Friday, 30 September 2022

Witchful Thinking

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Witchful Thinking - The Wise Woman’s Handbook for Creating a Charmed Life, by Zoe Howe. Quality paperback, all text, no images, 278 pages Published by Llewellyn Books. US $18.99 UK £14

Zoe Howe is known as the ‘Rock’n Roll Witch of the Soho Radio station! This is a compilation of her family traditions and her collection of solitary witch advice. It incorporates folklore, discovery and play, and the old ways of the nature knower, and several major archetypes are provided. Important rules of the ethical witch are included, and examples are provided from other well known witches who give extra guidance. 

Spells, rituals and protections, and information on how to build an altar, cast a circle, work with moon and planetary energies, seasonal activities and personal empowerment, healing and divination methods, plants, chakras, and crystals, expressing your authenticity, and heaps more meat! It’s good value for money. For the solitary and developing witch, I am recommending Witchful Thinking! We all need a charmed life!