Sunday 25 April 2021

The Fourfold Path to Healing

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Fourfold Path to Healing - Working with the Laws of Nutrition, Therapeutics, Movement and Meditation in the Art of Medicine - A Unique Approach to Medicine that Addresses the Fourfold Nature of Man by Thomas S Cowan MD, Sally Fallon and Jaime McMillan. Published by New Trends Publishing.

The Fourfold approach covers nutrition (healing the physical body), meditation (described as healing the mental body, though in most instances this is background information and advice), therapeutics (what is described as healing the lifeforce body), and movement (described as healing the emotional body). With non traditional allopathic material that has influences from Rudolph Steiner, and a non industrial approach to health, the book covers with each of the Fourfold topics: infectious disease, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diseases of the adrenal cortex, digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, women's and men's diseases, weight loss, depression, back pain, arthritis, neurological diseases, and provides advice on how to be a patient, cooking, exercise, and other useful tips on how to live a health based life. 

Thursday 22 April 2021

Book excerpt by Caroline Brazier

In Buddhist psychology we are interested in understanding the processes of conditioning which limit our ability to see the world clearly. The mind is conditioned by many factors and these affect our perception, creating subtle biases and colouring our experience in various ways. All of these colourations are in some way reflections of the sense of identity. At an unconscious level, we tend to seek out the familiar because it makes us feel comfortable, and safe, so when we look at things, we interpret them in the light of our pre-existing ‘blue-prints’ and fit them into stories which we already identify with.