Wednesday 27 March 2024

Magdalene Oracle Cards

Mind Body Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Magdalene Oracle - An Ocean of Eternal Love by Toni Carmine Salerno, published by Blue Angel Publishing, 45 cards in a boxed set with instruction booklet. £17.99

Mary Magdalene is presented through the modern artwork and text of Toni Carmine Salerno, with figurative and some abstract paintings. Mary Magdalene is the bearer of infinite love and timeless wisdom and the deck can be used for personal guidance or for simple readings. For each card, a 150 word reading is supplied. 

Text description and meaning of the cards follows: 

Acceptance is the key word for you at the moment. You have the power to heal and bring balance to an area of your life that is causing you concern by accepting things as they are. Don’t try to change that which is beyond your power to change. You have power over the way you react to the events in your life. Adopting an accepting attitude will help you regain your sense of inner peace. There’s no point worrying about something if worrying about it will make no difference. Believe that the forces of life are with you and not against you. Make the most of what you have, instead of wishing you had more However, acceptance does not mean that you need to give up on your dreams, hopes or aspirations, just know that there is a higher purpose to things and trust that all will work out for your highest good and for the highest good of all concerned.
Trying to gain a higher spiritual state of awareness may feel like a long and slow process. Yet remember that a part of you exists always in a higher spiritual state. Higher consciousness is a knowing and wisdom far beyond words or explanation. It is your true nature, the eternal light of your soul. There is no point trying to reach it just as there is no point trying to escape your physical reality. To ascend spiritually is to accept and love your physical reality. Higher consciousness means being fully present in each moment. Stop trying to reach it, and you may just realise you are already there.
Your heart is open and full of love and because of this magical blessings are drawn to you. If you are single, a loving relationship will soon be formed which will transform your life. If you are already in a relationship then your relationship is about to deepen and also be transformed in some way. Love is a timeless state through which all is spiritually interconnected. You will soon feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for life through your relationship with your beloved. Valuable insights are gained and you each bring out the best in one another.
“Love is the gateway to an endless universe,
Where the light of a billion stars forever glows,
through one eternal spirit.”
A new opportunity will present itself over the coming week which at first may seem beyond your financial means or expertise. Yet this opportunity would not present itself if you were not capable of handling it. It will work for you provided you are flexible in the methods you adopt. More importantly, keep in mind that anything of lasting value is always a co-creation between you and God. Seek intuitive guidance from your higher mind and from God. See yourself in a spiritual partnership with the divine creator and ask to be shown the ways and means of accomplishing your mission. When making a decision sit quietly and ask your higher self and god to help you make the most appropriate one. Remember also that perseverance and commitment are major factors in any success. Acknowledge your fears and perceived shortcomings and then go for it. You will not fail provided you always remember that all you do is a co-creation.
Over the coming days pay attention to the colors you are drawn to. The colors of your clothes and the food you eat and drink have a profound effect on the way you feel. When you find yourself being drawn to a certain color, pay attention to the energy emanating from it; how does that color make you feel? Perhaps it brings out a certain mood or invokes a certain memory. Color is ultimately vibration. Each color or combination of colors vibrates at a particular frequency. When you are drawn to a particular color it is because a part of you resonates with its frequency. Color will help balance your emotions and restore your wellbeing. The following is a meditation that you may wish to practice particularly if you feel low on energy or emotional.
Imagine yourself on a beautiful sandy beach watching the water’s ebb and flow.
Feel the gentle breeze blowing through your mind, clearing away all unwanted thoughts, concerns and negative feelings. Visualise each of the following colors one at a time. Take your time with each one. Breathe in the vibration and essence of each color until you feel that color vibrate in every part of your body. Allow each color to flow through your mind as you affirm:
I AM a violet flame
I AM a blue flame
I AM a pink flame
I AM a green flame
I AM a yellow flame
I AM an orange flame
I AM a ruby red flame
I AM a white flame
I AM a golden flame
I AM a silver flame
Conflicting thoughts regarding a major decision are causing you to feel confused. You may be feeling as If you don’t know which way to turn at the moment. You feel unable to choose between that which you truly would love to do and that which you think you must do. At the heart of this issue lies a deep-seated sense of obligation to others – you are afraid that you might disappoint or hurt another by choosing what you love. The best course of action for you at this time is to take a few steps back. Don’t place extra pressure on yourself by thinking that you must decide right now. Give yourself time. If possible take a short break away from it all, bring some peace and quiet into your life and over the coming days things will be clearer. Your primary obligation it to honor what you truly feel in your heart. Others will understand in time.
You are causing yourself much unnecessary suffering by thinking that you need to improve in some way, before you can find peace fulfilling. For much of your life you have tried to hide the parts of you that you don’t think are lovable. Yet the things you repress of hide resurface through external situations until you learn to accept and love them. A world of infinite possibilities awaits you if you can just learn to be yourself and love yourself as you are. Inside you there is a shining star. Allow the light of your star to shine forth and you will find that people will love you just as you are. Over the coming weeks, pay close attention to your thoughts. When you find yourself thinking negatively or fearfully, consciously transform that thought into a loving one and continue doing this until the cycle is broken. This will take time, dedication and perseverance but the rewards will eventually be great.
You have an important decision to make at present and the decision you make now will affect many around you for a long time to come. Be sure you know what you really want before you act. Take a few deep breaths, take time out to clear your mind and you will know. We are all part of one creation, energetically interconnected and therefore, what effects one also affects the whole. Everything you say and do and everything you fail to say or do has a flow on effect. A positive effect can only be achieved by being true to yourself. The right decision is the one that sits comfortably inside your heart. Don’t make your decision based on guilt or what you think you should do. Be true to you; for it is only by being true to yourself that you can be true to others.
You may be inadvertently sinking into depression because you believe the world around you is in disarray. With all its suffering, destruction and war, the world can seem like a woeful place. Yet, as the saying goes, “there is a time and purpose for everything under heaven.” Everything serves a purpose and has a reason for being otherwise that thing would not exist. Life is like a divine tapestry; each thread is vital to the overall picture. However, being a divine tapestry, the overall design only begins to make sense when viewed form a higher perspective. Believing that things are not the way they should be only serves to keep you disappointed, angry and fearful. Divine order is visible but it is only visible through the perspective of love, just as the true purpose of things can only be known by the light of your soul. Your world doesn’t need saving, it just needs to be loved.
Everything in the Universe consists of complementary opposites, so there is no point in wishing that everyone around you was more like you. Accept this universal truth and you will avoid further disappointment. Every time to identify a quality in another that you don’t like, pause for a moment and identify that same quality within you. If you have identified that quality in another then it is sure to exist also in you. If you can’t see it within yourself it is simply because you have repressed that quality. Every quality you think you possess comes with an opposite quality attached to it. You can’t have one without having the other. Read and reflect on the following sets of qualities or feelings, listed below, several times each day. As you go, you may want to add more qualities. Slowly reflect on each one until you are able to see each of these qualities within yourself. When you are able to own and love each one equally, you will have made a major breakthrough which leads to a new found sense of balance and wellbeing.
Friendly/Not friendly
You were born into your family for a reason and a purpose, just as there is a reason and purpose for experiencing all you have experienced to date. Yet like most of us, you probably believe the myth that all family members should get along and always be nice to one another. Other families always seem nicer. The truth is that every family experiences similar dynamics in one way or another. Your family is your greatest teacher. Every family member will hold at least one trait that you don’t like, and you have at least one trait that each of your family members doesn’t like. This fact sets the perfect environment for us to learn to love unconditionally. You will discover that every perceived negatives comes with a positive attached to it. True love often comes in ways and forms that we initially fail to recognise. Yet with the passing of time you will realise that beneath our individual facades there is only love. Love comes in many forms and it may not always be kind. Reflect on this for it will help you let go of any resentment you have towards your family or a family member.
Whether male or female you are advised to embrace your feminine side. This means embracing your intuitive, gentle and loving nature and applying these qualities to a current troublesome situation. Embracing these nurturing and gentle qualities will help you to feel a greater sense of balance and this will help you overcome you present difficulty. Ask mother earth to help ground and strengthen you and you will feel a renewed sense of vitality. Spend time in nature – do some gardening or go for a walk in a park. Feel your connection to the earth and remember that both masculine and feminine qualities are complementary parts of every human being. Balance, true power and wisdom are only possible when you embrace both.
“For years I have felt your yearning. For ever I have loved you.”
You may be asking “does God really exist and if so, where is God when you need God most? Often, it is in our times of greatest need that we feel the most alone. This card is your confirmation that you are never alone. The Universe has heard your call and wants you to know that the loving presence of the divine creator always fills and surrounds you. Surrender your fears and concerns. Accept the healing light that is being offered to you in this very moment. Out of fear, we often try to swim against the current – this is a waste of time and energy. Trust, accept and let go. Though there are bound to be many twists and turns along the way, you’ll be pleasantly surprised where the river of life eventually takes you.
“Each life is like an ocean forever yearning for love’s shore. We ebb and flow, not realising, we eternally bathe in the sea of love.”
If you are struggling to make ends meet or experiencing challenging times in your career or business, you may overcome the present difficulty through gratitude. Stop dwelling on what you think is missing and be grateful for all you already have. There is so much in your life to be grateful for and it is through gratitude that the Universe showers you with blessings. There is no need for negativity and fear for this only serves to block the universal stream of abundance from flowing through. Have faith and be grateful. Focus on that which is positive and all will be resolved soon. You may expect a positive outcome over the coming three months.
“I give thanks for all the blessings in my life. I give thanks for all the abundance in my life. I am always safe.”
To the rational mind it seems that nothing can exist without having a beginning and an end. In the physical world things are born and then they die, things start, then come to an end. On the surface, this is what we see and often believe. However, when we delve deep into the spiritual heart of the matter a different picture emerges. Energetically nothing ever truly dies; everything in life simply transforms. Everything and everyone is forever held within love’s eternal embrace. Spiritually, everything and everyone you love are always present; nothing is ever truly lost or missing. So smile and don’t be sad, for everyone you love are always present; nothing is ever truly lost or missing. So smile and don’t be sad, for everyone you love is forever present in your heart, just as you are forever present in theirs. Time and space are but an illusion. Whether spiritually or physically, we all exist now. Life is but one eternal moment.
You are blessed and guided by the eternal spirit of love. A positive transformation is occurring in your life this very moment. Close your eyes and feel yourself bathed in the love which stems from the heart of the Goddess. This card is confirmation that all is unfolding as it should. There is no need for concern so stop taking things so seriously and trust.
“All unfolds in perfect harmony.
Life is always full of opportunity.
I am guided and protected.
I surrender my concerns to the Goddess of eternal
Your creativity is blocked at present because you are not expressing how you truly feel.
To unblock your creativity you need to express your feelings. Creativity is first and foremost about self-expression. Every piece of art, no matter what the subject or style, is a self portrait. Express everything you feel inside you, good, bad, beautiful or ugly. Everything is valid so don’t place judgements or restrictions on yourself. Your creativity has no boundaries apart from the boundaries you place on it yourself. Creativity is the essence of your life and self-expression is creativities voice. Self-expression heals and liberates you. It illuminates your mind and heart, all you need is to let your feelings come through.
You may have been emotionally hurt in the past and as a result you are now reluctant to share your feelings with others because you fear being hurt again. It is understandable that you have placed a protective shield around your heart, however it’s now time to drop the armour because at present it is preventing a worthwhile relationship from forming. There is someone who dearly loves you and the love this person has for you is real. However he or she is afraid to reveal their true feelings for fear rejection. Like you, they also fear being hurt. Trust and share your feelings and experiences openly and honestly; you’ll be amazed at what unfolds. The most intimate relationships are formed through tears and laughter so don’t be afraid to express your feelings, fears and vulnerabilities. The past is behind you; release it and embrace the new.
Love and accept all of who you are as you are. Every trait serves a purpose and until you see the light within you, you will not see the light in others. How you feel about the world around you is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Everything you see in others reflects something in you. You drawn people, situations and events into your life that reflect what you are yet to love about yourself. As you journey through life you grow in wisdom and eventually you will realise that many of your perceptions of good and bad, of right and wrong were simply illusions.
A person who recently hurt or disappointed you in some way is simply a mirror for the hurt and disappointment you already held inside you. All the events of your life, regardless of whether you label them good or bad, are simply acts of love. The hurt or disappointment you now feel is an opportunity for you to examine what it is that you don’t love about yourself. It’s safe for you to open your heart. Love yourself as you are and stop placing unreasonable expectations on yourself. Through self-acceptance comes a new found sense of freedom which transforms the way you see life and the world around you.
When given paints and a brush, a young child will automatically express and portray images of the people and things that he or she love and then enthusiastically explain who and what everything in the picture represents. Children have no preconceived ideas about how they should express themselves, they just do it naturally and spontaneously, in any way they can.
You could benefit by adopting a similar attitude at this time. Let go of all your hang-ups and express yourself freely without judgment. Express all you have stored in your heart. You can express yourself in a myriad of ways. Verbal expression, journal writing, painting, drawing, music, and dance are but a few of the ways in which you can effectively express yourself feelings and emotions. This will help you clear the emotional blockages that have formed over the past few months. You will regain a new found sense of enthusiasm for life and this will filter through to your work and relationships.
A beautiful relationship will soon develop. This relationship will continue to grow for many years to come and endless blessings stem from it. Appreciate and savour each moment together and always keep that flame of love alight in your heart. For love is a magnet; you cannot help but attract love when you have love in your heart.
If you are already in a meaningful relationship, then your relationship will deepen provided you are always open with each other and are receptive to one another’s needs. Always express any insecurity you have with your partner and you will find that your relationship will continue to strengthen.
Through you
I see what I otherwise cannot see
The reflection of a star
So bright that its light fills heaven
Glimmering creations
Floating out to sea
Love and heavenly bodies
Your love forever unfolds
Forever illuminates
Through endless cycles and seasons
God and Goddess dream through us.
Go forth and be true to yourself
Dare to be different
To make mistakes
Create, for it is in creation that you exist
In a world full of dreams that stem from your heart
In oneness, love and hatred
Wonder and awe, softness and pain, joy and light.
In the stillness the unknown awaits
A void wanting to be filled
Step into it with courage and strength
Like a budding rose reaching for the light
Love will lead you to greener pastures.
Keep your pockets full of dreams
For life is a test of faith
Allow your light to shine
There is no beginning or end
There is only love!
Trying to figure out why certain things happen is like attempting to piece together a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle while only having a few pieces of the puzzle is your possession. You cannot fully understand the present situation using the logic of your finite mind. Just know that a bigger picture exists, even though it is not possible for you to see it at this time. Trust, for all that is happening is an act of love; ultimately you will discover the blessing. Have patience! You will look back on this period of your life and be thankful for all that is occurring now.
You will soon find yourself shining brightly and as such you attract much admiration and attention from others. Our universe was born through a super-luminous explosion of light. In an instant, it expanded from a tiny point to span billions of light years in every direction. You too are about to experience a rapid expansion which brings increased recognition in your field of work or study. You will soon be looking over the horizon as you travel to far and distant lands. Be grateful for all the new experiences that are about to come your way and for all that you accomplish. Enjoy each moment yet remain humble and grateful, for in doing so you will attract even greater support from others. You are beacon of light and hope. A source of great inspiration for many who cross your path; go forth in love and light!
Your determination, commitment and perseverance is about to pay off and all you have worked towards will soon manifest. It will soon be time to celebrate your achievements. However you are cautioned not to get too elated. Thank the Universe for all you achieve and keep focused. Do not lose sight of your original purpose and intentions. Keep in mind that all you do should not only serve you but also those around you. In doing this the Universe will continue to guide you and offer its assistance. Visualise your work and influence reaching larger numbers of people. Imagine this happening with ease and only in ways that make you feel comfortable. It takes no more effort to think big than to think small and remember that a miracle is always possible no matter what situation you find yourself in.
Dearest one. I ask you to surrender the fear and anxiety you hold for a loved one’s wellbeing. Trust. All will turn out for the highest good of all concerned.
This current situation is simply part of your loved ones life experience and learning.
A blessing eventually stems from this current event. Remember; at the heart of all creation only love exist. Allow divine love to stir within your heart; feel it move the Earth and stars as the miracle of life forever unfolds. Have faith in the universal spirit of life and know that you and those dear to you are eternally protected. I shower you loved one with protective and healing light so please do not worry.
Something is causing you concern at present because you are viewing the situation from only one perspective. Look with an open heart and mind and you may see that a positive side also exists. Things may very well turn in your favour if you let go of preconceived ideas and rigid views. There are at least two perspectives from which to view every situation. What you see at present is only part of the picture. Often what seems real to us may not necessarily be what is actually occurring. The true purpose of many of life’s events is often unclear because of our false assumptions, fears and misconceptions. There is no need for concern: just allow things to naturally unfold and all will become clear to you. Remember, you may not have the power to change the world or many of the events in your life, but you have the power to change your perception of them.
“Allow become clear when I view it from a higher perspective.”
An emotional issue which has plagued you for some time is now being resolved and cleared through your dreams. You may wish to try to remember your dreams and pay closer attention to them.
In your dream state, you will subconsciously revisit several of your past lives, reconciling past issues which are causing problems for you in this lifetime. To help facilitate this process set aside a few minutes for prayer and meditation before you go to sleep each night. Imagine yourself bathed in golden light and ask your angels to guide you while you sleep. Ask that you may awaken to each new day with joy and love in your heart and give thanks for the gentle healing that is taking place.
“As is in a dream
You shall drift beyond the horizon
Through the ancient mists of time,
Then awaken within the womb
To a new day
Full of beautiful things.
And you shall not remember
what came before
but for a stirring in your heart.”
Beware! Someone you are attracted to has a tendency to use others to fill their own void. To some extent this is true of most relationships, however in this particular case the void wanting to be filled is insatiable. Nothing you say or do will ever be enough, so tread carefully. Don’t allow yourself to be drawn into other people’s problems. All is not the way it is presented. Use your intuition and trust your natural instincts. In spite of its problems a valuable lesson will be derived from this relationship as you realise that we are each responsible for our own wellbeing. Taking on another’s emotional baggage is of no help to anyone so remain emotionally detached and use your sixth sense.
All unfolds in perfect time and all you need to know is revealed at the most perfect moment. Be patient and trust for angelic forces are at work in your life right now.
Feel the presence of the Goddess within your. Ask her to clear your mind so that you may hear her guidance within your heart. The Goddess speaks through feelings that stir within you. Feel her pull your heart strings as she bathes you in her healing light. You will receive a sudden inspiration when you least expect it and this will lead to a most positive outcome; be prepared for a pleasant surprise.
The emotional ups and downs you are experiencing are part of a healing process through which all that now longer serves you is being transformed and released. Though it may not seem like it, this is a positive time for you. To help facilitate the healing process make a list of anything you feel no longer serves a useful purpose in your life. Include in this list all negative thoughts and fears. Once you have made your list, practice the following meditation.
Imagine yourself and everything on your list being showered by golden light..
Now imagine a beautiful violet flame emerging from within the golden light…
Imagine the violet flame transforming all negativity into golden light. Continue to focus on the healing power of the violet flame…feel it transform you, clear and heal you.
Transformation sometimes means that we need to let something go. Trust in this process. All you surrender will automatically be healed or replaced with something more suitable.
As humans, we are so attached to our physical world that we often lose sight of our true nature. In attaching your identity and sense of worth to worldly status and achievements you have lost touch with the real you. Something inside you yearns to reconnect. Pay attention to your feelings and start to reclaim the many beautiful qualities you possess; the unique qualities you have for so long repressed and ignored. Lighten up and have fun; laughter is the best medicine for you at this time. Let go of all you think is right and wrong and all you think you should do and just be you. As your true nature re-emerges you’ll feel inspired and discover a new way of life. In turn, you will achieve greater success and feel a greater sense of fulfilment. Nurture yourself physically spiritually and emotionally. There is so much to be grateful for and so much in life to explore.
It may seem like nothing is going your way at present. A vision, plan or dream seems to be fading beyond your reach and this has left you feeling confused and disheartened. Yet remember that a higher force lovingly governs every event in your life. This force is the light of your soul which is full of infinite wisdom. The disappointment you presently feel is your soul’s way of helping you to reassess your plan. Your dream is valid and sound and you deserve to see it fulfilled. However, actualising your dream may require a change of plan or approach. Check to see if the plan you have adopted truly aligns with your values and your heart. A new approach will soon become evident; an approach that will feel right in every way. So don’t give up now. Keep an open mind and you will accomplish all you ever hoped for. New inspirations are often born in the midst of despair and sometimes we must surrender our old ways of thinking before a new way is possible.
You will soon find the answer you seek. Sit quietly, bring your focus to your breath and meditate. Pay attention to what you feel in your heart; the answer will surface from within. It is understandable that the current circumstance is creating anxiety and stress in your life; it is human nature to want to make sense of everything in our lives. However don’t waste your energy trying to figure out everything logically, for this will only cause further confusion. Trust the loving guidance within you and know that all unfolds in perfect time. All will fall into place over the coming two months.
Sexual energy is perhaps the strongest motivating force that we humans possess. Yet this energy is also one of the most misunderstood and misused energies. Sexual energy, when honoured and combined with love, takes on a sacred form and becomes an extraordinary power. This form of sexual energy is the greatest creative force on our planet. Great achievements in all areas of life are possible when we learn to control and direct our sexual energy towards a particular endeavour.
Sacred sexuality is a spiritual merging of two souls. This merger may be physical and spiritual, or it can be purely a spiritual one, both are equally valid and powerful. Sacred sexuality is also a communion with the divine. Reflected though one another you come face to face with the God-Goddess of all creation, God-Goddess of all there is.
It is through such a union that you soon experience a most profound sense of love and bliss. This experience will have a profound effect on your life. Honor it, for it is truly sacred. Thank the Universe for this blessing!
The assumptions you are making about another person or event could turn out to be completely wrong. Realise that for every theory there is a contradicting and opposing one. There may be more to this situation than first meets the eye. You are being advised to keep an open mind and heart. All is not necessarily the way it seems. Remember also, that often the judgments we make about others are also judgments we make about ourselves. You will not find peace and fulfilment while holding an ‘I’m right and they’re wrong’ attitude; accept that there is no single truth that applies universally and things will become clearer.
Someone will soon confide in you and the information they divulge may shock and disturb you. You may feel torn between two loyalties you have for two people, and this creates a dilemma for you. What is the right thing to do? Should you divulge the information or stay silent? In your heart you will know. Ultimately you must be true to yourself, for only in doing so can you be true to others. Revealing the truth will definitely cause upheaval, but eventually things settle down, your honesty and courage will be appreciated. Don’t dwell on feelings of guilt; express what is in your heart, for a hidden blessing is in store for all. As a result of the coming events both you and others will feel a sense of relief. There are positive results for all concerned; however these can only be actualised through your courage and love.
Over the coming days, pay attention to little synchronicities that stem from unexpected events. A life-changing event or inspiration will soon reveal itself, perhaps when you least expect it and in the most unlikely place.
Through this event you gain a deeper awareness of the spiritual reality that surrounds you. This results in a heightened sensitivity and you realise that you are being spiritually guided towards new and rewarding experiences. A serendipitous event leads you to new creative possibilities and positive opportunities. New friendships are formed and many blessings come your way.
Someone dear to you needs your love and support at the moment, perhaps even your forgiveness. Put aside any recent disagreements; let it all go and make up. Deep down you both know that you love each other. Life is too short to waste; adopt a loving attitude for love will heal all things. Honor and respect each other’s differences; individuality is sacred. You are both beautiful souls. Through love and forgiveness a world of infinite possibilities and contentment awaits you.
At present it seems that the harder you try, the more the things you want elude you. There’s not much you can do at the moment except wait. Surrender you expectations and be patient. In time you will get what you want, though this may not come in the form or way you expected. In the meantime, remember that you cannot control how others view things or what they think, say or do. In time you will come to realise that the current events are a blessing. You will emerge from this period of your life with a new found sense of clarity which will enable you to move forward in life with confidence. The emotional ups and downs you are currently experiencing will soon stabilise.
Your world may seem like it has turned upside down, yet rest assured, there is no need for concern. A positive transformation related to work, study or finances is now occurring. Keep calm and allow the storm to clear for when it does you shall discover that things have been rearranged for the better. Do not fear the changes taking place for change is a necessary part of life. With every ending comes a new beginning. Trust and be prepared to lovingly let go of the past. If there is one certainty in life it is that your life will continue to transform magically as it unfolds. Though you may feel unsettled and unsure at present, try to be flexible in your thinking and be open to new ideas. A bright future awaits.
The emptiness you presently feel is helping you reconnect to aspects of your nature that you have kept repressed for some time. Let go of all the distractions that surround you at present and bring your awareness within. In the empty spaces of your solitude you will find a hidden treasure. This is a period of profound self-discovery, you need only to listen to the whispers inside your heart. Ask yourself what it is you truly want from life and remember that when it comes to matter of the heart, there is no right or wrong. Every choice you make leads to an outcome which is necessary for you to grow in love and wisdom. You will emerge from this phase with a clearer direction for your life. As a result of this, some of your relationships are likely to go through major changes. Relationships that no longer serve you may come to an end while others become stronger and more meaningful. Trust the inner guidance you receive!
There is a clash between your logical mind and a heartfelt yearning at present. Your heat is pulling you in one direction while your mind pulls you in another. This is creating an inner war which is responsible for the stress you are feeling. The way to overcome your current dilemma is by embracing both your heart and your mind. Trust what your heart is saying yet apply logic and common sense also. Inner peace is only possible by embracing both sides of your nature. Acknowledge any fear you may have but do not allow it to stand in your way. Only by doing what feels right in your heart will you move closer to fulfilling your dreams. Yet you also need to be rational about your decisions, for both heartfelt inspiration and practical logic are necessary in order to achieve a harmonious and successful outcome.

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