Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Oracle Card Reading for March

The first card I have chosen is from the Fairy Tale Fortune Cards by Liz Dean where each card is accompanied by the story of a fairy tale that has a valuable message. This chosen card is titled 'The Tree' and whenever it is chosen, it brings the possibilities of improved health and long term benefits. The tree itself is a symbol of spiritual growth, development in relationships and of course, it is a symbol for our family tree, so we remember those within our extended family and those who have gone on the great journey into the world of spirit. The booklet includes a story of the Singing Ringing Tree which has the message that growth is always possible, no matter what our situation, we can make the best of it and remember that past challenges make us stronger.

The second card is from Healing With the Fairies from Doreen Virtue and is titled 'Awakening Your True Self'. The card's message is about discovering your authenticity and the person who you were born to be. This means you must go on a journey of discovery, for your true interests, passions and desires. You will discover your original sense of humour and childlike, innocent enjoyments. A cloud of falseness will be lifted as you no longer try to fit in with what someone else wanted you to be. Use the affirmation: I now give myself permission to be true to my self.

The third card is from Numerology Guidance Cards by Michelle Buchanan and is number 14, titled 'Moderation'. It indicates the need for constraint and self control. Are you engaging in addictions? If so, you must get these under control because they will get in the way of you achieving success and happiness in your life. The operative word is 'balance' in all things. You must contact your higher self, honour commitments, care for others, align yourself with what is healthy and good. So from now on, be in harmony with all aspects of your life. Exercise temperance and self discipline. We all get out of balance sometimes. Make sure you bring yourself back to the middle path or get some help to do this as it is probably the most important thing you will do. 

The last card is from Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue and it is titled
'Healing, Healed, Healer' and the message is that healing is surrounding you and your current situation, whatever that might be. Healing is always appropriate, to restore, alleviate, inform or inspire, to guide or to relieve. We all have healing abilities, though not all use them. However, healing is the greatest of all mediumship gifts and when the chips are down, we often learn that we are able to access this gift. So why wait until something serious happens to become a healer? Read some books on the healing arts or take a course. Your prayers will be heard. Move forward with your purpose in life, which involves one of the many aspects of healing, whether it be distance healing, hands-on, counselling, coaching, teaching or supporting practically, such as telephoning a lonely person, doing shopping for someone unwell or giving someone a lift if you have a car. 

Reading by Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk

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