Tuesday 31 May 2022

50 Meditation Ideas

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: 'The Meditation Deck - 50 simple meditations for everyday' by Madonna Gauding £12.99 published by Octopus Books. Flip top high quality card box containing 50 well produced cards with one side showing a photograph style image and overleaf meditation suggestions. 

Information covers What is meditation? Why meditate? How to start and other tips. Cards are divided into 6 sections, each section has a different colour: Living Mindfully; Calming and Centring; Healing Body, Mind and Spirit; Love and Compassion; Problem Solving; Connecting to the Divine, all meditation suggestions have 4 steps to assist and a suggestion as to when to use that particular card.

Useful, concise and effective ideas in a box of 50 cards for stress relief, spiritual growth and healing. It's a broad collection of simple ideas for enriching daily life and deepening spiritual practise. It has easy to follow instructions and beginners will be comfortable with this information and more experienced meditators will find renewed interest. Topics: breath, positive thoughts, stilling thoughts, suggestions for wellbeing, running, gardening, walking, dancing, in the morning, to stimulate compassion, kindness, love, making decisions, handing money, working, soulwork, devotion, grace and other spiritual tips. 

Example (reduced for convenience): Problem Solving green coloured card titled Facing the Mirror. Everyone has difficulties. You are encouraged to face your problems directly with courage and honesty. Use this meditation when you are avoiding problems. 1. Find a time to be alone. Stand in front of a mirror. 2. Speak out loud and tell yourself 3 things you like about yourself. Love yourself for having these good qualities. However, you are struggling with a particular issue. Admit it. 3. State out loud the problem you have with yourself. Repeat it 3 times. 4. Commit to resolving this problem within the next 24 hours. State your decided action out loud 3 times. 5. Congratulate yourself for courage and honesty in dealing with this personal issue. The meditation ends here. 

The pack is well worth £12.99 or cheaper if you search around a bit!

This information on these cards was published previously as 'The Meditation Bible' by Madonna Gauding in 2007 by Bounty Books.

Reviewer: Wendy Stokes

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