in love with her and spares her life and they live happily ever after - so the story goes! The original Arabic texts were translated in 1949 by Francesco Gabriela. 

Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle by Siolo Thompson. Published by Llewellyn Publications. 40 card set in sturdy presentation box with full colour instruction book. £22.50

Enjoyment from the Boundary Lands! 

Siolo Thompson is a self taught artist living in Seattle, Washington. She uses multi media for her artwork which draws inspiration from the grimoires of the foraging witch and healer. She also created the Linestrider Tarot deck.

The artwork is intended to allow identification of the plant and the book provides information on herb lore, the history of the 40 plants with seasonal recipes, an associated Tarot card, descriptions of plants, where to find them, the way they were used and how to use them, what part is used and whether they are culinary or medicinal. The deck offers guidance for the seeker or a focus for meditation and it can also be used as a flash card study guide as the seeker learns how to identify plants, blossom, leaf shoots and fruits.  It is a way for the seeker to approach the natural world, gaining delight, knowledge and magic.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Sacred Traveler Oracle Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards by Denise Linn. Published by Hay House. Boxed set of 52 cards plus guidebook.

These cards show possibilities and potentials for the future. Life is a sacred quest - or a pilgrimage - towards our own self development and authenticity, where we seek clarity and learn wisdom and understanding. Oracle cards can be pointers towards this journey of enlightenment and can help us find our life purpose. The Sacred Traveler cards are designed to answer questions we might have and can be used for self readings or readings for another person. Each card has a meaning and a Sacred Traveler Message. There is also a section in the book to discover the hidden meanings in your nightly dreams and the cards can be used for meditation. The guidebook provides information on how to store, recharge, prepare, choose, layout and interpret the cards. There is a One Card Reading, a Daily Insight, a Monthly Layout, a One Year Spread, a 3 card reading, and a 5 card spread.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Angels and Ancestors

 Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray with artwork by Lily Moses, boxed set of 55 cards and guidebook, published by Hay House £13.19

The guidebook contains all the information required to conduct a reading for self or others, including how to read the cards, create a bridge between this and the Otherworld, reversed card readings and what to avoid. A message of kindness and balance is given from archetypes that uplift, inform, guide and inspire. The deck is divided into sections with symbols, seasons, ancestral wisdom keepers and international guardians, with information about each and a short and more extended message.

The Serpent Grail

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Serpent Grail -The Truth Behind the Holy Grail, The Philosopher’s Stone and The Elixir of Life by Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn. Published by Watkins Publishing. 

This book describes the existence of a serpent cult with the snake being a symbol that spread worldwide  from Mesopotamia, Egypt, the holy land, Greece, India, South America, China, etc. There are hundreds of words associated with the snake (the worm and the dragon), and this book looks closely at etymology and associations that link the snake with the grail, the stone, and the elixir. Alchemy, the Caduceus, Asclepius, labyrinth, folk tales, blood, the Bible, Knights Templar, astrology, venom, shamanism, the Shining Ones, oh! What a metaphysical line-up! 

The book describes snake venom medicine to boost immune response and for some cures, even described as the basis for immortality. The Grail, not a cup or chalice, but like the Kabbalah, a new consciousness. I found this book fascinating. It’s racy, and takes the reader on a huge journey throughout a vast number of esoteric ideas, linking them in unusual, unexpected and new ways. There is an appendix, an extensive bibliography and a few pages of notes.  

The Grail - Simon Andrew Stirling

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Grail - Relic of an Ancient Religion by Simon Andrew Stirling is published by Moon Books paperback: £17.99 eBook: £6.99 351 pages including endnotes and key sources. Illustrations by Lloyd Canning. The Death - and - Rebirth Mysteries in Arthur's Britain!

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Cards by Christie Astell

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Review: The Angel Deck - 50 messages from the angels we meet everyday by Chrissie Astell Published by Octopus Books £12.99 Strong lift top uncrushable box and high quality large card stock with information which includes how to use the cards and offers story, poem, prayer, visualisation or meditation and includes what angels are, advice from the angels by the author and sections on the 'role of angels' and 'loving power' with illustrations in the public domain. These are sorted again by way of card five titles, such as Angel Reassurance, Angelic Connections, Angels in Action, Angelic Guidance and Angel-being. Though the cards can be used as a 'card for the day' guidance, I have decided to send one to friends in the post as a change from sending a greeting card this Christmas. Each card can stand alone and provide some upliftment for those who are unwell or going through a period of difficulty. 

Monday, 20 January 2025

The Victorian Steampunk Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Victorian Steampunk Tarot – Unravel the Mysteries of the Past, Present and Future, by Liz Dean and illustrated by Bev Speight. Published by Cico Books. The magnetised flip lip box includes a full deck of 78 tarot cards and a full colour explanatory booklet of each card.
The deck is very loosely based on the Rider-Waite deck but each card carries an individual computer graphic artwork to express the spirit of Victorian steampunk, the age of steam with modern counter culture anything is possible, plasma screens, hot air balloons, the era of Jules Verne, Mary Shelley, Edgar with, for instance, clockwork hearts and butterflies, deconstructed burlesque and brass spyglasses. The cards can be interpreted either upright or upturned thought the backs are intended for exclusively upright use. 

Rackham Tarot card deck review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Rackham Tarot. 78 full colour individual cards. Published by Lo Scarabeo.

With illustrations from the artwork of Victorian illustrator Arthur Rackham, born 1867, Rackham illustrated A Midsummer Night's Dream, Grimms Fairy Tales, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Tales of Mystery & Imagination, the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and a Christmas Carol. The late 19th century was known as 'the Golden Age of Illustration' with highly imaginative artists, such as Walter Crane and Aubrey Beardsley. Arthur Rackham’s extraordinary work was the most sought after. 

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Jungian Tarot Psychology Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Tarot Psychology - A Practical Guide to the Jungian Tarot by Robert Wang, published by Urania. Book has b/w scans of the cards, the title of the card, a subtitle of the archetype and a write-up of approx 600 words on each Major and approx 400 on the other cards. 

Botanical Inspirations

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Botanical Inspirations Deck and Book Set by Lynn Araujo, published by US Games Systems, Inc. Boxed set of 44 cards plus guidebook and pull out chart and card bag.

Full colour prints of illustrative paintings of 44 different flowers with the common name, Latin or other name, with keywords and a quotation. The booklet provides symbolism, flower lore, legend, hidden messages and affirmations. A Three-card reading and the Past, Present and Future reading is provided with examples. One card can be used for daily inspiration. Pick a card at random, look at the image and message. Close your eyes and meditate and make this image come alive. As it grows in your mind's eye, reach out your hand to feel its petals, put your face to the flower, feel its coolness on your brow, put it to your lips and feel its texture! Every day you choose a card, you will be given the gift of this flower until you choose another!

The Grail

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Reviews: The Grail - The Celtic Origins of the Sacred Icon by Jean Markale

This story makes its debut during 1180-1190 in the Champagne region of France. Chretien from the town of Troyes nearby wrote the story of the Grail for Marie, the daughter of the great Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine. She instigated the most fashionable court, with artists, minstrels and troubadours, of which Chretien was her most famous entertainer. The story is about a wondering innocent young knight who experiences many adventures that include rewards, obstacles, mistakes, difficulties and good fortune. 

Markale always comes up with surprises and this is an ideal story for him to address the many enduring questions that this story raises. All his books are steeped in magic and wonder. Poetry in prose!

Reviewer Wendy Stokes 

Friday, 17 January 2025

Animal Totem Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Animal Totem Tarot by Leeza Robertson with illustrations by Eugene Smith. Published by Llewelyn Worldwide.

"Each animal is a teacher, imparting wisdom beyond words. May their lessons guide you on your way."

This is a workbook that connects animals to the tarot and has with space for writing experiences on the animals wisdom detailed in the cards. The book provides information about power animals and animal guides, totems, archetypes, elemental energies and how to perform a reading with these cards. Each major arcana card represents an animal and has a channeled message from each animal, plus information about the meaning of the card and its message when it appears in a spread. Each card carries information about Business & Career, Family & Relationships, Health & Well- Being, Card- of-the-Day and Journal Prompts.

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Divine Circus Oracle Cards

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Divine Circus Oracle Cards by Alana Fairchild, Boxed set of 44 cards plus instruction book, published by Blue Angel Publishing £17.99 

I like Alana Fairchild’s work and I have a love of the circus; the two are nicely combined in this deck of oracle cards. The philosophy is that of the playful and joyful party, the rebel, the creative, the spontaneous and the daring. Breaking free of the hum drum, the deck provides an alternative way of being confident, trusting your intuition and living an inspired life. For the irreverent, the naught and the risk takers! 

Information on how to use the deck, a ritual for blessing the cards, four suggested spreads: The Clown Nose 1 Card, the Strong Man 5 cards, the Flying Trapeze 5 cards, and the Bearded Lady 5 cards. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Movie Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Movie Tarot – A Hero’s Journey in 78 cards, illustrated by Natalie Foss and written by Diana McMahon Collis. Published by Laurence King Publishing, Boxed set of instruction booklet and 78 cards. Card size: 6.5” x 4.5” RRP UK £14.99 : US $17.99

Each card of the Major Arcana depicts the steps of the ‘Fool’s Journey’ also known as the ‘Hero’s Journey’ as the 22 energies are shown as heroic characters from popular films. In tarot tradition, the fool who embarks upon life, and has many hardships, joys and learning experiences, eventually to become mature, and be able to express spiritual values and empathy with others who are enduring difficulties.

Divine Circus Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Divine Circus Oracle by Alana Fairchild and published by Blue Angel Publishing £15.99, a boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook with artwork by Maxine Gadd, Gracjana Zielinska, Melanie Delon, Nell Fallcard, Anna Marine, Lunar Sparks, Yeuchui Tang, Monique Tulp, Babette Van Den Berg. 
Cirque de Soleil style fashion and visage, these are 44 personalities of the circus ring who help you unleash your inner creative! The persona is a mask we wear and these masks inspire and entertain and allow you to step outside the everyday world into one of imagination and wonder. This is the place of dreams and the entrance to the Otherworld - the magic of the circus tent. The idea is that love triumps over fear and sadness, that we can all make someone 's day a happy one. There are no rules in this game! You work with intuition and a few guidelines from the book. Ask a question and choose a card. A ritual is provided to maximise the potential magic of the cards. Dedicate the cards, use words provided at each reading or make up your own. All cards are to be read upright.

Monday, 13 January 2025

The Zerner/Farber Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Zerner/Farber Tarot by Amy Zerner & Monte Farber. Quality presentation box containing full colour guidebook and 78 cards. Published by REDFeather Publishing. £29.99 release date: April 2023

These cards have extraordinary fabric and collage images, created by Amy Zerner, an award winning artist. Her husband and co-creator has supplied the text, which I can recommend as insightful and wise in helping to get the best from a reading. Together they have produced other excellent tarot publications: Enchanted Tarot, Instant Tarot, Enchanted Love Tarot, Creativity Oracle and the Enchanted Worlds Book.