Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Kuan Yin Transmission by Alana Fairchild, 55 printed text cards in a box £16.99, published by Blue Angel Publishing. Card size: 4.5cm x 10cm.
For use for the self, not for readings for others. Cards carry a text of 30 words. An ideal gift of short aphorisms for a young person embarking on life! Choose a card and read the short text. I miss artwork on cards.
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle by Stacey Demarco, boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook, published by Rockpool Publishing, 13/10/2022 Computer graphics by Kinga Britschgi £17.99
The unknown and the Underworld feature in ancient myths and stories that teach us about our shadow selves, and the world of hidden mysteries. Not all that is positive is safe or healthy! Some positivity is false and toxic, some is so extreme that it blames victims for their desperate circumstances. By hiding our hurts, they don’t go away - they can grow stronger. We are called on to recognise hubris, revenge, disrespect for the land or for the gods, and instead develop our resilience, courage, faith, and kindness. Our fears of rejection, our anger and self hatred, can be transformed into understanding and appreciation of life and self. We are taken on a journey to ‘walk through the shadow of death’ as each card features a personification of darkness, for example Hades, The Morrigan, Vampire, Werewolf, Medusa, and others, and shows them in a new duality, of light and shadow.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: La Santa Muerte Lenormand by Dan M Pelletier with illustrations by Callie L French. Published by REDFeather (Schiffer Publishing) US $ 24.99 : UK £22.99 Published 22nd Sept 2022
The ‘Lady of Holy Death’ oracle cards have a novelty magnetic closure box with eye cut-aways revealing the heads and shoulders of the dancing male and female significator skeletons of this deck. The pack contains a full colour guidebook and 36 illustrated cards without borders. They are the traditional Lenormand size (18cm x 23cm). Motifs are skeletons, skulls, scythes, the hour-glass, scales, tombs and graves, all to do with death and dying, plus flowers, bright colours, beautiful gowns, and that delights and creates fun by dancing and laughing.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Gorgon’s Tarot by Dolores Fitchie. Published by Schiffer Publishing. US $45 : UK £39.99
Quality presentation box with magnetic closure and ribbon opens to 78 large round cards in black and white artwork, with one wild card, the Blind Gorgon, which has a splash of scarlet and is said to be obscured by the Sun. The size of the round cards means a different shuffle and dealing style, but it’s ok! The cards are like plates to lay out, but ideal to point out motifs to the Querent within the surrealistic artwork. There are several animals, such as horses, cats, snakes, even leopards, and flowers, trees, stars and delicate patterns. The theme is upbeat and young, the energy positive and quirky. It is, I would say, ‘female-centric’. Joyous and good for a celebration! I really liked this deck!
The guidebook begins with the story of the Gorgon. The Minors are Cups, Pentacles, Wands and Swords; the Court Cards are Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings. The guidebook provides an additional subtitle for Majors, a 200 word meaning alongside the traditional meaning and reversals.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Review: Moonology Diary 2024 by Yasmin Boland, published by Hay House.
Be reminded and learn more about the moon and yourself as you discover the lunar cycle, the rhythms, and phases, and use these energies to produce joy, meaning and purpose in your life. The words of the diary will guide you with New and Full Moon influences, and with positivity, to plan your months throughout the year. It’s a beautiful addition to your daily life.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot 78 cards and guidebook Headless Horseman edition by Nick Lawyer. Published by Red Feather Publishing, RRP 29:99
What a wonderful way to honour the Irving Washington classic gothic novel of 1822 "The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow" and the season of Autumn as well as the art of Tarot all in one hit of a magical creation - if it emitted a pumpkin spice aroma as it was opened it would be too much!
As it is, it is perfect.
Nick Lawyer is a genuine lover of all things Halloween as can be seen by his "grim" but gorgeous artwork which can be found on his Instagram page. Only seconded by his love of the classic novel The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
which he reads every October with his family as an Autumn tradition of their own. The passion shows through in this stunning deck. The artwork is a clever blend of the classic RWS Pamela Coleman Smith style along with striking use of colour and symbolism that weaves the dark mysteries of the story and its famous characters seamlessly with the classic RWS Tarot.
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Tarot of the Sorceress - A Witch’s Wheel of the Year by Berengere Demoncy. Boxed set of cards and guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. 27/10/2022 £21.99
Justice. Sacred feminine. Keywords: normalisation, balance, rules, the law. The Justice card calls for balance or the restoration of balance, cutting through and separating what needs to be sorted. Through its symmetry it is also an invitation to bring greater clarity, stability and therefore balance to things. Justice is like a set of scales, represented here by two blossoming sleeves. The first is made up of chamomile, daisies, Indian marigolds, primroses, St John’s wort, heliotrope, bellflowers and cinq foil, all soft, springlike and blossoming. The other sleeve is covered with holly, ivy, chestnut burrs, and thorny dry yew and brambles, representing the difficulties encountered in the dark and cold of winter when resources are lacking. The
two bundles are almost symmetrical forming a balance of choices,
obvious divergences and differing results. Balance is not always found
in light or darkness; it grows between both worlds.
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Trick or Treat Tarot by Barbara Moore, published by Llewellyn Worldwide. Quality boxed set of 78 cards and full colour Guidebook. UK £29.17 release date: 6th Dec 2022
Sample: 10 The Wheel of Fortune: Generally, we know what kind of candy we have based on the wrapper. It’s nice when life is labelled clearly. But it doesn’t happen often. Mostly, we don’t know, which is one reason that people have a Tarot reading to tell the future. But sometimes, we must make a choice without reliable information, and then it is the luck of the draw. When this card comes up, be grateful because you are in for some good luck and you didn’t do anything to earn it. The best advice is common sense. You have a lucky break, so make good use of it. You can view it as a sign that things are going to change - it might be positive if you are at the bottom of the wheel or negative if you are at the top, since there is only one way to go from there! If you want to get philosophical about it, you might consider that good luck isn’t random. It’s a gift of fate (or possibly the fates) to help you move forward towards your destiny. Keywords: fortune, chance, opportunity, destiny, fate, good luck, change. Reversed: bad luck, misfortune, failure, unexpected setback, reversal, delay.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Hoodoo Tarot - 78-Card Deck and Book for Rootworkers by Tayannah Lee McQuillar. Drawer pull presentation box containing card and book. Published by Destiny Books. US: $35 CAN: $ 43.99 UK: £17.50 American occult and esoteric syncretism is combined with native species plant lore, and words from the Judeo-Christian Bible, alongside personalities drawn from history, myths and storytelling. They all feature in this fascinating deck of cards. I liked the personalisations. We are introduced to selected characters that I found I got to know through my imagination as much as their introduction by the deck creator Tayannah Lee McQuillar.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Oracle of Novice Witches - Messages from the Magical World, written by Francesca Matteoni, art by Elisa Macellari. Boxed set of cards and guidebook. Published 1st September 2022 by US Games Systems Inc., £21.99
Here we have 50 cards divided into three sections of suits. We start with ‘witches and wizards’, these feature 24 people from history, mythology and literature who had a reputation for differing types of spiritual knowledge. Then we have 13 objects, known to be used in witchcraft, then lastly 13 animals that could be called witches’ familiars!
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Witch’s Familiar Runic Oracle by author and artist Athene Noctua. Boxed set of 24 cards and guidebook. Published by Hay House. RRP US $12.99 : Can $17.50
The runes originally had a connection to nature and this connection is important in the reading so the book gives the rune letter, the god-form, and the animal. The book also provides information on runes for the beginner and I think this would make an interesting gift for a young and inquisitive person. The write-up gives explanation of the artwork combined with the rune, a handful of keywords, and offers a magical working.
Sample: Ingwaz - Lion - Still, but with slowly building intensity, the full maned lion, is poised for action. He holds within himself, the potential for an explosive release of energy. He is the leader of his pride. If called to it, he will make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the survival of the next generation. This rune is of growth, the spark of life, and the germinating seed. It has enormous creative potential, and is the fertile male representation, in balance with his female. If you receive this rune, consider taking time to create space for transformation and inner growth. It is time to build up your energy stores. An explosive expenditure of energy may be needed. In reverse, this rune can indicate impotence, immaturity, scattered energy, and a lack of forward movement. Keywords: creation, wholeness, harmony, evolution, energy, magical workings. This rune can function as a container or receptacle for energy, so on the full moon, consider inscribing it on a clear quartz stone before you charge it in the Moonlight.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Seeking the Spirits of Palo Kimbisa - Exploring the Mysterious World of the Afro-Cuban Religion. Tata Rodriguez as told to Sophia Kelly Shultz. Published by Schiffer Publishing (2021). $16.99 ISBN: 978-0-7643-6090-9
'The law of the jungle!'
There are several branches of the Palo practice - Nriycomba, Briyumba, and Kimbisa. These are oral traditions. Kimbisa developed 150 years ago from the Bantu people of the Congo who came as slaves to America. It includes influences from Franciscan, Freemason and Afro-Cuban philosophy. It is related to primitive Spiritism practices such as Candomble, Umbanda, and Santería.
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Crow Tarot by M J Cullinane, published by U S Games Systems Inc. £23.33 Release date: Sept 2023
Sample card: The Tower 16. Keywords: Drastic change, Upheaval, Catastrophe. Element: Fire. Each night, the crows gather to roast in the top of an old belltower that sits on a hill, away from the city lights. The tower has always provided a comfortable shelter that has offered security. However, the tower comes with a warning, do not become too comfortable or complacent. It could be whisked away in a flash. Mentally prepare yourself. Change is always afoot. Sometimes change happens and goes by virtually unnoticed, but not this time. You will feel it. It will shake your ground. How you manage this change will have a direct impact on how you will fare in the future. The energy caused by this change will spark something within that will move you towards a better place. How the pieces fall are up to you. Changes are inevitable, and when the tower is reversed, it is a sign that you are doing everything in your power to prevent necessary action. In doing so, you delay the experience you need to learn from in order to move forward.
Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: African Goddess Rising Pocket Oracle by Abiola Abrams. Boxed set of 44 Cards and Guidebook. Published by Hay House UK £8.99 : US $14.99 : Can $19.99 Dated Oct 2021.
“Sawubona” - a Zulu greeting which means welcome, “we see you”.
This is a neat pocket cards that invites us into the sacred goddess temple circle of this oracle. Each card represents a revered deity, matriarch, regal ancestor, or supernatural creature, all wise and loving divine feminine energy. Each bestows a gift of knowledge. The 44 goddesses are divided into 9 temples: threshold guardians, ancestors, conjurers, warriors, shadows, lovers, griots, queens and high priestesses taken from the 54 countries of Africa and the African diaspora, such as Haiti, Cuba, Barbados, Brazil and Guyana. You must face and integrate these 9 inner temples to awaken the goddess within.
The backs of the cards are a gold Adinkra symbol, a sacred geometric hieroglyphic of the Akan people of Ghana. The symbol means “that which does not burn”. Nothing within this deck is intended to cause harm.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Halloween Oracle by Stacey Demarco - Lifting the Veil Between the Worlds is Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Boxed set of 36 cards and guidebook. 31st October is the evening before All Hallows’. It is known as Halloween. This year, we have a full moon, ideal to cast shadows after dark! You are invited to ‘Experience the Scariest Night of the Year Every Night’! The cards are not numbered and carry only a title and subtitle on the face - to be read upright only - no inverted readings! Based on the philosophy that our awareness of death helps us to live our life with consideration, caring and joy, and helps us to prepare for the eventual day when our number is called by the powers that be.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Witching Hour Oracle - Awaken Your Inner Magic by Lorraine Anderson, illustrated by Olivia Burki, boxed set of cards and guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing date June 2023. US $24.99 : UK £18.99 ISBN 9781922785008
There is a deck published by US Games Systems Inc published June, 2022 with 39 cards with the title The Witching Hour by Cherie Gerdhardt.
This deck has a colour book which accompanies 44 cards. The set is trendy, young, attractive multi-cultural, you could say LGBTQ plus style images. The author provides her biography and how she came to create the deck, each card had meaning on her life journey. The deck can be used as an oracle in itself or with the Tarot as companion cards. The deck can be used with other card decks, where the reading is provided and a Witching Hour card is drawn for further guidance. Reversed cards are not used.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine - Tabula Mortem Spirit Board - Communicate with the Beyond by Judas Knight, Jerome VanDyke, Jacob VanDyke, and Jordan VanDyke. Published by US Games Systems Inc. 5th August 2021 Boxed set of board, pendulum and instruction book. $21.95 : £21.99
This is a modern spirit board used to contact the spirit world. The box contains a fold out board, 16 inches x 16 inches, and a pendulum with a 12 inch chain. Full instructions are provided in the accompanying book on how to use and store the board and pendulum, to use incense and candles for readings, with recommendations to make notes for this communal activity. There is a poem for blessing the board, a grounding meditation and information on how to make an offering to the Lwa. Information is given on the origins and history of the planchette/ouija (wee-gee) board, with explanations of the process, what happens after death, of superstitions related to the board, and warnings of Lwa, elementals and shells.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Witching Hour Oracle by Cherie Gerhardt, boxed set of cards and guidebook, published by US Games Systems Inc. Release date 1/6/2022 £22.99
Please note that Rockpool Publishing have released a card deck with the title Witching Hour Oracle, written by Lorraine Anderson, June 2023.
Sample Card: 30 The Blood Moon - Justice, Waning Moon, Crone.The Waning Blood Moon is the time for justice. The Crone is pictured on this card with a firm sturdy grip on the scales of justice, referring to fairness by weighing the evidence. The scales represent her consideration of her current existence and her mortality. The crone is blindfold to represent impartiality to the situation. Drawing this card is time to consider just behaviour or treatment in a specific set of circumstances. Have you been fair in a particular situation with a loved one? Have you rushed to a conclusion without considering the thoughts and feelings of another person? Or has someone not treated you fairly in a recent situation? The time is right to find where the iniquity lies and bring justice to that situation.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: White Witch Tarot by Maja D’Aoust, Boxed set of 22 Cards and Book, Published by REDFeather Publishing, US $24.99. UK £22.99 ISBN: 978-0-7643-5367-3
Attractive black and glinting gold box has magnetic clip to safely hold the contents of instruction book and 22 Major Arcana cards with gold leaf edges, based on the Rider-Waite-Smith system with traditional titles. The artwork is white and gold pen sketching on black. The more you look into the art, the more you see of faces, birds, hands, animals, landscapes, and quite clever and magical, as things are not as they seem!
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Journey to the Dark Goddess – How to Return to Your Soul by Jane MeredithPublished by Moon Books Paperback: £12.99 Author website: http://www.janemeredith.com/
Jane Meredith, a Goddess practitioner, writer and ritualist, provides a valuable method to relieve depression and grief by integrating a darker part of our life which is repressed to our detriment. The ancients provided a map in the form of myth. Life wisdom is achieved in confronting death before it happens. The Goddess was the one who wove the thread of life, cast on, and struck down, and She is the one to guide our journey to a life review - and to wholeness.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, published by REDFeather Publishing. Boxed set of book and cards. $34.99 : UK £31.99 ISBN: 978-0-7643-6022-0
Quality presentation box with magnetic fixing; inside we have a full colour books with substantial information and 78 gold leaf edged cards with recognisable artwork images. Excellent multicultural women’s tarot deck, for all ages and body shapes. The deck is based on the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot with variations. In addition to traditional RWS titles, there are Dark Goddess Tarot titles. In the book, a subtitle is given for each card, and a short sentence. The information provided on each Goddess, her myths, attributes, symbols, life and powers. There is also an advice section about drawing each card.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dark Magic Oracle - Reveal the Light Within by Fiona Horne. Boxed set of 36 cards and Guidebook. Published by Rockpool Publishing. US $24.95 : UK £18.99
Release date: 31st August, 2023
“It has to be dark to see the stars”
Glinting green lettering on the box and silvered edges makes this a stylish deck designed to deal with difficult emotions relating to the inner child. The full colour guidebook gives us all information required for a reading. Each card carries a spell or a ritual to aid healing. There is information on the ethical sourcing of crystals. Spreads are the Sole card for a daily reading, the Dual two card, the Triad three card, and the Pentacle 5 card.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Grail Tarot - A Templar Vision by John Matthews, illustrated by Giovanni Caselli. Quality boxed set of 78 cards and guidebook. Published by REDFeather (Schiffer Publishing) US $34.99 : U.K. £31.99
This deck provides high quality artwork that has gnostic and esoteric meanings and expert symbolism. It is accompanied by an excellent book describing the card deck’s concept of the Grail, said here to be the holiest and most mystical relic of the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, a group of Christian monks founded in 1119. The Grail mystery is central to the deck’s concept, its historical background, and the deck’s spiritual teaching. It is an initiatory deck that contains life guidance.
Each card has a painted image, a number and title, a description of the image, a background to the Grail story, a Grail Question for the Trump cards, and a Divinatory meaning that contains spiritual guidance. A few keywords are provided as a reading prompt.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: I. Lucifer -Exploring the Archetype and Origins of the Devil by Corvis Nocturnum, published by REDFeather Publishing $19.99 Full colour! ISBN: 978-0-7643-3919-6
Evil must be faced and named. Carl Jung.
There are many books of this title! I liked this book and the subject matter though my first reaction was negative as I thought it might be a promotion or an excuse for the worst of human mentality, however, I have been convinced by the importance of the subject matter. The author has produced a thorough study of all aspects of myths, archetypes, symbols, and related ideas and behaviour pertaining to this subject. The reader is provided with creation stories, poems, quotes, paintings, and other instances and examples, including dark gods, named as Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, etc., those who perform evil, such as sociopaths, and questions of our own possible forbidden and repressed desires.
Mind Body & Soul Book Review: Dark Goddess Craft - A Journal Through the Heart of Transformation by Stephanie Woodfield. Published by Llewellyn Worldwide. 208 pages. RRP $19.99
“The dark goddess rules over the things we fear most!” “When we let go of the past, we allow the new to enter.”
I love this workbook and highly recommend it for men and women! Dark Goddess Craft teaches us to confront our shadow through the ancient goddess archetypes. It leads us to delve into our own darkness and emerge with greater self knowledge. When we let go of the past, we allow space for the new to enter, and then we change. Wisdom is acquired in exchange for our hurts. Death can live with us for transformation and healing. When we confront the shadow, we find out who we truly are!
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Witches' Almanac A wonderful example of a Book of Shadows for the budding witch, pagan or occultist with recipes, tree lore, moon phases, charms, spells, secrets, reviews, diary events, quotes, places of interest, music, poetry, gods and goddesses, astrology, garden planting, incantations, reminiscences and personal learning. Sketches, photos, drawings, etc. Delightful and useful spiritual journaling! Review: Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Sacred Earth Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela J Williams with artwork by Helena Nelson-Reed, published by Blue Angel Publishing. Boxed set of 45 cards and guidebook. £18.25 Visit: http://www.blueangelonline.com/oracle_cards.html
The cards put us in touch with the sanctity, wisdom and beauty of our sacred planet, Earth. They are designed to provide guidance, awareness, insight and support for the seeker. There is a creation story and information on how to use the cards. There is also advice that if someone is in imminent danger, other specific assistance should be directly sought. Each card carries an image and title. The guidebook provides additional Earthly Meanings, Spiritual Meanings and an Insights for each card.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: The Quest for Mary Magdalene - History. & Legend by Michael Haag
Extract: “A woman who needed to earn an income could extend her domestic activities into the marketplace where she could sell clothing, farm produce and bread (the bakers were men)or she could be an innkeeper, letting out rooms in her house. Hairdressers, midwives, and professional mourners were traditional occupations for women. But a woman’s earnings were for the benefit of her family. She was not free to dispose of her money herself.
Shining Tribe Tarot (previously Shining Woman Tarot) by the late Rachel Pollack is a wonderful tarot deck of 78 illustrated cards, inspired by international myths and stories, shamanic journeys, esoteric traditions, tribal art and other creative enjoyments. There are standard tarot, Native American, Kabbalistic, prehistoric rock art, fairy tales and other influences. There are scenes from Greece, North America, Malta, Ireland, England, France, Denmark and the Netherlands.
The original title of 'Shining Woman Tarot', refers to the last card of the major arcana, usually titled 'The World'. The image is a celebration of life and appears in several images throughout the card deck, such as, 'The Tower', '3 of Stones' and 'Awakening'. Images of animals occur, such as the turtle (tortoise), toad, snake and fish. Some of the traditional tarot titles have been changed, such as 'Tradition' and 'The Hanged Woman'. There is the ‘soul's journey’ through the major arcana from birth to enlightenment. The four suits are descriptive of human experience in all its varied forms. Wands (fire) are trees: Cups (water) are rivers: Swords (air) are birds: Pentacles (earth) are stones. Each card is given a poem and a write up in the accompanying book.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell, set of 44 cards and Guidebook. Published by Hay House US $26.99 : Can $35.99 : UK £22.99 (March 2022)
“Unlock the mysteries of the rose, connect to the divine feminine, nature, beauty. May Her healing mysteries call you home to your true nature.”
The rose is an ancient symbol of love and perfection. It is known as the Queen of flowers. The cards call us to meet the Mother Rose, connect to the goddess, to beauty, and to nature. Its perfume, soft velvet petals and beauty have provided great joy across the generations and across many countries of the world. The cards help us to reconnect with the garden, the Earth, the divine feminine, with seasons and cycles.
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Review: The Mayan Oracle - A Galactic Language of Light – A Hands-on Tool to Harness the Potential for Spiritual Growth By Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner Illustrated by Oceanna Published by Bear & Co Boxed set of 294 page book and 44 cards £27.99
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Ethereal Visions Tarot Luna Edition by Matt Hughes. Boxed set of 80 cards and Guidebook. Published by U S Games Systems Inc. £25.83 Release date: April 2023
Sample card: XI Justice. Astrological correlation Libra. Justice will make itself known when you see situations from all angles. Justice takes things slowly and deliberately and makes a just decision. All actions have consequences. Therefore, Justice knows that fairness is a priority, and understands that there will always be somebody who feels hurt if you don’t do things their way. When this card appears in a reading, you must take a stand and do what’s right for you. Upright meaning: equality, balance, decisions, fairness. Reversed meaning: dispute, dishonesty, lack of accountability, corruption.