Friday, 26 April 2024

The American Renaissance Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The American Renaissance Tarot by Thea Wirsching and illustrated by Celeste Pille, published by REDFeather (Schiffer Publishing) Quality presentation box of cards and book $34.99 

New myths from old stories! 

I was very impressed with the pack (pack = box, book and cards). The box masquerades as an old strong box/hardback book for your bookshelf! There is so much of value here in this ‘American time machine’ (1825- 1875) for the Tarot expert to get their teeth into! It is extensive, deep and meaningful! The cards are stylishly illustrated with interesting spins on Rider-Waite-Colman traditions. The Four Court Cards are Pioneer, Queen, King, and Missionary in that order, but the suits are traditional Cups, Wands Coins and Swords (the suit of swords was inspired by Edgar Allen Poe who is considered the ‘gatekeeper’ of the deck while Ralph Waldo Emerson is considered its Magician.  

I loved this Tarot deck where every card tells an important story from the past! I go on learning more and more and making greater connections, and it builds my ability to produce a good reading! More and more connections over time are revelations! If you want a Tarot with extra + + you will enjoy this one! America in the 1800s, with its Social, Esoteric, and Creative History, it’s a brilliant topic to align a Tarot deck with. However, this deck can be used by anyone from other countries because there is meaning and wisdom here within the seekers, scholars, reformers, revolutionaries, radicals, social justice advocates, and those others who created the soul of American life that we see today. You do not need to know anything about the Tarot as all is explained, and you don’t need to know about American literature either! 

Thursday, 25 April 2024

The Enchanted Forhaxa Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: The Enchanted Forhaxa Tarot by MJ Cullinane. Boxed set of 78 Cards and Guidebook. Published by Hay House. UK £18.99 : US $26.99 : Can $35.99 Date: 17/10/2023

“Each gift of nature possesses a radiant energy.”

MJ Cullinane aka Margaux Jones is an award winning artist and is the creator of Crow Tarot She is also the artist and the author of this oracle. She has taken from Nordic and Celtic folklore for the inspiration for this deck of tarot. I liked the artwork very much and it assisted my readings which are creative, meaningful and wise. the word ‘forhaxa’ means ‘bewitched’ in Swedish. Gender roles do not exist in the enchanted otherworld and the energies in the oracle - fairies and mermaids, possess both male and female traits so are given the pronoun of ‘they’. There are no priests or churches. Suits are named after the elements of fire, water, Earth and air. 

Saturday, 20 April 2024

Events Psychology, Silvia Hartmann

Mind Body & Soul Book Review: Events Psychology - How to Understand Yourself and Other People by Dr Silvia Hartmann Paperback: £24.97 Published by DragonRising Publishing Author website:

Dr Silvia Hartmann is a researcher and innovative therapist who has extensive interest in modern psychology. She is at the forefront of the development of brand new therapeutic methods. Every major event, both good and bad, results in inner self talk when patterned beliefs are formed. Events Psychology is a simple, person centred technique to uncover past trauma that can be used by therapists, counsellors and healers. In this training manual, Dr Hartmann details her Events Psychology method. It provides a series of questions, to home in on past events to gently approach painful memories so that relaxation can be achieved. These key events are then used as stepping stones, to turn negative into positive, and bring resolution. The introduction of new healing events to counter-balance the negative can then be introduced.

Friday, 19 April 2024

Earth & Bone Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Earth & Bone Oracle - Honour the Concepts of Rebirth and Transformation by Sirian Shadow. Boxed set of 42 cards and full colour guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing, Nov 2023 £18.99 

Natural cycles and the seasons of life are reflected in this Gothic style deck. As we each possess dualities of light and dark, positive and negative times in our life, kind and cruel, this deck focuses on balancing the energies, revealing shadows and healing through empowerment, change, and renewal. The deck reminded me of the death and transformation, endings and beginnings card in the Tarot. 

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Journey into the Tao

Mind Body & Soul Ezine DVD Review: Going Nowhere - Journey into the Tao: A Beginners Guide to Eastern Spirituality - available £35.99 from Watkins Books:

By Dr Lorenzo Da Costa - website: Produced by Tim Lee 

It can be a great privilege to share vicariously in the spiritual journey of another, to hear their enthusiasms and to partake of some of the wisdom and practice which has guided them on the path. This DVD set consists of a series of lectures on Eastern spiritual practices and ideas. The lectures are clearly presented and accompanied by diagrams which clarify key points. This makes the set easy to follow for the beginner and sharpens Da Costa’s points for the more knowledgeable. The set is well referenced with pointers to a number of popular authors on the subject.

Sunday, 14 April 2024

Romantic Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Romantic Tarot by Emanuel’s Signorini. Art by Guila F Massaglia. Published by Lo Scarabeo. 

Set in the late 19th - early 20th century, this is the ideal deck for your clients who have relationship/love issues and are seeking advice. These cards help connect to the beauty and joy of romance. There are 4 suits, Cups (yellow) are set in Venice, Pentacles (green) are set in Rome, Wands (red) are set in Paris, and Swords (blue) are set in Vienna. 

The artist has created art for Golden Art Nouveau Tarot and After Tarot. 

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Ancient Egyptian Magic

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Ancient Egyptian Magic Classic Healing and Ritual for Modern Times By Cassandra Eason Published by Vega Books Paperback 192 pages Author website:

Cassandra Eason is the author of over 30 books on New Age spirituality and she is an international speaker and workshop facilitator. 

This is a book written for those who wish to practice Egyptian ritual, so I must start by acknowledging that I am reading for academic interest and have not tried the suggested rituals. However, this book is full of history, myth and magic. I was fascinated by the perspective. While I am tied to my English roots now, there was a time when I would have enjoyed practicing these rituals. In my teens, this was the book I longed for and craved.

Thursday, 11 April 2024


Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Falnama - Turkish Oracle Cards by Asli and Polat Canpolat. Boxed set of 40 cards and Guidebook Published by Schiffer Books. £22.00 

Falnamas are Islamic fortune telling oracles, written in poetry and made for the aristocracy, often by opening a book on historical, mythological or biblical themes, at a random page and finding wisdom within the text. These cards have 3 suits and each card falls into one of the suits, either a Woman (red), Man (blue) or Together (green). You can make a wish and choose a single card, choose a 3 card Man-Woman Opening, or a Sestet Opening of 6 cards. 

Tree of Life Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Tree of Life Oracle by Elaine Clayton. Boxed set of 30 cards and Guidebook. Published by Schiffer Books RRP US $24.99 

This is a cute bright yellow deck - all things tree related. Each card shows an image and a title, and in the guidebook, there is a number, title and subtitle, and a few keywords. These are followed by text that explains the meaning in 300 words that applies to both the tree and to YOU ot the one you are reading for. 

In conclusion: “Standing tall, shining and thriving is your birthright. Growing more towards the light with each breath you take, through each life situation, you become more deeply wise. Finding yourself well rooted, yet flexible, you experience the seasons of life as they come, we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control and choose our response to what life brings. This is empowerment itself, to respond to life with strength and fortitude, no matter what the season. Use the Tree of Life Oracle to centre yourself and be reminded of your natural inheritance, which is to explore the meaning of life, as you live the days of your life. Live and celebrate your potential to learn, to expand, and to reach out to possibility and greatness.” From the guidebook. 

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

The Paths of Yoga by Andrea Tteja (Part I)

Andrea Tteja -
Ashtanga Yinyasa is the system of Yoga taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, India. This method involves synchronizing the breath with progressive series of postures—a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.

The Bihar School of Yoga (Satyananda) was founded in 1964 by Paramahamsa Satyananda to impart yogic training to householders and sannyasins. The Yoga techniques are a synthesis of many approaches to personal development, based on traditional Vedantic, tantric and yogic teachings in conjunction with contemporary physical and mental health sciences. These techniques are taught by Bihar Yoga Bharati and through health management courses held in the old BSY Ashram. Bihar School of Yoga also guides Yoga projects and medical research in association with prestigious hospitals, organizations and establishments. Programs made by Bihar School of Yoga are used in the education and prison Government sectors, in hospitals, by the Defence Services, private and public sector industries such as Indian Oil Corporation, Coal India Limited, National Thermal Power Corporation, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, the Steel Authority of India, Hindustan Paper Corporation, Hindustan Copper Corporation, etc.

The Paths to Yoga by Andrea Tteja (Part II)

Andrea Tteja -
Continued from Part I    

Karma: Selfless Service as a path to Yoga. "Karma Yoga is the selfless devotion of all inner as well as the outer activities as a Sacrifice to the Lord of all works, offered to the eternal as Master of all the soul’s energies and austerities." Bhagavad Gita

Right Attitude It’s not what you do that counts, it’s the attitude while doing it that determines if a job is a karma yoga job, i.e. a liberating job, or a binding job. Work is worship. Swami Sivananda advises us to "give your hands to work, and keep your mind fixed at the lotus feet of the Lord."

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Tantric Sex

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Tantric Sex - Reawaken Your Desire by Discovering Slow, Luxurious Sex, Mini book hardback £6.99. Kindle: £6.17 Published in hardback by Quiver Minis, US $9.99 : CAN $12.99 : U.K. £6.99 

I love this little book to awaken our desire for slow, luxurious sex! Tantra teaches us to focus, be sensual, and intensify our enjoyment of a slow, intimate and loving caress or kiss, or a full, mindful and prolonged lovemaking orgasm. 

With tasteful naked images and excellent supportive text, this book will brighten up your sex life, restore you to heart felt physical and mental joy, help you to let go of inhibitions and allow you to experience beauty and kindness which flow towards the joy and wonder of sexuality.

Secrets of Paradise Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Secrets of Paradise Tarot by Leticia Ferrer-Rivera. Boxed set of 81 cards and Guidebook. RRP US $29.99 : Can $39.99 Published by Hay House. 

May the oceans bring blessings, abundance, and healing to all who inhabit planet Earth. 

Sample: Coexist - this card has no number because it is not part of a traditional tarot deck. It depicts from left to right, Santierre or Candomble, a Buddhist, monk, a Wiccan high priestess, a Catholic priest, and an Indian bride representing the Hindu religion. The card is about learning to respect the beliefs of others. It is about understanding others, becoming more spiritually and culturally competent, instead of assuming, or judging, when you do not know anything about a tradition or ritual. If this card is pulled, it means you are a tuned with the people around you. If for some reason, this appears in the reverse position, it shows the need to perform shadow work.   Use the pendulum to see which symbol it chooses to learn more. Feel free to remove it from the deck and not use it for certain readings. 

Saturday, 6 April 2024

The Tablets of Light

Mind Body & Soul,Ezine Book Review: The Tablets of Light - The Teachings of Thoth on Unity Consciousness by Danielle Rama Hoffman, published by Bear & Co, Paperback 290 pages £16.99 Kindle: £16.14 Author Website:

This book contains the channelled message of 'The Emerald Tablets of Light' from Thoth, the spirit guide of the author. We are introduced to a new language and a new way of thinking and speaking. Reclaim yourself by choosing to be a Connected Vibrational Recogniser, claim your Light Body, create through Divine Design, experience the Potency of Life Force Within, remember your Cosmic Choice, reconnect with Source, find out The Blueprint of Unity Consciousness, decode the Divine Sequence Within, lift the Net of the Mass Consciousness Grid, learn to Spiral Multidimensional Wholeness into Everything, transcend your perceptions, choose 'yes and no' at the same time, increase your Bandwidth, discover What You Left For Yourself to Find, take a Divine Mission Hookup, be who you fully are, stand out, get a Divine Energy Spirit, reclaim your Divine Access Point, Awaken to Universal Design Codes - and more!

Friday, 5 April 2024

Working With Spirit Guides

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Working With Spirit Guides - How to Make Contact with Angels, Fairies and Power Animals by Teresa Moorey, published by Octopus Books, £12.99

This full colour book has easy and practical suggestions to use  - oils, colours, gemstones, visualisations and meditations, cleansing and healing exercises and rituals to contact ancestors, power animals, goddesses, Ascended Masters, previously incarnated spirits, etc. 

Ideal as a gift for a beginner, the book is easy to read and you can learn how to contact your spirit guides. Ideal for beginners. Teresa Moorey is a clinical hypnotherapist. 

Review: Wendy Stokes 

Jung and Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book review: Jung and Tarot - An Archetypal Journey by Sallie Nichols, published by Samuel Weiser with an introduction by Laurens van de Post.

Carl Jung presented the Major Arcana of the tarot card deck as a means to work through the 22 archetypes, each of which demonstrates unrealised or neglected aspects of ourselves. Each card is explained separately to gain an understanding of its unconscious symbolic power and in order to bring into our consciousness awareness its archetypal energy and light. This process Jung calls 'individuation'. The world is a mirror which reflects ourselves, our tendencies, characteristics, potentials and shortcomings, which we place outside of ourselves and into all we perceive in the outside world. Our purpose is to project less so we see ourselves and the world as accurately as possible. This is presented as similar in depth to many of the initiatory card decks currently on this market and is well worth working with for insight into the self and others and to progress to maturity of thought. 
"Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside wakes" Carl Jung