Friday, 9 February 2024

Universal Dragon Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Universal Dragon Oracle. Writer and artist is Carla Morrow.   published by Blue Angel Publishing, Boxed set of 44 cards and accompanying Guidebook. Size: 12cm x 17cm £18.99

Sample reading: Leadership - This fire dragon steps up to the highest point, a beacon for all to see. He spreads his wings to shelter those around him and let’s the fire of his soul burn away the fog so the others can see what they are meant to do. That is what this dragon has called you to do. Attend to those around you. It’s challenging but guide gently and by example. You have the knowledge, strength, empathy, and wisdom to become a guide for others, and they need you right now. Speak up where you can, protect people who cannot defend themselves. It’s time to rise and be a leader for those lost in the fog of the unknown.

 Eleven powerful, majestic and wise dragon families are calling sometimes in a whisper, sometimes a roar, reaching out through this oracle. You will be guided with purpose, direction, creativity, inspiration and positivity. Fire, Water, Air  and Earth Dragons give you elemental energies. There are Communal Ties, Ley Line, Star Companion, Dream Guide, For Energy, Source, and Watcher Dragon messages. Dragons are very ancient symbols that emerge in many cultures and religions. Any time you are struck at a cross roads, ask your question and pick a card at random and look up the meaning of the card in the book. You will find 150 words on subjects, such as Discipline, Fortitude, Service and Stillness. This deck can be used alone or with another deck. 

The creator also produced the marvellous fantasy art for these fantastic beings. The artwork is very enjoyable. The titles of the cards might be sufficient for an experienced reader to provide a solid and extensive reading, but if you are a beginner, start with the short reading from the book and expand it with your own intuition and understanding of life and people. Who doesn't love dragons!

Review by Wendy Stokes. 

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