Sunday, 23 February 2025

Ancient Italian Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Ancient Italian Tarot.

This is a reproduction of a Marseilles style, ancient Italian decks by Carlo Della Rocca. It is highly ornate deck from the specialist publishers, Lo Scarabeo and is a joy to work with. The Major cards have Roman and Arabic numerals and the title of each Major card is in Latin. The Minor cards are Rods, Cups, Swords and Pentacles, with seasons allotted for each. They were once related to the lion, bull, eagle and man, and to the elements, fire, earth, air and water. All cards below 6 were removed from the deck. Court cards probably finally called 'coat' cards. Mediaeval monks used a system of memory training known as mnemonics, with pictures to aid recollection. The Romany word for card deck is 'tar' from Sanskrit 'taru'. Eliphas Levy considered the tarot and Cabala were related. Papua, a doctor of medicine, published Tarot of the Bohemians, and he considered the major arcana to be a spiritual journey through ups and downs of life. A superb deck! 

A very inspiring and beautiful tarot deck. 
Recommended. Review by  Wendy Stokes

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