Wednesday 31 July 2024

August Oracle Card Reading

The first card I have chosen for Mind Body & Soul Ezine readers this month is Ten of Coins from the Dali Universal deck and the image is a scene from the 1863 painting by Ingres titled ‘The Turkish Bath’. Dali has combined the image with butterflies and ten coins placed in a circle to represent the joys of life, good results, blossoming talents, and wealth. Dali’s greatest fears are overcome; isolation, loneliness and disappearing into a crowd, each replaced with communal enjoyment and sensuality as the bath represents a baptism of renewal and purification. It represents a fountain of youth and vigour. Great wealth lies in acknowledging and fulfilling our responsibilities in the world. Change is inevitable and it opens a door to all possibilities. We are advised to co-operate, seek mutual support, and compromise, and allow each individual to follow their own path. We are heeded not to sacrifice individuality or independence and to empower everyone to walk their own path.  

From the Enchanted Tarot, I have chosen The Tower. This shows lightening is cracking a fierce light within the midnight sky. A strong, old and worn-out structure is blown apart. Security has been reduced to ruin by the forces of Nature. Flames erupt and smoke fills the air. There has been a dramatic reversal of fortune. Plans for a safe future must be prepared. People will question ‘can the old order survive?’ The explosion has liberated beliefs and has created the necessity for new thought. Sudden insight can produce immediate change but the period of transition can be unpleasant as conflicts arise. Emotions of anger and shock and the wanting to cling to the past is understandable as the unknown is a frightening place. As lightening has struck, enlightenment needs to follow.

The Awakening: A dramatic turn of events causes established patterns to change. Old, false values must be replaced. Only the spirit is eternal and material objects can fail.

The Enchantment: Take an egg and write in felt tip pen, your story to date. Hold the egg in your cupped hands and say ‘Change my life, but keep me calm; change will come - I will go on!’ Smash the egg and bury it in the ground where it will bring forth nourishment for the Earth’s creatures. Give thanks. 

From the Mythic Tarot, the Wheel of Fortune is chosen. Three women, representing the three phases of the moon are in a dark cave which represents the womb and the tomb. One young, Clotho, spins a thread from a golden spindle, one mature, Lachesis, measures the thread, and one old, Atropos, whose names means ‘she who cannot be voided’ holds a pair of shears. In the centre is a golden wheel around which four human figures are positioned. In the mouth of the cave a rich green landscape can be seen. The Moirai are the Greek Goddesses of Fate and even the great Zeus walked in awe of these women and could not do their secret work. These were not children of any God but born of night itself – the oldest power in the Universe. To arrogantly challenge or overstep the design of life would result in an accusation of ‘hubris’. In one story, Apollo laughed at the Moirai and made them drunk so his friend, Admetus could avoid death. Reading by Wendy Stokes

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