Tuesday 18 April 2023

Astral Realms Crystal Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review:  Astral Realms Crystal Oracle by Leah Shoman, a boxed set of 33 cards and instruction box. Published by Rockpool Publishing.

Cards with impressive red gold leaf edges, and gentle pearl pink cards. Using crystals, astrology, colours, elements, chakras, and mantras, there is lots of woo-woo here to enjoy. You will be a woo woo expert! I would say that this deck is for readings for oneself not for others as too much explanation will be required to explain the concepts involved. 

The book provides information on how to use the cards, though you are invited to use your intuition. Each card has an image, a title and subtitle, a number,  keywords, a message, activation guidance and an affirmation. Spreads suggested are Single-Card Pull, a Three-Card Spread and a Five-Card Guidance Spread. The book provides a chakra chart. 

Sample card: 21.boundaries. Labradorite. "South node. Protecting energy, metamorphosis, strengthening. Boundaries can act as laws you set for yourself. You will have limits of what you accept, agree to, given to, be pushed to, and so on. If you consistently break your boundaries you can be left feeling defeated,  exhausted, unworthy and used. But remember: this is your own doing. Once you begin to refuse to live in another’s expectations, you will be able to provide boundary lines not only for yourself, but for others. They will soon learn what is acceptable for others to ask of you and will, in return, be honouring your own principles. The zodiac placements in your natal chart can offer you insight into why you may, or may not, be allowing yourself to set the boundaries you want. The lunar south node represents karmic tendencies and skills, and/or emotions that have already been developed, that is, your comfort zone. Think of the south node as your past: where you’ve been and your accumulated strengths. It may feel ideal to remain in your south node, but if you do you will complete the same comic cycles over and over until you learn to evolve and move towards your future: the north node. Don’t retain your strictures but instead builds upon the skills you have already learned. A stone you can learn from during this transitional period is labradorite, which deflect negativity and unwanted energy and acts as a barrier to energy leakage. Labradorite can help banish your fears and feelings of insecurity while moving from the known to the unknown. It empowers you to speak your truth, leads you to a path of enlightenment wisdom and strengthens your faith in the universe and within yourself in order to set clear-cut boundaries.

Activation Guidance: If you haven’t done so already, have your natal chart created; You will find your self note placement. You will be able to find your northern outplacement 180° opposite the south node. “I unaware I have been and what I have created. I am now able to step into my authentic self and set clear boundaries for myself and others.“

Review by Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk 

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