Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Moon Magic

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Moon Magic - Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells by D J Conway, published by Llewellyn Worldwide, 308 pages with text and black and white sketches.
'How to Make the Moon Work for You!'

This book, written by one of the most knowledgeable persons within the pagan/Wiccan arena, explains how to use the Moon's influences in order to deepen our connection to its cycles. Our ancestors worked with planetary influences, to plant and harvest, to take action, to honour and respect the rhythms of nature, in dark, crescent and full aspects. The female author, DJ Conway, has an extensive catalogue of authored occult non fiction and occasional fictional tales.

The text begins with a delightful poem to the Moon and The Charge of the Goddess is offered with information about this tradition. Each of the 13 Moons of the Lunar Year are detailed and each Moon month is given a title and is placed within the seasonal festivals. Beginning with earliest history to present times, covering traditions, crafts, spells, myths, gods and goddesses, meditations, blessings, correspondences and celebrations. The book includes a directory of Moon deities and symbols.

Well worth the cost! It is packed with useful, inspirational, enjoyable, fascinating and unusual methods, tips and suggestions. 'Go With the Flow of Power' and treat yourself to this meaty tome! 

Review by Wendy Stokes

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