Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Barbieri Zodiac Oracle, published by Lo Scarabeo, text by Barbara Moore, artwork by Paolo Barbieri, 26 cards and information in multi lingual booklet. £14.99
With emphases on the constellations, planets and elements, (and a house spread) this astrology deck is interesting and the artwork is very glamorous. All decks use synchronicity, and this deck emphasises its importance. The cards have exceptional individual artworks featuring exotic body art, extended rams' horns, slim young naked women and young men with muscles. The cards are given titles and a symbol. In the booklet, the cards also are given a number, an element, a key phrase, relevant dates and a short message. The cards are divided into fire, water, earth and air, and cardinal, fixed and mutable energies. Information on how to use the cards and 5 techniques are provided. If you are looking for a sexy oracle deck, you will love this artwork. Though the booklet provides adequate information for each card, if you have knowledge of astrology, you can expand on the information provided about each card to make your readings individualised and more entertaining. I love Pauli’s artwork - first class!
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