Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Great Goddess - Reverence for the Divine Feminine from the Palaeolithic to the Present by Jean Markale 1999Patriarchy pushed the goddess religions underground but Jean Markale shows that the goddess was never fully defeated and still exists in many aspects around the world. He follows their thread through the Middle East, Greece, Ireland, Europe, India, the Orient, the Americas and honours many names still known to us for wisdom and nurturance in Isis, Hathor, Dana, Rhea, Anat, Demeter, Anapurna, Maria, Grainne, Lilith, etc. He includes an index of goddess sites, museums and sanctuaries and where pilgrimages are extant across the world.
Markale writes with respect for this ancient connection to the divine feminine. I like the topics Jean Markale covered in his writings and the way he writes! Considered, concise and clear!