Friday 9 February 2024

The Pride of Dragons Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Pride of Dragons Oracle by Angelo Thomas. Artwork by Sonia Hedger. Boxed set of 44 cards and Guidebook. Published by Bear & Co. £17.99 Date:22/8/2023

Sample card: 21 The Healer’s Calling. With a ruffle of its feathery main, healing, green energy falls upon you. The Healer’s Calling dragon is a bird like dragon. It is graceful and curious, and exudes heavenly healing with its every movement and angelic breath. The presence of this dragon is in response to a call to arms by the heavens to remember your soul’s purpose. Yes, you are being commanded by the divine to heal, and to be a healer in all forms of this word. The Healer’s Calling advises that, should you already be a healer, you are to undertake this role was grace and dignity. Call to this dragon when healing yourself, others, or to heal the planet. A healer’s calling need not be a career in medicine. This dragon reminds us that a healer walks many paths. A person can heal in unconventional ways. You must surrender to the healer role, and let the  energy flow where its needed, and be guided by this beautiful green dragon energy.

Each of these dragon cards are an entirely positive energy. They serve humanity, deliver wisdom, clear lower thought patterns, remove obstacles to spiritual progress, they work alongside the angels, and exist for our highest good. 

Each card carries an image, a number, a title and subtitle. The guidebook provides information on how to use the oracle, a blessing, the four suits or prides of the dragons - Fallen, Earthly, Heavenly, and Archangels, and a write up on each card’s meaning. One card can be taken as the simplest reading, or a draw of four cards, one from each suit, for more in depth reading. It is possible to work with a chosen dragon or create a dragon altar using the cards. 

Colour, elements, angels and dragons, are all here! I think the emphasis is quite strongly on angels which are the inspiration for the dragon’s energies. The card meanings read like a poem or beautiful visionary meditation and many of the card titles are inspired. I think the deck could best be used as a concept deck to help the purchaser develop their spiritual potential. If someone phones me for a reading, I am not sure I have the advice within the text to answer their question - so I’m suggesting these cards for an experienced reader who has a love of angels and their dragons and can work with these images and energies. 

Reviewer: Wendy Stokes

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