Circle Network Book Review: The Pocket Book of Mindfulness - live in the moment and reduce stress. Hardback, 380 pages. Published by Arcturus.
"Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be its master and not its slave"
With contributions from Barack Obama, Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hahn, Deepak Chopra and other leading lights who provide a short quotation, explanation and information on how to use Mindfulness to improve relationships, achieve contentment and tranquility, and enjoy greater health and happiness.
Circle Network Book Review: The Healing Handbook - A Spiritual Guide to Healing Yourself and Others by Tara Ward, spiral bound, published by Arcturus. Techniques and tools here for all aspects of healing, including information on chakras, relaxation, self assessment, releasing anger and resentment, physical healing, creating a healing sanctuary, increasing sensitivity, developing intuition, spiritual protection, absent healing, pendulums, crystals, colour, sound, massage, cutting ties, etc. Very general and simply written. A good primer!