Monday, 20 January 2025

The Victorian Steampunk Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Victorian Steampunk Tarot – Unravel the Mysteries of the Past, Present and Future, by Liz Dean and illustrated by Bev Speight. Published by Cico Books. The magnetised flip lip box includes a full deck of 78 tarot cards and a full colour explanatory booklet of each card.
The deck is very loosely based on the Rider-Waite deck but each card carries an individual computer graphic artwork to express the spirit of Victorian steampunk, the age of steam with modern counter culture anything is possible, plasma screens, hot air balloons, the era of Jules Verne, Mary Shelley, Edgar with, for instance, clockwork hearts and butterflies, deconstructed burlesque and brass spyglasses. The cards can be interpreted either upright or upturned thought the backs are intended for exclusively upright use. 

 Each major arcana card is provided with a basic message with the astrological sign and keywords and a longer explanation of the card’s meaning both upright and upturned. Each minor arcana card is given an upright and upturned explanation. This is a creative tarot deck which centres on the Victorian’s love of botanical collections and the natural world. The Cups are depicted as dragonflies, the wands as moths, the swords as bees and the pentacles as beetles. The booklet provides information on how to prepare for a reading by creating space and attuning to the cards, protecting and cleansing them. There is also guidance for readers on what to do if you are unable to make sense of a reading. There are spreads, such as a 3 card reading for past, present and future, a 2 card spirit message, how to get a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer by laying the cards three times, 7 cards to answer a question, the week or year ahead with 7 or 13 cards and the 10 card cross. 

The cards can be used for beginners or experienced readers. There are lots of images in these cards and they make an enjoyable gift for those who like vintage items or for a novelty fancy dress event.   Reviewer: Wendy Stokes

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