Thursday, 2 January 2025

Power Animal Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Power Animal Oracle Cards - Practical and Powerful Guidance from Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D Farmer PhD, Artwork by Eric Nesmith, published by Hay House £13.99. Boxed set of 44 cards plus guidebook, for readings for yourself and others.

Each card has a title of an animal and an image and a few words of advice. In the booklet, each card is presented in alphabetical order and has 100 words of explanation about the animal and the message it carries. There are instructions about power animals, how to prepare the deck for reading, storage, for use, etc. Upside cards reveal a blockage in the energy. Also included is information on how to invoke a power animal. 
I really enjoyed these cards, the images are beautiful and the messages are short and concise. How wonderful the species are on this planet! Swan, otter, owl, deer, fox, lynx, squirrel, coyote, cougar, buffalo, black panther, bear, antelope, dove, dolphin, turtle, snake, salmon, lizard, frog, buterfly, and so many more, some endangered, and all with beautiful artworks. It is possible to expand the short messages with your own.

I have chosen next, Butterfly, that carries the energy of ‘transformation’. It’s very possible to go through  major changes calmly and willingly when  you view them as natural and hold positive expectations. Whether you are in the darkness of the storm, the process of coming out of the self created cocoon (which can be a struggle sometimes), you will find the glorious expression of the new you! Keep faith in the wisdom of the Great Spirit and a conscious resonance with source. The darkness before the light and the constriction of the cocoon will release into a more comfortable phase. You are birthing, each and every moment but there are larger cycles that take more time, and we must have patience. If you feel scattered and uncertain, and are flitting from one place to another, it is time to pause to enjoy the beauty and richness of life and trust in the natural progression of the soul’s development. Get ready for a big breakthrough! 

Lastly, I have chosen 'Opossum'.  The subtitle is 'Strategy' and the advice is to have a back up plan! So we are guided not to get too attached to a one and only ambition. There should be a wider assessment of possibilities. You don't want to be stuck with an agenda that seems to be outdated. Trying the same thing over and over again when it is not working can be exhausting if no different results are forthcoming. You are requested to try something new and see if that yields a better potential. Listen to your inner promptings.  

 Review by Wendy Stokes

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