Thursday, 19 December 2024

Fairy Messages Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue contains 44 cards plus 109 guidebook with 109 pages. £13.99 Various artists. 

This easy to use pack provides information on using the cards, such as how to consecrate them and receive an answer to a question. Ideal for a one card choice per day, there is also a three card spread or use of a multiple card spread suggested.  The book contains not just the title of the card, a picture and message, but in the book there is more information about the message. The card stock is excellent, as usual for Hay House, this deck is edged with gold leaf, and the artwork is of good quality. Some of the card titles are: 'Good-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New', 'Ask for What You Want', Your Wish is Granted', all cards carry a positive message and are ideal for first time users and can be used for self or others.

Sample reading:  'Healing, Healed, Healer' and the message is that healing is surrounding you and your current situation, whatever that might be. Healing is always appropriate, to restore, alleviate, inform or inspire, to guide or to relieve. We all have healing abilities, though not all use them. However, healing is the greatest of all mediumship gifts and when the chips are down, we often learn that we are able to access this gift. So why wait until something serious happens to become a healer? Read some books on the healing arts or take a course. Your prayers will be heard. Move forward with your purpose in life, which involves one of the many aspects of healing, whether it be distance healing, hands-on, counselling, coaching, teaching or supporting practically, such as telephoning a lonely person, doing shopping for someone unwell or giving someone a lift if you have a car. 

The card of Emotional Healing tells us 'As your heart heals of old emotional pain, you receive new blessings and love. As you let go of emotional wounds, you awaken to a new level of power and joy. Call upon supportive friends, professionals and others to help you connect with loving kindness, to see the beauty all around you, to take delight in in the growth of nature at this time. The fairies are in the Mayblossom - go find them! I especially like four of the cards titled Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Additionally another two favourites are Vegetarian and Connect With Nature. 


This card insists: Get Some Exercise! This is about getting your body strengthened for the year ahead and exercise reduces stress. The fairies dance, run, jump, play and are always active. They keep themselves in good physical shape. It means they sleep well when they are finished with the day. Exercise and good sleep improve every area of life, ie relationships, career, hobbies, etc. You are invited to do physical work today, such as housework, walking, dancing, swimming, yoga, sports! Do I hear a new year's resolution forming? I hope so! 
Vegetarian is another sample: This provides energy, health, clarity and abilities and by eating fresh fruit, legumes, nuts and vegetables we live close to the fairy people and their wisdom, especially if it is organic, without chemical pollutants, and grown and picked with love. Whether vegetarian or vegan, without any animal products, we become more spiritually conscious. Some consider a raw food diet to be the best as many nutrients are destroyed by cooking. 

Connect With Nature tells us to spend more time out of doors, in nature, as the fresh air, extra exercise, and inspiration which comes from the natural world will rejuvenate and uplift our energies. Sunshine, animals, butterflies, birds and bees, will answer any questions that might be concerning you. In the outdoors, you will receive creative ideas. Today or tomorrow, find time to stroll, not rush, but walk in the park and be aware of what you feel and think as you walk. There are many ways of connecting to Nature, through a pet, a plant, hiking, meditating, singing, laughing!   



Reviewer: Wendy Stokes 

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