Friday, 23 June 2023

Margarete Petersen Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Margarete Petersen Tarot by Margarete Petersen, published by AGM Urania, £29.99 Pack contains 78 tarot cards and explanatory leaflet. In English and German language versions. 
Card size: 14.8 x 10.2 x 3.6cm and therefore larger than the average tarot card, these cards are based on 78 individual dream-like paintings by Margarete Petersen, the artist and creator of this distinguished and novel deck. 

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

The Intuition Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Intuition Oracle by Monte Farber and Amy Zerner, published by Sterling Ethos, New York. US $24.99. Can $32.99. 

Drawer pull box containing 52 cards and a guidebook. Each picture card, created by Amy Zerner for this deck, carries a computer image and collage, on the backs are a number, title and 10 word affirmation. In the guidebook, there is further information on the meaning of each card. 

 The book explains how to prepare for a reading and how to ask a question, relax and free-associate. We ask for a message for our highest good and greatest joy. To receive insight and guidance about some problem in particular. To ask what we most need to know about. To find out how we are perceived by someone. To find out what we need to concentrate on. To find out what is the next step on our path. To find out issues connected to a particular difficulty. 

Monday, 19 June 2023

King of the Celts

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: King of the Celts - Arthurian Legends and Celtic Tradition by Jean Markale, translated by Christine Hauch, Published by Simon & Schuster

French historian, Jean Markale is an academic, a prolific author of 45 books of well researched ancient data. The Celtic era is his forte. Though he writes about complex subjects, his work is easy to read and very enjoyable. The introduction to this book is a tour de force in truth -v- fiction, and some describe his beliefs as speculative, but he covers objectivity and more in the first few pages of this book. 

From Roman Britain to the dark ages, we are taken on an interesting story based on a real life fifth century English warrior hero who fought the Saxons. Some chapter headings: Erec et Enide; Le Chevalier a La Charrett; Le Chevalier au Lion; Le Lai de Tyrolet; Perceval; Lancelot; Merlin; Morgan; Holy Grail; King Arthur; Perlesvaux; Jauffre; Meriadeuc; the Plantagenets, John of Salisbury; Glastonbury Abbey; courtly love, politics, social mores, etc. 

Women of the Celts

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Women of the Celts by Jean Markale, originally published in French in 1972

Celtic studies were Jean Markale’s speciality though he wrote extensively about religious and historical mysteries of France. During the Celtic period in European history, this book explores the role of women in social life, and the power they held within society. They could own property and they had widespread sexual freedoms, including divorce. The Celtic Goddesses were powerfully honoured and female prophets and religious leaders and educators had parity with men. Women were also respected warriors on the battle field.  

The major thesis is based on Celtic myths of womanhood, and they make wonderful reading, especially the grail quest for the paradise of love where woman is the initiator, transformer, and deliverer of the developed male psyche. Chapters include Rebellion of The Flower Daughter, Princess, Lady of the Night, The Great Queen, Lady of the Orchard, etc. 

The Great Goddess

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Great Goddess  -  Reverence for the Divine Feminine from the Palaeolithic  to the Present by Jean Markale 1999

Patriarchy pushed the goddess religions underground but Jean Markale shows that the goddess was never fully defeated and still exists in many aspects around the world. He follows their thread through the Middle East, Greece, Ireland, Europe, India, the Orient, the Americas and honours many names still known to us for wisdom and nurturance in Isis, Hathor, Dana, Rhea, Anat, Demeter, Anapurna, Maria, Grainne, Lilith, etc. He includes an index of goddess sites, museums and sanctuaries and where pilgrimages are extant across the world. 

Markale writes with respect for this ancient connection to the divine feminine. I like the topics Jean Markale covered in his writings and the way he writes! Considered, concise and clear! 

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Montsegur and the Mystery of the Cathars

Mind Body Soul Ezine Book Review: Montsegur and the Mystery of the Cathars by Jean Markale

This book looks at mediaeval Occitan culture and traces the origins of the Cathar beliefs back to Persia and the Zoroastrian religion. It explains the Cathar's vegetarianism, tolerance and non violence, and it questions their pact with the Knights Templar. It describes the harrowing circumstances when 200 Cathars were isolated in their mountain stronghold on March 16, 1244. The Roman Catholic Inquisition had ordered that they be burnt alive for heresy. Four high ranking Perfecti are said to have carried treasure to safety from the mountain retreat on the night before the attack. Hugenots and Hitler's SS believed that some kind of hidden power or treasure lay in the Cathar regions. 
The author is a controversial figure whose real name was Jean Bertrand, a mediaeval scholar and Celtic specialist, has been accused of the 'creative' use of scholarship to make excessively large leaps of reasoning. 

The author also wrote:

The Secret Language of Colour

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Secret Language of Colour Cards by Inna Segal, 45 cards plus guidebook in a quality box £12.99 published by Atria Books. Author website:
Each card has a number, a title, a subtitle and an image. The booklet has information about colour and how it can be used for healing, how the cards can be used to answer a question, you can place them on your body to clear your energy centre's (chakras), use them to work with other people, to meditate, to eat and drink colour, wear colour, paint, be creative, spend time in nature!  The booklet provides a section on frequently asked questions, and each card has a page of explanation about the meaning of colour and how to connect with it. 
Also available by Inna Segal are audio programmes and courses and the book The Secret Language of your Body and The Secret of Life Wellness.

Friday, 16 June 2023

Viking Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Viking Oracle - Wisdom of the Ancient Norse by Stacey Marco with artwork by Jimmy Manton. 45 cards (6.75" x 5") and booklet set, published by Blue Angel. 25 Nordic runes are profiled plus 20 Viking themed cards. Very enjoyable myths and symbolism for divination and guidance from the Norse tradition. Cards provide a portal through time from ancient Viking society. Each card carries a title and number, individual image and rune letter. The booklet provides information on each card, keywords, and poems, plus the element. Reversed cards can be read!
Information on how to use the deck and dedicate the cards. Card spreads are one card reading, Sacred 3 Card Draw, 9 Worlds Draw, Thor's Hammer, The Pantheon Technique, Past, Present & Future. Scandinavian joy!
This is the gold standard for oracle cards, well researched with a demonstrated love of the subject, well presented, a joy to work with! 

A favourite!

Victorian Steampunk Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Victorian Steampunk Tarot – Unravel the Mysteries of the Past, Present and Future, by Liz Dean and illustrated by Bev Speight. Published by Cico Books. The magnetised flip lip box includes a full deck of 78 tarot cards and a full colour explanatory booklet of each card. The cards can be interpreted either upright or upturned thought the backs are intended for exclusively upright use.

Thursday, 15 June 2023

The Everglow

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Everglow - A Divination System by Trisha Leigh Shufelt. Published by REDFeather Publishing, a Schiffer imprint. Boxed set of Cards with full colour Guidebook. US  $29.99 : UK £19.99 

This is a card deck of 78 cards, but it is not a traditional tarot deck. The first 22 cards are based on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot but each has a new title. Cards representing the elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water follow. Instead of Court Cards, King, Queen, Knight and Messenger are shadow cards. There are 18 Minor Cards, then 12 cards which have keywords representing the Houses with a write-up of hints and questions. There are 9 Number cards, 4 SuitCards with keywords (Action, Emotions, Security, and Thoughts). and last but not least, 4 Time Frame Cards (The Future, The Past, The Present, and What Do I Need to Know About?) Cards carry an image and 2 keywords, one to represent upright cards, the other to represent inverted cards. 

Mystical Wisdom

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Mystical Wisdom Card Deck written by Gaye Guthrie with artwork by Josephine Wall, published by US Games Inc. Pack contains 46 cards with explanatory booklet. £19.99
Each of the 46 cards carries a title, a concept related to the title, an image and an additional line of information. In the booklet, each card is given 100 word explanation on each of the goddesses with information on how to use the cards. Each card has a short mantra.
You can choose a single card for a quick insight into a particular situation you are seeking direction for. A three card spread is suggested for a week and a 12 card Celtic Cross spread for a more in depth reading.

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Goddess in America

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Goddess in America - The Divine Feminine in Cultural Context Edited by Trevor Greenfield with an introduction by Jhenah Telyndru, published by Moon Books. Paperback 204 pages: £10.99 Kindle: £3.59

This is an anthology of specialist essays by 19 Goddess experts. 

Included are Native American (such as the Cherokee, Hopi and Maya), Irish, African, Creole, Hebrew and female deities from other cultures, along with modern influences, such as feminist, shaman, Christian, psychologist, Goth, witch, and other perspectives.

Saturday, 10 June 2023

The Key to the Universe

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Key to the Universe - A Toolkit from the School of Life by Joanna Crowson and Silja Winther is a boxed paperback book and card pack £16.99 Published by School of Life Publishing

 The 'School of Life' is an international educational charity based in Andalusia. It offers a training programme on ethics, ecology, spiritual awareness and creativity and is building a network of organisations that have at their core a belief in sustainable living. The pack includes a book (151 pages) and 53 full colour oracle cards that have been painted by Katrina Vrebalovich. A pack designed by women for women, the author of the Motherpeace Tarot, Vicky Nobel, describes this pack as 'a work of love'.

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Living With the Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine book review: Living the Tarot by Amber Jayanti - Applying Ancient Wisdom to the Challenges of Modern Living. Introduction by Mary Greer. Practical ways to use the cards on an everyday basis, the book provides Qabalah, mythology, astrology, numerology, magick, Buddhist, Hindu and psychological perspectives, and how the tarot can be used for personal growth and self understanding. Only the 22 Major Arcana cards are profiled. 

A key allows something which is closed to be opened. 

Friday, 2 June 2023

Complete Lenormand Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Complete Lenormand Oracle Handbook - Reading the Language and Symbols of the Cards by Caitlin Matthews, Published by Destiny Books. Paperback: £13.05 Kindle: £8.99

Colour images with history of Petit Lenormand cards and comparisons with the tarot, here we learn the meaning of each card, their alphabet, and how they relate and we are given examples of readings. We learn what a 'significator' is, laying out the grand Tableau of all cards, and how to use the cards as a storyboard. Playing card images are included on the Lenormand cards and we learn how to use them in a reading and how to improve our skills after having worked with them for a while, such as telling the time in a reading, finding lost items, locations, resding for ourselves and others. There is a quick reference guide at the back of the book for key meanings and a useful index. It's a must for all professional Lenormand readers!
Review by Wendy Stokes