Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Titania's Spell Cards published by Quadrille are in a quality strong box which is covered in velvet. Each card deck contains 64 cards and has a different colour velvet. An image on one side and a spell or message on the other. Place a card under your pillow at night or light a candle for a true wish to develop. Red for Love & Success: Take a pin and push it through a candle, making sure it goes through the wick. As you do this say “Tis not only this candle I mean to stick, but .....’s heart I mean to prick. Whether ..... is waking or sleeping, may ...... be open in his heart to speaking.”Whenever you see a rainbow, touch the colours of the rainbow with items of that colour around you saying “Red for the brilliance of our attraction, orange for the joy of our company together, yellow for the marriage of our intelligent minds, green for the healing we give to each other, blue for the loyalty we bestow together, indigo for the exotic flame we share, violent for our passionate love together. We are a rainbow of love. Different colours, hues and intensity blended together. May our differences always make harmony. May every rainbow in the world bless our love.