Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Transient Light Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Transient Light Tarot by Ari Wisner. Published by Hay House. Boxed set of cards and guidebook. Poetry by Fausta Joly. RRP US $28.99 : Can $35.99 : £19.16

Londoner and queer artist, Ari Wisner’s previous Tarot deck is titled ‘Trinity Tarot’. The the inspiration for this Transient Light Tarot deck is his personal life and in his understanding of transience in circumstances and in life. Using imagery and symbolism, he has made a genderless Tarot where everyone can find themselves, and for this reason the titles of some of the Majors are changed: Revealer, Nurturer, Defender and Proclaimer are examples. The Court Cards are: Apprentice, Champion, Keeper, and Crown and the suits are Wands, Vessels, Swords, and Coins. There are suggestions for ritual and personal practice. 

There are 3 additional cards, titled Past, Present and Future and you will be delighted that 29 poems by Fausta Joly, also a Londoner, tarot expert, and performance artist are included. 

No gender stereotypes! A non binary deck! Discover your inner magic, take control of your life purpose and embrace opportunities for healing and personal growth! 

Unusual symbolism but I liked the 60 word write ups! Black, white and sepia colour cards. 

Reviewer: Wendy Stokes 

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