Thursday 24 October 2019

Creative Whack Pack Review

Circle Network Card Deck Review: The Creative Whack Pack by Roger von Oech published by US Games Inc £15.00

64 Creativity Strategies to Provoke and Inspire your Thinking! This deck is designed to jog your mind and provides advice to kick start your future - a fascinating method to increase your options, challenge your habitual thought and behaviour patterns, help you look for and find new ideas, improve your decisions and do things differently to produce a different result. Each card offers a brain-storming strategy for changing your life. There are 4 suits, Blue for the Explorer who gains new information, Orange for the Artist who gains a new technique, Green for the Judge who gains new decision making abilities and Red for the Warrior who gains courage and willpower. The deck can be used professionally, in workshops and meetings or for individual use to troubleshoot and problem solve. The author also has produced 'A Whack on the Side of the Head' and 'A Kick in the Seat of the Pants' and 'The Innovative Whack Pack'. 

Despite the aggressive language which must have blocked sales, the card deck (and the app) are worth adding to your 'wish list'. There are 3 methods of how to use the cards which can be used alone or with others. The cards come with a little white booklet and the sales run into over a million. This is an ideal gift for young and old alike, male or female, everyone can change their life with this deck of cards. Stuck in a rut? This is the deck for you!
Dr von Oech has a PHD in the history of ideas from Stanford University. He is a conference organiser and speaker and is an advisor to Apple, Sony, Disney, Intel and IBM.  
 Review by Wendy Stokes

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