Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review - Kingdom of the Ark - The Startling story of how the ancient British race is descended from the Pharaohs by Lorraine Evans
I read this in hard back with the title depicted in gold! I enjoyed this book immensely. The book kicks off with investigation on the Hill of Tara and finds of a boy and fiancé beads that link a special necklace with Egypt at the time of the 18th dynasty pharaohs, and another found in Devon of very similar design. If this was not sufficient an amazing connection, an Egyptian boat was discovered in Yorkshire! The Kingdom of the Ark describes in detail, the 18th dynasty pharaohs, Amenophis III, his heir Akhenaton, his new religion and art form, his new centre at in Armarna, his wife, the beautiful Queen Nefertiti, and the exalted Scota (aka Mayati), their daughter and later his wife, who supplanted Nefertiti. What a time in history. It is a thrilling story of discovery, amazement and wonder! The conflict that destroyed Amun and instigated worship of the Aton, the building of the city to the Aton and its terrible demise by disappointment, plague or war are wonderfully described.
Scota was promoted to Queen of Egypt but fled war, plague and the Amun priesthood and, as a late teenager, married a foreigner, maybe the Prince of Tyre. Trade between Egypt and Mycenae was established, but more interestingly amber, used as a principal mode of barter, had strong routes across Europe as long ago as 5,000 years ago. Into Algeria and through Morocco it is suggested, after many great difficulties, they travelled, maybe they left an image of the Aten Sun Disc on a mountain pass, and maybe left their DNA in the Berber like tribe known as the Tuareg, who still survive in the High Atlas today. From there, Scota and her people took a boat to Cadiz, known to the Phoenicians, and made their way along the River Ebro.
Scota and her husband built a high tower, known as a motilla, and called it Brigantia, the same name used by the Phoenicians. Very early mummies found on Gran Canaria are similar to those from ancient Egypt and the beaker people could have also been Egyptian. Blue beads similar to those found in the tomb of Tutankhamun were found in the Isles of Scilly, so those found at Tara in Ireland were part of a large number. There were old mining routes to Ireland (their skin boats, coracles, were identical to those used by the Phoenicians), and to southern England and maybe, if sea routes were early enough, could have provided Scota with the sea journey that brought her here. A bronze Apis bull from Egypt was found at St Just in Cornwall and a gold pectoral found at Mold, both with Egyptian styling. Arriving in Ireland, could the Hill of Tara be the lasting resting place of ancient Egyptian royalty feeing Egypt at the end of the Armani period? Could blood grouping show correlations between parts of the UK and Northern Africa/Egypt?
So interesting! Review by Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk
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