Friday, 14 March 2025

Harmonious Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Harmonious Tarot by Ernest Fitzpatrick, based on artwork by Walter Crane, published by Lo Scarabeo. The pack contains 78 cards plus explanatory leaflet. £17.99

Advice: The object of readings is: To be sincere, honest and to try not to say what the Querent would like to hear!

The brief information leaflet is in 5 European languages and the deck comprises of 78 delicately drawn, delightful artworks by Walter Crane, an associate of William Morris. The card definitions follow traditional tarot card meanings, but the images lend themselves to creative readings with free interpretation.

A Card of the Day is recommended. In a peaceful space, choose a card for yourself to work with its energy. A 10 card Celtic Cross spread is suggested with a simple ritual. The cards can be used for reversed card interpretation but none are provided.

The Harmonious Tarot has peaceful, pretty scenes in gentle pastel colours. I enjoyed each card as an artwork, looking at each through an eye glass. The art covers many historical periods, is feminine and romantic. This is a delightful deck with floral borders. 

I have chosen The Fool as a sample card. The card has 0 and an ornate leaf and flower design border. Maybe a lily and the daisy are the prominent border flowers. Within the setting, we see a solitary young woman dressed in a flowing white gown. She is a Primavera or Spring like goddess personality, dancing barefoot among the mountain cliff tops. Tall ranges of blue mountain peaks are in the background. She holds in her hands long strands of white flowers and she looks behind her as she dances precariously close to the cliff edge. A small hound is racing towards her as though they could both tumble over. A sliver of a moon rests in the arms of its mother.

The card is the last listed in the Major Arcana sequence. The leaflet gives the following description: Madness, original perception, non- conventionality, light-heartedness, illogical thoughts, confusion, joy and celebration, travel, alienation, difference. The cards of Strength and Justice are reversed, Justice is VIII and Strength, XI.

If the Fool came up in a reading, I might say the card implies a blossoming and a period of fortuitous renewal. All potential lies in this moment that relies on awareness and intuition, but is she caught up by the beauty of the landscape, the song of the lark and the breeze in her hair? Is she pre-occupied by matters that have passed? Is she caring for herself and her little dog in a dangerous terrain? I would say 'go forward cautiously with good intentions and allow Wisdom to accompany her on her travels through life. Artwork - sensational 100/100!
Harmonious Tarot is included in the Total Tarot Course Collection, Magazine numbers, 6 & 7. 
Review and reading by Wendy Stokes

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