Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Dragons and Serpents

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Dragons & Serpents - Earth Mysteries and the Time of Change by Stefan Broennle. Published by Earthdancer - an Inner Traditions imprint. b/w images and photos. RRP $14.99 US : $18.99 Can

This is a broad look at these dragon and serpent archetypes and metaphors from China, Wales, and across the world, through their myths, symbolism. geology, healing and famous dragons, female and Earth energy, creation and shadow energy, gods and spirit guardians, soul, dragon and ley paths, and how we can bring changes to our lives with dragon consciousness. This is the dragon’s greatest treasure! There is an exercise at the end of the book to Awaken the Dragon for personal growth.

The author, Stefan Broennle has extensive knowledge of geology and geomancy - and especially dragons and serpents- and he welcomes us into the depths of the sacred Dragon’s Cave to discover a valuable hoard of gems, rebirth, and elemental power and ancient stories.

Excerpt: “The Welsh motto states: the red Dragon leads the way. The Welsh story is about a red and a white dragon in the mountains of Snowdonia. King Vortigern built a castle with a tower for protection against the Anglo-Saxons. But the tower collapsed repeatedly no matter how often Vortigern rebuilt it. Soothsayers advised the king to find a fatherless child and to anoint the walls with its blood. A child was found and brought before the king. According to the ninth century book, History of the Britons, this child was Ambrosius Aurelanus, whose father was a Roman consul, although the legend also maintains that the child was none other than Merlin, the mythical enchanter and sage associated with King Arthur. The child was wise and saved his own life by telling Vortigern the real reason for the collapse of the tower. It was due to the presence of a marsh underneath the castle which was lived in by two dragons. It was the movements of these beasts that was shaking the walls and causing them to fall. Vortigern ordered the marsh to be drained, and the two dragons were discovered and they immediately attacked each other.” 

Review by Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk

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