Saturday, 25 January 2025

Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights

Mind, Body and Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights, 78 individually illustrated cards with decorative miniature images from the stories of this name by Leon Carre, published by Lo Scarabeo. Between 1926 and 1929 the French painter, Leon Carre designed the art for the Arabian Tales, One Thousand and One Nights working alongside Algerian miniaturist Mohammed Racim. In 2004, the beauty of Middle Eastern culture was brought to this deck. A little white booklet is included in the pack with a few words of divinatory meaning for each card in English and 4 other languages. 

The wonderful collection of Middle Eastern tales were written in Persia in the 10th century. Antoine Galland in 1700s to the French court of the Sun King translated this story. The wicked Sultan has an endless stream of brides who come to his chamber each night. After the wedding night is over, he kills them. But the clever Scheherazade weaves an endless story of Aladdin, Sinbad and Ali Baba that hold his attention night after night. He falls in love with her and spares her life and they live happily ever after - so the story goes! The original Arabic texts were translated in 1949 by Francesco Gabriela. 

There is a suggested spread of 15 cards called 'The Garden of Scheherezade' with 3 major arcana cards and 12 minor arcana cards. This deck is a magic carpet ride of wonder and delight. Every card has an individual image. Readings are very dependent on the readers' ability to connect to the Otherworld though the images and the stories the cards pertain to.

Lo Scarabeo has card stock that is slim line, and easy for shuffling, ideal in the hand of a lady reader. 
Some Major Arcana cards have another title, such as 'The Venerable Woman' for II, and 'The Venerable Man' for V. 'Harmony' is number VIII, 'Courage' for XI, 'The Bound Man' for card XII, 'Danger' for XVI, 'The Stars' for XVII. A 15 card reading is suggested titled The Garden of Scheherazade. Traditional tarot card meanings are opened to include the wider storyline which helps with creativity and intuition for the reader. Upright and reversed meanings are provided in a few words in the lwb. The backs do not give away the fall of the cards and depict Scherazade in a garden with a rose and a reflective pond. A jewellers' eye glass adds to the enjoyment of these cards. Here on the right is the card of the Magician!

This is a fascinating tarot deck for those who enjoy imaginative journeys and seek a tarot deck that will stimulate them! Let your imagination run loose! Review by Wendy Stokes

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