Saturday, 23 January 2021

Matrix Healing

Mind Body & Spirit Ezine Book Review: Matrix Healing - Discover Your Greatest Health Potential Through the Power of Kabbalah by Raphael Kellman MD with forward by Larry Dossey, published by Transworld, paperback 270 pages £7.99

"Our material world hides an unseen world of great potential for healing"
Matrix - mother; source; origin; womb

Monday, 11 January 2021

Sivananda Buried Yoga

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Sivananda Buried Yoga By Yogi Manmoyanand
Published by O-Books 308 pages: Paperback price £9.99 Author’s website:
Sivananda Buried Yoga is a personal journey by Yogi Manmoyanand and explains his explorations and discoveries of yoga in the format of the Yoga Sutras including Vedantic, Sankhya and Tantric methods. The author describes it as 'the never-before-told-reality of yoga'. 

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Today's Journey Tarot Meditations

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Tarot Meditations - A Journey for Self Discovery by Expanding Dimensions. Published by R C Linnell Publishing Paperback $14.95.

The book provides information on how to use it. A progression of steps to light meditation is suggested. It provides small black and white scans of the 'Today's Journey Tarot' deck (illustration by Christopher Wilkey) and suggestions and questions to incite contemplation: 
a 20-40 word explanation of each card
a one word suggestion to contemplate 
a short question to ask yourself
a short sentence to tell yourself something positive
and a short instruction or life tip
10 of the 78 cards carry a short meditation

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Titania's Spell Cards

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Titania's Spell Cards published by Quadrille are in a quality strong box which is covered in velvet. Each card deck contains 64 cards and has a different colour velvet. An image on one side and a spell or message on the other. Place a card under your pillow at night or light a candle for a true wish to develop. Red for Love & Success: Take a pin and push it through a candle, making sure it goes through the wick. As you do this say “Tis not only this candle I mean to stick, but .....’s heart I mean to prick. Whether ..... is waking or sleeping, may ...... be open in his heart to speaking.”
Whenever you see a rainbow, touch the colours of the rainbow with items of that colour around you saying “Red for the brilliance of our attraction, orange for the joy of our company together, yellow for the marriage of our intelligent minds, green for the healing we give to each other, blue for the loyalty we bestow together, indigo for the exotic flame we share, violent for our passionate love together. We are a rainbow of love. Different colours, hues and intensity blended together. May our differences always make harmony. May every rainbow in the world bless our love. 

Angel Card packs by Angela McGerr

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Gold and Silver Guardian Angels By Angela McGerr Set of book and 144 small cards, Published by Quadrille £12.99 Author’s website:

This deck is designed to help make contact with angels and invite them into your daily life, to enrich you, balance your life, and provide harmony and integration in your relationships. The book provides a page for each of the named angels, their attributes and powers, written in the first person. Each of the cards carry an angel’s name and a message. For instance from the Golden Guardians 'Eth – Manage your time more effectively' or 'Zadkiel – Hold fast to your integrity and principles'. From the Silver Guardians, ‘Adiel - Allow a certain situation to wind down’ or 'Barakiel – Show sensitivity and understanding to others'. From the Key to Balance Cards, 'The Key is Monday and Hope' and 'The Key is silver and the power of the full moon'. There are 48 Golden Guardians, 48 Silver Guardians and 48 Key to Balance Cards. 

‘Simplicity’ Made Easy by Jennifer Kavanagh

Jennifer Kavanagh has run a community centre in London’s East End, worked with street homeless people and refugees, set up a microcredit programme in London, and worked as a research associate for the Prison Reform Trust. She currently sets up microcredit programmes in Africa and facilitates conflict resolution workshops for Alternatives to Violence (AVP), both in prison and in the community. Since selling her business, after a year’s travel round the world in 2001/2, Jennifer found that she did not want her flat or most of its furniture, and has felt liberated by letting go of many of her possessions. Although she now lives in central London, her flat is small and quiet: an urban retreat, with an occasional glimpse of the stars. Jennifer finds balancing an active life with a pull towards contemplation provides a continuing and fruitful challenge. As she writes, “Life in the world is about a series of balances: of the life within and the outside world; inner experience and outward witness, plenitude and the void”.