Monday, 3 February 2025

Messages from the Spirits of Nature Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Messages from the Spirits of Nature Oracle by Dr Steven D Farmer. published by Hay House. Boxed set of 44 cards and guidebook. UK £14.99 : US $22.99 : Can $29.99

Sample Card: 36 Snake : Shedding. In many belief systems and mythologies, the snake is seen as a living representation of the duality of good and evil, as a deity, the soul of life, the gateway to the heavens, a healing force, or an embodiment of the underworld. Once such example is the caduceus, an emblem with two snakes intertwined around a pole. Several times a year, snakes shed their skin in one continuous piece. The body grows, but the skin does not, and a new layer was generated, while the old is discarded like clothes that no longer fit. The process takes a few days, during which it’s important that the snake is not disturbed. Unlike the dragonfly butterfly, there is no physical transformation from the shedding just a bigger snake and a larger skin. It’s an inevitable transition for you, and one where you will still be you, yet with a greater sense of purpose, and a willingness to continue changing as each new era in your life presents itself. Though some struggle, you must trust the process, a bigger self will emerge. 

The international spirituality movement is paying greater attention to the environment, to ecology and the importance of nature for health and healing. Dr Farmer has been ahead of the movement, always referring the seeker and the spiritual traveller to forests, rivers, mountains and beaches, places of solitary meditation, beauty and health. 

This deck reflects this emphasis, building our relationship with the land, dedicated to the honour of Pachamama, it is an oracle of wonder, joy, power, dedication - and revelation. We are intimately related to all life, our spirit guides can be called on for assistance, inspiration, knowledge and interest. 

Review by Wendy Stokes 

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