Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dark Magic Oracle - Reveal the Light Within by Fiona Horne. Boxed set of 36 cards and Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. US $24.95 : UK £18.99
Release date: 31st August, 2023
“It has to be dark to see the stars”
Glinting green lettering on the box and silvered edges makes this a stylish deck designed to deal with difficult emotions relating to the inner child. The full colour guidebook gives us all information required for a reading. Each card carries a spell or a ritual to aid healing. There is information on the ethical sourcing of crystals. Spreads are the Sole card for a daily reading, the Dual two card, the Triad three card, and the Pentacle 5 card.
Fiona Horne is the author of 14 books on modern witchcraft and the author of a previous card deck, titled “The Magic if You”. . She has been the lead singer in Def FX electro-rock band and is currently in the Seawitch rock band. She is a radio show personality, public speaker, and humanitarian. She is also a skydiver, fire dancer, sailor and surfer.
The card illustrator is Jes Abella, a photographer - do I see him in all the photo images? I hope not! I would like to have a clearer idea of what is happening in the images!
To navigate teen years, LGBTQUIA+ and for general self examination, personal insight, advice, and development. Recommended! I really like the content of the text! Keep a journal for associations, impressions and learning!
Reviewer; Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk
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