Monday 17 June 2024

God’s Gold

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: God’s Gold - A Quest for the Lost Templar Treasures of Jerusalem by Sean Kingsley. 

Author of “Barbarian Seas”, “Shipwreck Archaeology of the Holy Land”, and Co-Author of ”The Pirate King”, Sean Kingsley has an unusual background as a marine, but here he chases the golden candelabrum, silver trumpets, and the bejewelled Table of the Divine Presence which were plundered from Herod’s Temple by Vespasian and Titus in AD70.  The Colosseum in Rome was said to have been built with the proceeds. These Temple treasures are well described and termed, God’s Gold, and there are descriptions from the Bible about the beauty, extent and reasons for the treasures! But where was Solomon’s Temple, as it could only have been a small affair despite the Bible’s description, and when this first Temple was sacked by the King of Babylon, the wealth and the people were carried away.

 However, when King Cyrus granted the Jews their freedom, their Temple treasures (gold and silver basins, vessels and bowls) were said to have been returned to them. Whether they were hidden in a cave near Mount Sinai or whether they are under a stone near Daniel’s grave in Shusham in Persia are possibilities, or were they were taken to Syria in BC164 as stated in Maccabees?  Another story hides the treasure of dozens of golden tables, the gold from the Temple walls, the candlestick, gemstones and many pearls by Levite Shimur and his friends in Baghdad. These were delivered to the Angel Shamshiel who took them to Borsippa. Or could the treasures have been taken to Rennes le Chateau by the Visigoths? We have a detailed history of the Holy Land and a Dan Brown style search for them! 

 The trumpets are hidden until the Last Day when all the lost treasures will be found and revealed. Does the Vatican’s basement hold any antiquities from Herod’s Temple? Could the precious Menorah have been thrown into the Tiber and rescued to be hidden by the Papacy? This is the raison d’etre of this book!!! A suggestion strongly denied but the story based on flimsy tales persists! And if the treasures of the Temple were discovered, it would lead to the Zionist Jews rebuilding their Jerusalem Temple (which they are desperate to do) on Temple Mount where currently the Dome of the Rock - the Muslim’s second holy place - is already sacredly occupied! A very serious war would result, even a third world war has been suggested. Would the Vatican, even if they did possess them, give them up? 

While the author was in Jerusalem he meets various people, discusses the Copper Scroll and the treasure map it reveals. The Dome of the Rock is where Abraham was to sacrifice his son Isaac and where Mohammed ascended to heaven. Are the treasures hidden underground? Do the Priory of Sion have the treasures? The story would make a good film, if something of note had been found!

Mysteries associated with Jewish antiquities, travelogue and history. Review by Wendy Stokes

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