Saturday 30 March 2019

Chicken Soup

Oldie Goldie Circle Network Book Review: 'Chicken Soup for the Soul - Stories that restore your faith in human nature' By Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen published by Vermillion in the  Books That Change Lives Series, this is one of the Chicken Soup series, a 300 pages paperback, 8 million copies sold from the self-help and inspirational category.

This is a book that everyone loves! It features almost a hundred very short stories from around the world that will brighten your day and lift your spirits. One can benefit by reading stories which have affected the lives of other people, restoring confidence and improving wellbeing. These two great American motivational speakers have produced a highly readable book to motivate the world!

Topics covered are love, love for oneself, on parenting, on learning, living your dream, overcoming obstacles and eclectic wisdom that we all need to hear. A book of mature thinking, tips for a good life, of love, justice, peace, understanding, compassion, altruism, truth and other values which make the world a better place.

If you like these stories as much as I did, seek out the 'Chicken Soup' book series where we have for 'the Women's Soul', 'for the Mother's Soul', for the Couple's Soul', 'for the Soul at Work', 'for the Kid's Soul', 'for the Teenage Soul', 'for the Pet Lover's Soul', A Second Helping' and 'the Little Sip'...
 all a joy to read and make an ideal gift. Plenty available at reduced prices so you don't need to be rich to be happy! It's a real favourite of mine! Reviewer: Wendy Stokes

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