Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Tarot of the Elves

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review - Tarot of the Elves by Mark McElroy and designer, Davide Corsi. Published by Lo Scarabeo

Elves are mythological spirits that, like fairies, can be harbingers of change. This Tarot deck tells the complex story of the hero of the elfen folk, Prince Alberich and his extraordinary quest. The story is about those he meets along the way, and their part in the narrative. His is a search for four relics, a sword, a cup, a wand, and a pentacle as these precious objects lie at the heart of the Elfen kingdom. Each Major card has a new title, a named persona, and their part in the storyline. There is a lot to learn about these cards and a story to apply to the Querent. 

The Elf Oracle has a recommended 3 card spread to discover what an upcoming change might mean for you. You lay out 3 Major Arcana cards face down, turning each one face up. The first card represents the current situation which is interpreted literally, emotionally and metaphorically. The middle card is the most important. The numerical value of this card is its only relevance. Starting at 0, the number shows little or slow change up to 21 which is considerable, and possibly sudden and unexpected change. If the number is an even number, the change will be auspicious, if an odd number, it could be an averse situation. The third card reveals what is likely to happen and then the three cards are assed altogether at the end of the reading. If another card is required to clarify the reading, for the lesson to be learnt, one can be drawn from the major Arcana only. 

The story is worth relating - as all elfen stories are! The illustrations are very enjoyable and we can enjoy the story through the images. Will we find the Grail? That is the question! 

This Tarot deck comes in Part 52 and 53 of Total Tarot Collection.

Review by Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk 

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