Thursday, 20 March 2025

The Gospel of Aradia

Mind Body & Spirit Ezine
 card deck review: The Gospel of Aradia by Stacey Demarco, artwork by Jimmy Manton. Boxed set with 36 cards and a 112 page guidebook. Published by Blue Angel Publishing £15.99
"The angels of one religion are the devils of another!"

Cards carry a title in Latin, an affirmation, a poem and a message. 

The story of Aradia is the story of the 'strega' the weaver of magic, mystery and enchantment, empowerment and creativity that can assist the self or others. 

Aradia was lost and wandering through the countryside, hungry and cold. An old woman finds her and invites her to share her meagre meal. The woman has an injured leg and Aradia prepares a poultice and shows the old lady how to make it and use it and she sings a song of healing. In the morning, Aradia is gone, but the woman finds her leg has healed. As she touches her shawl, three gold coins fall to the floor. She looks out the window and her old cow is young again and her old horse is strong again. Vegetables, herbs and berries have been planted in her garden.   

A chosen card is Dreams and this tells us that by examining dreams, prophecy can be revealed and can lead to life progress and a deepening relationship with the Divine. In ancient times, dreams were said to be the ways in which the Gods communicated with us. Recurring dreams are especially significant. Trance states also access a similar intuition through mediumship or shamanism when spirits can be contacted for learning how best to live our life. In many cultures, women are the traditional interpreters of dreams, disciphering and analysing the night's coded messages.   

Women's wisdom of healing methods was taught secretly in the Tuscan hills and over time, knowledge spread throughout the land and was written down. A potential witch, known as Aradia, whose mother was Diana the Moon Goddess, Aradia was said to have walked 1,000 miles in the service of her mother and knew great suffering. this deck uses her knowledge and power to hand down further ancient teachings which are no emerging. Take the hand of Aradia, and dance with flowers in your hair under the fullness of the moonlight. This is an earth honouring path of thge ancient women witches who defied the power of the oppressive Roman Catholic Church in Italy. 

By her marriage to a powerful and most benevolent and supportive Christian king, Aradia brought light into darkness through:
a balance between male and female
a harmony between the rich and poor
an understanding between pagan and Christianity

The guidebook provides all necessary information, including suggested spreads: a single one card reading, a Goddess and God spread of 2 cards, a Maid, Mother and Crone, 3 card spread, The Flower spread of 6 cards. The Evil Eye with 7 cards, and Aradia's Journey of 13 cards.Cards are all read upright only.

🌟 I think this is a women's deck and will restore feminine power in an exciting and novel way. The images are beautiful - will not disappoint! However, witches around the world since ancient days practice witchcraft and therefore amongst the positive cards of peacemaking, reconciliation, sisterhood and synergy, we have the obligatory 'curses' card. 
Review: Wendy Stokes

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