Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Mystical Kipper is a very elegant deck of 36 fortune telling cards, created by Regula Elizabeth Fiechter and the artist, Urban Trosch, and published by the card deck specialist, AGM Urania.
Sample: Tree is
numbered 17 and is titled 'Receiving a Gift'. It
a Christmas
tree with fairy
lights. Gifts are laid out around its base, we guess who purchased these, and who they are for and what might be inside the wrapping paper. Will this be a happy Xmas event? Someone has gone to much trouble to create a perfect setting. It is a card which draws us to the
creation of homely
happiness and sharing a time
of celebration with others.
The Mystical Kipper cards, however, do not depict all sweetness and light! Some cards highlight the more difficult aspects of life which are ever present for the unsuspecting. There are false persons, unhappiness, prison, bereavement, and other dangers. All 36 cards can be laid in an 'All Cards' spread, nine cards in four rows and the cards are read horizontally, diagonally and vertically.
This is a delightful deck, as is it's companion, the Mystical Lenormand, by the same creators, Fiechter and Trosch. I like to use the Mystical Kipper cards alongside the Lenormand Cards to create a 72 card combined deck. There is sufficient information in the little white booklet in the deck packs to get the beginner started.
than traditional card size but true to the size of the original cards,
these Kipper cards depict scenes from a by-gone era. The origin of the
cards is lost in the midst of time, perhaps the cards were named after
Berliner, Mrs Susanne Kipper, who lived at least one hundred years ago,
or perhaps they were used by the Wipper travellers. Whatever their
origin, a period of wealth and beauty around the turn of the 19th/20th
century is reflected in the artwork and in military, legal and
agricultural matters. The images are mainly figurative. The artist Urban Trosch has created smooth, restful and delightful
and decorative illustrations. The original designation of the card titles have been
retained in this numbered deck which can be best used for questions that
relate to personal relationships. The use of one's own intuition is
needed to get the best from the reading.
Reviewer: Wendy Stokes To read my review for The Mystical Lenormand, click on this link: https://mbsmagazin.blogspot.com/2020/06/mystical-lenormand.html#.YcYIo2jP3IU
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