Thursday, 30 January 2025

The Robin Wood Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Robin Wood Tarot, created and written by Robin Wood and Michael Short. Published by Llewellyn Publications. 

Robin Wood passed into higher life earlier in 2021 with carcinoma. She is hugely missed and was well known for her visionary artwork of dragons for board and internet role playing games, Second Life, etc.  This deck took nearly a decade to design. It combines traditional tarot with natural symbolism. It is much loved by pagans with its expressive artwork that is full of tarot and pagan symbolism. 

Meditate on each card and make a note of your associations and emotions as this information will become your own personal guide to interpreting this deck. 

There are standard card titles,  with 5 sentences of meaning for uprights and 5 for reversed. Pentacles, Wands, Swords and Cups; Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages. 3 layouts are suggested: The 15-Card, The 10-Card and The 5-Card. 

 If you have only one tarot deck, this is one of the easiest and the best, and whether you are a beginner or an advanced reader, you will be able to deliver excellent readings. 

Robin has left a wonderful legacy of her work. Her website states: "Welcome! Here you will find things to look at, things to read, things to do, things to keep, things to make you think and things to delight you!"  All this is true, so visit her website: 

Review by Wendy Stokes


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