Monday, 29 January 2024

The Hero’s Journey Dream Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Hero's Journey Dream Oracle by Kelly Sullivan Walden with artwork by Rassouli, Boxed set of 52 cards and guidebook, published by Blue Angel Publishing, £17.99

The book includes autobiographical material of Kelly Sullivan Walden a backing dancer with the group Bordeaux and inspired by the 'Power of Myth' a book by Joseph Campbell. This led to many discoveries including her realisation of the sacredness of the female form. The hero's journey has been epitomised in many ancient myths, where the hero comes face to face with their greatest fear, such as the sea journey of Odysseus or Psyche crossing the River Styx. It is here in a dark forest, a mountain, beneath the waves or under the ground or on a secluded island that can symbolise an illness, a bereavement or other loss, a betrayal or breakdown. The journey is one of a transforming adventure, of overcoming adversity and trials, of death defying battles, that lead toeards insight, empowerment and the sharing of wisdom. This is the place of enlightenment and higher consciousness, a place where we can empathise with the greatest of suffering and use the resources we have gained for altruism and to make the world a better place for having lived. Rescuing a damsel in distress, slaying a dragon or finding treasure are some motifs used for the outcome of the process. There are 12 stages presented as fundamental to a successful story and for the recovery of the soul.  

The Sword and the Grail

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Sword and the Grail - The Story of the Grail, the Templars and the True Discovery of America by Andrew Sinclair.

This book describes the formation of the Templars and the fortunes of the survivors after the inquisition in the early 1300s. Rosslyn Chapel was built as the Grail temple with many indications of possible Templar treasure buried there. Could America have been discovered almost a hundred years before Columbus by Venician Zen brothers and St Clair family, who arrived in Nova Scotia and New England? The St Clair family history is fascinating, from its earliest time - by a healing well in Normandy - to become the Earls of Orkney and other high offices in Scotland. 

Missing Family of Jesus

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Missing Family of Jesus - An Inconvenient Truth - How the Church erased Jesus's brothers and sisters from history By Tobias Churton, 242 pages, £16.99 published by Watkins Publishing.

"The only thing worth contending for is the truth"

In recent years, more evidence has come to light about the extended family of Jesus. We learn about their names and their role in his mission. In this book Jesus was not an only child of a single mother! 

Thursday, 25 January 2024

The Female Archangels Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Female Archangels Oracle by Calista, illustrations by Marie-Joe Fourzali. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. Published by Inner Traditions/Bear& Co. 

Flowing with new ideas, we are instructed to bring the deck to our mouth to breathe in and exhale, using the breath to activate the oracle and help increase our angelic connection. This action also provides beneficial and accurate readings. We can centre and ground ourself with this action too. Working with the deck will help us hear, sense and know Truth, as we ask “What do I need to know?” 

Archangel Michael will help cut those cords, Raziel will help you develop, Sandalphon helps with grounding, Uriel will inspire you to action, Gabriel will help you speak Truth. Other Archangels in the deck are Hope, Virtue, Faith, Serenity, Mercy, Harmony, Strength, Clarity, Charity, and more! 

The Tarot of Curious Creatures

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: The Tarot of Curious Creatures by Chris-Anne. Published by Hay House. Boxed set of 79 cards and guidebook. UK £18.32 : US $26.99 : Can $35.99

Crazy, weird, eccentric, whimsical, all the wildest adjectives suit this tarot deck - and what a pack! 78 different characters all with a story, and a message of advice and encouragement. How do you feel about animal heads on human bodies, and wearing tasteful fashion? There is more than a hint of  power animals in this deck! These are photo realism people, computer graphics to make you laugh and have fun. You will find your Curious Creature Guide, meet them on Pathworkings, enjoy some new layouts, working with Major, Court Card and Minor 'interesting' messages. 

The creator, Chris-Anne is an experienced card deck designer. Her other card decks are: Lightseer’s Tarot, The Muse Tarot, and The Sacred Creator’s Oracle. 

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Galactic Guides Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Galactic Guides Oracle  - Be guided by the love, light and magic of the galaxy by Victoria Maxwell. Boxed set of cards and guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. Illustrated by Ellie Grant. RRP US $24.95 : UK £18.99 

We have had spirit guides, power animals, all kinds of angels, and now we have….  Galactic Guides…. Fun, easy, and totally out of this world! Are you affected by the alignment of the stars,  y moon phases and retrogrades? Personifications of galactic energies are here for you starseeds with haunting figurative images. 

Trendy and fashionable for the young seeker. I would choose this Oracle as a gift for a young imaginative person who enjoys a lot of creativity and where some maturity prompts are a valuable asset.  

Reflective Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Reflective Tarot (featuring the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot) Pocket size, Boxed set of 78 pocket sized cards and short information in the little white booklet with extended introduction by Stuart R Kaplan. Published by US Games Systems Inc. $22.95

Sample: Seven of Cups - Strange chalices of vision. Divinatory meaning: Fairy favours, images of reflection, imagination, sentiment, things seen in the glass of contemplation, some attainment in these degrees but nothing permanent or substantial. Reversed: Desire, determination, project, willpower. 

Tarot of the Abyss

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot of the Abyss by Ana Tourian Boxed set of 80 cards and guidebook. Published by US Games Systems Inc. $22.95

Sample: “The rider stands tall on her two flying swans, brave and full of determination. There is no fear as she guides these regal feathered birds. She knows that fear will not help her and any wavering could bring about an accident. So, she guides her steed with steady hands, aware of the power hidden in the wind. She knows it’s useless to go against the wind: Instead she harnesses it so that her journey will be swift and easy on the swans. The rider balances herself with care, taking note of her surroundings, and also her charges. These are wild animals, and at any moment they could go their own way, to pull in the opposite direction. This Tarot Major encourages us to take action. It brings the potential for success. The Chariot appears in your reading, know that now is not the time to procrastinate or let yourself be distracted. Set your goals and maintain your focus. There are many things that can distract our attention on a day-to-day basis. Remain steadfast and know that the road to success is often filled with obstacles. It’s all about how you approach them. It’s your strategies, your tenacity, and your courage, that will ultimately allow you to realise your goals.” 

Tarot of A Moon Garden

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tarot of A Moon Garden by Karen Marie Sweikhardt. Boxed set of 78 cards and full colour Guidebook and layout for Wheel of the Year Spread. Published by U S Games Systems Inc. $31.95

Marvellous! Purple gilt edging on these cards is a delight, and they have highly ornamental artwork! These are 78 borderless paintings - all the better to see the beauty of the flora and fauna, mythic creatures, angels and fairies, and natural settings. And, if the images alone don’t thoroughly excite you, the write ups on the cards definitely will. These are an unusual size, long and thin and easy to shuffle and deal. The written explanations are divided into Renderings, Readings and Ritual, providing 250 words for each card. The Appendix provides Garden Runes, Garden Recipes, and a recipe for Honey Mead. 

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Oracle of the Birds

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Oracle of the Birds by Jeanne Ruland, illustrated by Petra Kuhne. Boxed set of 46 cards and guidebook. Published by Inner Traditions/Findhorn Press. RRP US $25.00 : Can $31.50 

Lift your gaze to the sky. Be unique, free, and yet connected!

This oracle deck is a collaboration, with assistance from Schirner Verlag who completed the work that was started by the late Jeanne Ruland, so this card deck could be described as Jeanne’s swan song. 

Sample card! Robin- joy, sound and singing. Robin flutters into your life, and invites you to open your heart to joy and happiness. With its companions, it warbles, Hear its tunes in the forest to increase love and enjoyment. If you have chosen this card, join in the merry chorus. Funny, cheerful, and joyful, at the top of your voice, walking, walking. Magic feathers, beautiful, delicate, red feathers, cover my neck. Feel the light reach into your vocal centre and fill it with power. Speak, sing, or raise your voice. Awaken, your sound, full of joy, and express what resonates within you. More meanings: self expression, raising your voice, singing aloud. Affirmation: Self expression conveys my joy of life, I raise my voice to show what makes my heart sing. In addition, the reader can add their own understanding. Robin! A Territorial bird, often a loner but with the most amazing and wonderful song for such a small bird, and so friendly, it will sit at your feet if you are a gardener! 

Thursday, 18 January 2024

Daily Intentions Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Daily Intentions Oracle  - Wisdom From Your Higher Self by Jackie Morgan. Boxed set of 36 cards and Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. RRP US $24.95  : UK £18.99 

Sample: Belonging. Affirmation - I call soulful relationships into my life. Are you longing to feel you have a soul family? Do the people around you not hold the same values you hold? Why not find new people who match your enthusiasm and lust for life? Are the people around you now the people you always hoped for? Thank those who are in your corner. Call  more nourishing individuals to help you hit new heights. Ritual: If you’re feeling lost and lonely, this is a very common feeling. Be gentle with yourself and breathe in the knowledge that the relationships you’ve been waiting for are nearby. What can you do to call them in? Maybe you are feeling vulnerable. Put this aside and be more adventuorous. Begin attending events that are aligned with your interests and strike up conversations with new people. Join an art group or even connect with someone from your past, who is living a life that you find interesting or inspiring. Could you go online and find a group that loves the same things you have been passionate about? Sometimes it can feel uncomfortable to be vulnerable and strike up a friendship, but this is your time to find those who can add to your life!

Motherpeace Tarot Deck Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Motherpeace Tarot - A Way to the Goddess through Myth, Art and Tarot by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble published by U S Games Systems Inc. 
     This Tarot deck was originally self published but has sold in excess of 150,000 sets. There is information about the history of the tarot and the history of the goddess. The book explains how to use the deck, and information on sacred space, focus, meditation, shuffling, deep breathing, candles, cloths, bags, etc.  Call upon the goddess! One can draw one card asking 'What if I took this particular action?' 'What can I learn from this situation?' to see what the answers might be! Work, close relationship, creativity and spirit life are possible topics. Helper cards can be added. Artwork by Lily Hillwomyn calligraphy and original drawings, Cassandra Light provided the card back designs.

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

Gilded Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review:
The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti and Barbara Moore is a 78 card deck with a 64 page white instruction booklet in a front opening cardboard packet. It is published by Llewellyn Worldwide at £17.99 

Two very big names in the world of tarot, Marchetti and Moore, have combined their extensive skills in this very stylish deck. The setting is mediaeval; that sexy, candle lit era of wanton young ladies dressed in long silk gowns, and ravishing knights on chargers, dressed in equally beautiful brocades. This romantic styling is decorated with animals and birds, leafy bowers, Romanesque arches and twin pillars. Whilst working with the deck, the masquerade quality reminded me Cirque de Soleil performance titled ‘Kooza’ seen recently at the Royal Albert Hall. 

Influence of the Angels Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Influence of the Angels by Jody Boginski Barbessi, published by US Games Systems Inc. $26.95 
Boxed set of 80 gilt edged cards (size 5.25" x 3.5") and explanatory booklet. Each tarot card bears a classical angel image pertaining to a tarot card plus two aide memoire cards for minor arcana, suit and number meanings. Card faces bear an image and title. The book provides information about each card with an angelic message of an affirmation or cautionary advice, blessing or prayer, the symbols of each card are explained with direct and shadow meanings. All information on how to get the best from the cards and a reading are included. Spreads suggested are a 5 Card Influence of the Angels, and a 4 Card Heart of the Matter. Two sisters, Jody and Karen designed the deck. A particularly beautiful Card Deck. I enjoyed working with these ornate and elegant cards. They have a depth that provide excellent readings - a deluge deck! 

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Tarot for Magical Times Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Tarot for Magical Times By Rachel Pollack and Johannes Fiebig. Published by AGM Urania. 160 page full color explanatory book £10.21 

‘Enlightenment is man’s emergency from his self-incurred immaturity.’ Kant

Astrologically, we are influenced by the planet Pluto which entered the constellation of Capricorn in 2008. It will occupy this position until 2024 during which time we will experience a process of cultural and personal transformation due to the breakdown of organisational structures, dogma and habits. Previously, when this planetary configuration occurred, it was the time of the Reformation and the Age of Enlightenment. Tarot for Magical Times focuses on this precise issue and uses the card of the Tower to play a central role in representing this planetary position.

Saturday, 13 January 2024

The Mythic Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine book review: The Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke. 

This book is a marvellous substitute for a workshop designed for the Mythic Tarot deck by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene. Readers gain knowledge of themselves and can use this knowledge to interpret the cards for other people. Guided fantasy and colouring exercises of the Major Arcana help develop a closer relationship to the archetypes, and details of each element. Astrology signs, myths and divinatory meanings are provided plus questions to help with more accurate readings. A record of your work is used to chart your progress. The mythological references to each Major and its divinatory meaning with full 500 word explanation, followed by the card image are provided for you to colour with space for notes and the thoughts and experiences in the guided fantasies. 

Friday, 12 January 2024

Greek Mythology Reading Cards Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Greek Mythology Reading Cards - Wisdom from Ancient Greece by Alison Chester-Lambert, illustrated with digital collages of classical artworks by Richard Crookes, published by Findhorn Press. Box comprises of explanatory booklet plus 50 cards.

Each card depicts a different Greek deity and the booklet has adequate explanations of each. The illustrations are majestic, enjoyable with photos and collages of paintings and sculptures from ancient Greece. These deities have been waiting in the wings to be consulted by us as they were consulted by the ancients, for guidance and advice. Since ancient times, the gods and goddesses have been implored for support at times of difficulty. Athena will provide strength for a task, Hera for the home, Eros to acquire a new love, Zeus for confidence. Sleep with them beside your bed for inspiration.

Crystal Visions Tarot

Mind Body and Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso Published by US Games Systems, Inc Website:  
Jennifer Galasso studied art, graphic design and psychology and has produced a very enjoyable deck with a young female energy. Her fantasy artwork is also available as greeting cards, prints and figurines and her illustrations have been published in anthologies and magazines.

The title ‘Crystal Visions’ was taken from a music CD of the songwriter, Stevie Nicks, and the flowing beauty and elegance of these songs is reflected in the delicacy, femininity and enchanting quality of the card’s artwork. The symbol of the crystal ball is also detailed in several of the images within the deck and provides an

Thursday, 11 January 2024

The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck written by Lesley Morrison, art by Lisa Hunt. Published by US Games Systems Inc. 39 cards with booklet insert. 

Sample reading: Robin - Hello, I am Robin with the song of renewal. I am ancient, bringing forth the spring from the chill winds of winter. I reassure you that the seasons are turning and winter turns to spring. It is time to rejuvenate, time to awaken! The hibernation of your talents and dreams have no place in Robin’s medicine that cleanses like the rain. I am flowing forward like the river and I sing your wake up call at sunrise. Keep your world going no matter how thick the ice is formed. You are the caretaker of your own soul. Renew yourself! You are a new beginning. You are invigorating. You are upward growth. You are Robin.

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Golden Tarot Review - Kat Black

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Golden Tarot by Kat Black Published by US Games Systems Inc £21.20 quality box with 78 cards and 198 page explanatory book. Website:

Originally produced online where it gained publicity and recognition, this very beautiful card deck is produced to a very high standard and edged in gold leaf. The illustrator has used paintings dating from (1200-1500), a little known period known as International Gothic Style of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance. Many are owned by European churches. Tapestries, silks and brocades, carving, gilding, landscapes of hills, castles and crowns, gothic arches, stained glass, palfreys, talbots and flags, ornamentation and fine detail are the enjoyments of this deck. Classes of feudal society and aspects of human frailty are shown. The Rider-Waite symbolism is the foundation for the card concepts. The deck is for use more for personal insight and review than psychic fortune telling.  

Moon Goddess Diary 2024

Moon Goddess Diary 2034 for the Northern Hemisphere by Nicci Garaicoa, published by Rockpool Publishing. Price £9.99 ISBN: 9781922579560

A beautiful gift and a very elegant diary, suitable for all women. We have, to begin the year, a mission statement from the diary’s creator, Australian Nicci Garaicoa, and a message from Grandmother Moon. The diary is interactive, with a seasonal goddess self-care tool kit with a chosen goddess, her colours, sounds, body movement, crystals, plants, scents and additional exercises, advice and tips. Moon goddesses are detailed with full colour artworks. All positive messages of empowerment. Moon phases are included. 

There is a ritual to close the year and prepare for 2025.

Heavenly Bloom Tarot Deck

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Heavenly Bloom Tarot Deck by Noa Ikeda, Boxed set of cards and guidebook, published 10th Sept 2022 by US Games Systems Inc. $ 23.95 : £25: 

This is a Tarot deck based on a mythological fantasy storyline. It is nicely produced with rose gold card edges. I would think it is a deck for young people, as the many figurative images are very stylish, with young slim women in fabulous costumes, and some with a very Eastern stereotyped beauty. There is a computer game feel with enigmatic images, some are international, with a strongly female energy, and some figures in motion. I also think the deck would be most suitable for experienced Tarot readers or those with high intuition.

Sample card Knight of Laurels: Eula stays true to their grounded and practical mindset. Upright: Study and practical. This Knight exhibits perseverance and determination to travel a steady path towards their ambition. Reversed: Overly stubborn and conservative. There may be a feeling of being stuck in a routine. Live life a little, don’t be afraid to dream.

Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Cat's Eye Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: Cat's Eye Tarot by Debra M Givin DVM Published by US Games Systems, Inc Price: £16.99 
The 78 cards of the major and minor arcana are represented in this novelty deck which has a white booklet within the pack that offers card titles and concept keywords, an explanation of the upright card symbolism and an interpretation for each card. Each of the cards is painted by Debra M Givin, the deck’s creator, who is a qualified veterinarian and cat specialist practising in Portland, Maine since 1982.
The card sizes are traditional and the meanings have a traditional flavour. The major arcana cards are emphasised by their purple colours, the minor arcana’s colours and symbols are: Wands, represented by orange (creative energy), reptiles and flashy reddish gingers; Cups by red (emotional energy), fish and sweet, black and white cats; Swords by blue (intellectual energy), birds and the talkative Siamese and Pentacles by brown (earth energy), mice and solid, practical tabbies. The art-work tells a story and is without mystifying esoteric symbolism. The card backs depict a long-haired tabby cat’s face with green eyes.

Monday, 1 January 2024

The Wisdom of the Tao

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Wisdom of the Tao Oracle Cards by Mei Jin Lu. Box contains 45 full colour cards plus a guidebook. Published by US Games Systems Inc. £25.00

The Tao is an ancient knowledge of how to live life with wisdom and calmness. This is the first oracle card deck to incorporate the teaching of Tao masters, the elements, and zodiac animals. You are instructed to pick a card for inspiration and empowerment or to consult the cards when a decision is required.