Monday 10 June 2024

Turin Shroud

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Turin Shroud - In Whose Image? The Shocking Truth Unveiled by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. 

The book’s hypothesis is that Leonardo invented the earliest photograph to create the Turin Shroud in 1492 as a substitute for the earliest documented one (first described in 1350) carbon dated from between 1260 and 1390 though there were earlier reports of a facial image. In the first part of the book, all kinds of possibilities are examined and the strange image of a tall bearded man is investigated in detail in the last part. It is mentioned that Aristotle in 4th century BC, Ibn al Haifam in 11th century AD, English John Peckham in 1279, and in 1552AD, Neopolitan Giovanni della Porta also were involved in creating photographic style images. 

On page 66, a Priory of Sion character arrives to tell the authors that Leonardo created it and he explains to them the story that Jesus and the Madeleine were married and had children, that Jesus did not die on the cross but travelled to France with his family and their genes entered the French royal family. There is a Jewish connection with the source material, and the Gnostic Gospel of Barnabas suggests it. There is extensive information about Maestro Leonardo, the alchemists, the Knights Templar, etc., and I wondered if Lynn and Clive had become members of the Priory of Sion, as the material is presented as though it comes directly from such an organisation. Lynn Picknett was stalked during her research. The genealogical line, from Jerusalem royalty is broken by changes in the royal line and paying one’s way to the title. The Shroud was said to have been a forgery of the crucifixion of Jesus a thousand years ago so who was the crucified man with his hands courteously placed over his genitals? Could it have been a crucified man with the head of Leonardo? Could it have been the last of the Templar Grand Masters who had been stretched on the rack? Readers will enjoy the speculation, though the Priory of Sion has been discredited. 

Review by Wendy Stokes

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