Saturday 1 April 2023

The Angel Guide Oracle

The Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray with artwork by Jennifer Hawkyard, published by Hay House, Boxed set of 44 cards and Guidebook. US: $19.99 CAN: $25.99 UK: £15.99

Text from the inside box: Thank you, angels, for reminding me of your presence and for revealing to me what I need to know. I am willing to listen and receive. And so it is! 

Angels record our life and evolution. They are extensions of divine love and are messengers from God. When we connect to angels, we connect to God. They want to guide and protect us and send us messages, signs and reminders of our true and highest aspirations. We all have a guardian angel to guide us and who knows us intimately because they were created especially for us. 

They help us to grow in love and wisdom, and are governed by spiritual laws and though they are dedicated to us, they cannot act for us unless we invite them. They do not judge and will never abandon us. There are many angels available to us that have many spiritual duties and responsibilities. They want us to be happy and live our life with purpose and compassion.

This deck is designed to help us to access our own intuition and clairvoyance and will help to strengthen our connection to angels. We are encouraged to create our own interpretations using the card images and titles. Our use of the cards and the relationships we forge with them will create a bond (or help us to remember the bond you once had with them). 

The Guidebook provides information on each of the card titles, with a message and an extended message, and also advice on how to use the deck - though there is no 'right' way or 'wrong' way to use them. We are told to hold the cards close to our heart and visualise a swirling golden light around us which cleanses our energy and that of the cards. Then ask the angels to bless the cards and help us to work accurately with them. This is the prayer that is suggested:

Divine angels of light, thank you for blessing me with your presence and for blessing these cards with your light, so that I can use them as a tool of spiritual growth and to connect to divine guidance. Thank you for being here and for revealing to me what I need to know. I set the intention that this deck will act as a bridge that brings us together, for the highest good and in the presence of love. And so it is! 

The cards can be used for personal readings or for readings for others. They are based on the Law of Attraction, where you attract experiences and energies due to your thoughts. The cards will match your intention, by helping you to draw cards that will reveal the message you most need. There is information on reversed cards that fall upside down. These upside down cards strengthen the meaning given to that card. Spreads suggested are for a daily 1-Card reading, a 3-Card spread of Strength, Heart and Challenge, a 9-Card spread, and a Future Guidance card for the month ahead. 

The cards have modern styling with enjoyable high colour artwork with multi-cultural figurative paintings that feature young people between the ages of 20-30 years old. Many are winged and many have halos. Some of the titles are 'Spiritual Growth' 'Surrender', 'Sacred Plan' and 'Transformation'. 

The author is the award winning Kyle Gray, a spiritual teacher who had his first psychic encounter with the spirit of his grandmother when he was just four years of age. As a young person, he saw, felt and heard Spirit and this led him to his speciality in working with angels. Kyle hosts a weekly radio show on Hay House Radio called Angel Club and has several audio books, apps, and his online courses are available for anyone who would like to be a certified angel worker.

He is based in Glasgow and holds talks and courses around the world. Visit Kyle's website where you can learn your angelic destiny number and get a weekly angel message.

He is the author of 7 books and 3 other oracle decks.

Books: Angel Prayers: Raise Your Vibration: Wings of Forgiveness: Angels Whisper in my Ear: Light Warrior: Angels: Angel Numbers.

Oracle Decks: Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards: Angel Prayers Oracle Cards: Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards. 

The artist is Jennifer Hawkyard who lives in West Wales. She is a traditional and a digital illustrator, Art Director and Graphic Designer who specialises in vibrant, highly colourful textural images. She is also known as Jezhawk.


Your Message. Romance and Connection: Your Message: Angels of romance are swirling around your life at this time, ushering in positive, uplifting, and heartfelt experiences to remind you that love is real. Allowing yourself to be romanced, to receive and experience a true connection, is important at this time. It is likely that your heart space is opening up and any barriers or shields that have been in place are falling away. If you find yourself scared or uptight about romance, know that this is not only a sign that you would like to experience it, but also that it is something that your energy system really needs. Your angels are guiding you to begin seeing yourself as loving and deserving of love. Know that you have so much goodness and light to offer others  and the world. You are also encouraged to know that the world wants to see you, to know you, and to understand your heart. All of this is only possible with your permission. Why not give it now? 

Extended Message: The energy of romance is increasing in your life at this time. If you are already in a relationship, this could mean you have the opportunity to connect more deeply and share intimacy and love. If your relationship hasn't been the main focus or priority for a while, your angels are encouraging you to make time for it. If you have a new relationship unfolding, or there's the potential for a new relationship to unfold, angels will help you move forward with it now. Call on divine love from the universe, invite it to open up your heart, and then be willing to receive interest and love from others. Whatever the reason for this card appearing, this is a time to enjoy and be enjoyed - in a loving way. 


Published in Psychic News Magazine - Reviewer: Wendy Stokes Visit:


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