My doorbell rang and the postman unexpectedly handed me a package containing this box of cards.
The cards have a gemstone photo and a short message on one side of the card and an animal head photo on the other side with another short message. Simple instructions for use are provided on a card within the deck; i.e. to shuffle, choose a gemstone card, consider how the questions relate to your life. Then turn the card over to see the information on the animal side.
I liked the gemstone questions and the good recognisable photo image, but I would have liked more information about the gemstone, such as where it is mined, and astrology associations.
I liked the inclusion of animals, birds, insects, etc., many of which are endangered species which are my favourites. The title gives first position to the animals as allies - friends - to us, helping us to grow in understanding and maturity. Affirmations and other short statements seemed unrelated to the animal, shamanistically or symbolically. I would have liked something more than a head shot, such as where and how they live. Animals are of far greater importance than gemstones (despite the disparity of financial value), and should have taken priority. You could, of course, choose from the animal side first, or shuffle and see what comes up.
I wondered how the cards could solely be used for a reading of 15-20 minutes and I think they are suited to a novice, a first time card deck, or for a young person to use for themselves. It is suggested that they are added to tarot, angel and other cards to expand readings. Pull a card a day for guidance and self development.
There is a book titled The Archangels and Gemstone Guardian Cards by this author.
Review: Wendy Stokes
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