Thursday 3 August 2023

Numerology Guidance Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Oracle Card Review: Numerology Cards by Michelle Buchanan with artwork by Jonathan Quintin. 44 cards in box with instruction booklet published by Hay House. Card size 3.8 x 9.5 x 14cm. £14.99

These are high quality cards and the instruction booklet explains how to bless and connect to the cards by talking to them, placing them over your heart and affirming your intentions. Then perform a 5 minute visualisation. There is also information on how to use the cards and how to perform a reading, such as being clear about asking a question and selecting your card. In addition to a one card reading example, a 3 card reading is shown which offers ‘situation’, ‘action’, ‘outcome’ or a ‘3 points of view’ card. There is also a multiple deck reading where you use ‘Numerology Guidance Cards’ with another deck, such as an angel or tarot deck. Every card in the deck has a different colour for recognition, a number and a title. In the booklet, there is an explanation for every card and number and an affirmation. The design is the same on the front (it is described as a ‘Merkaba star tetrahedron’ and the backs of the cards are a blue/purple colour with a circle described as a ‘Flower of Life’.   

Sample of Card 8 titled ‘Manifestation’. This card indicates a need to acknowledge the power of your mind and your ability to manifest your desires. You are being urged to familiarise yourself with the Law of Attraction and clarify your wants and needs, for you have entered a powerful cycle of Divine manifestation. Provided that your dreams serve the greater good, as well as the intentions of your soul, the Universe will assist you in making them come true. By drawing this card, you are being reminded that successful manifestation requires more than just positive and wishful thinking. You must also surrender the outcome to the Divine and detach from the results. Remember that the Law of Attraction works both ways, so pay attention to your doubts, worries and fears, and monitor your negative thoughts. Then focus predominantly on what you want rather than what you fear or don’t want. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonise with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are leading you towards a time of manifestation. By making peace with your life as it is today and appreciating what you already have, you will create the life you have always imagined. Affirmation: I use my thoughts to make my dreams come true. 

And number 14, titled 'Moderation'. It indicates the need for constraint and self control. Are you engaging in addictions? If so, you must get these under control because they will get in the way of you achieving success and happiness in your life. The operative word is 'balance' in all things. You must contact your higher self, honour commitments, care for others, align yourself with what is healthy and good. So from now on, be in harmony with all aspects of your life. Exercise temperance and self discipline. We all get out of balance sometimes. Make sure you bring yourself back to the middle path or get some help to do this as it is probably the most important thing you will do.

The last card is ‘Nature’ with the number 74 which reads ‘I spend time in nature and align myself with Source’. It indicates the need to spend more time in nature which has the capacity to heal and replenish your energy levels, especially if you are tired, anxious or depressed or have been using modern technology. A ten minute walk will revitalise, balance and ground you. Now is the time to harmonise with natural rhythms and cycles of life.

Michelle Buchanan is a ‘Law of Attraction’ speaker, teacher, writer and numerologist. She is a spiritual counsellor for Women’s Day Magazine (New Zealand) and has 20 years of experience working with numbers.  

Also by the same author ‘The Numerology Guidebook- Uncover the Destiny and the Blueprint of Your Life’ paperback, published by Hay House. 

Review by Wendy Stokes

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