Friday 13 October 2023

Rex Deus and Rosslyn

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Rex Deus - The True Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau and The Dynasty of Jesus by Marilyn Hopkins and the late Tim Wallace-Murphy, published by Element Books. 

A work of the late Tim Wallace-Murphy, Founder of the European Templar Heritage Research Network, suggesting Jesus Christ lived after the crucifixion to travel with Mary Magdalene to France where his descendants have retained a pure blood line to this day. It describes Jesus as the founder of a wisdom based dynasty originating with 24 Jerusalem kings, and follows how descendants joined forces to found the Knights Templar. What is the symbol on the Rex Deus ring? Links are made with the Cathar, Rosicrucians and Freemasons. 

The book describes an extraordinary story by a descendant of Hughes de Payens and answers some important questions. Is there a connection between the Templars and the Tarot? Why is Freemasonry symbolism so difficult to understand? What filled the gap between the death of Jesus and St Paul’s ministry? Is there a connection to the Red Cross of Babylon and Rossslyn Chapel? Is Freemasonry a limited liability company? What are its assets? Who owns it? Is there a secret society within Freemasonry?  

In addition to Rex Deus, the reviewer recommends ‘Rosslyn’, by Tim Wallace-Murphy and co-writer, Marilyn Hopkins which examines Pre-Christian pilgrimage routes used by Druids, Templars and Christian mystics. 

Recommended. Reviews by Wendy Stokes

Also by Tim Wallace-Murphy:
The Illustrated Guidebook to Rosslyn Temple
The Templar Legacy and Masonic Inheritance within Rosslyn Chapel
The Mark of the Beast
Rosslyn, Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail
Templars in America
Custodians of Truth
Cracking the Symbol Code
Enigma of the Freemasons

And a review by Kerry Kaye: "I really enjoyed this book. It has validated some of my research in the belief systems of the Rosicrucians, the Stewart monarchy and their disappearance from sight. It's pointed me to another book called "The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland", which I'm planning on reading. I like how "Rex Deus" explains the reasons and how the true teachings of Jesus had to be held secret by these Societies. I only wish my grandmother was still alive so I could ask her opinion she would have liked this book. I also found it interesting that information is only passed down to certain family members in each generation, to those who have the interest and respectively know its truths. It is truly a calling."

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