Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Spirit Ezine Card Deck Review: Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards - Barbara Meiklejohn-Free & Flavia Kate Peters. Artwork by Yuri Leitch. Published by Blue Angel. 

These are two very experienced oracle card deck creators and book authors, and I recommend this deck to beginners and experienced readers. It is a deck that I would suggest is best read for oneself. It is a reasonably priced concept deck. The deck is associated with ancestors, nature and the mystical traditions. With influence from shaman based culture, this deck provides insight into your life and possible current circumstances. The artworks add to the words in the instruction book. I especially like the popular Earth based relevance to today’s ecology. 

 Shamanism is an intermediary between the human and the natural world. It is an ancient tradition amongst aboriginal/tribal/indigenous people. It delivers healing, wise counsel and divination to increase understanding and kinship. It includes the directions of the seasonal year. Answers are provided by each card through listening, observing and learning. Create a quiet space, burn some herbs, give thanks. Make your request for guidance, to ask how to resolve a problem, make clear your intention or question. You are invited to bring a little of the shaman into your everyday life. Each card has an artwork, a title and subtitle. In the book, an explanation, a short revelation, other divination meanings, and a 4 line verse are provided. A one- card reading and a three-card spread for past, present and future are offered. 

Card sample: Altar - Honouring. Focus on honouring that which sustains you, those who came before you and the true beauty and purpose of your being, and to bring about the harmony that is alluding you. Regularly honouring at an altar is a personal and tangible way to achieve balance and maintain serenity over the next few months. Keep your altar simple. It can be a table with a cloth on it in a quiet corner, a mantelpiece or even a windowsill. It is your intention to honour the blessings and gifts from the spirit and mother nature that are most important, and you also must reflect that journey. Adorn the space with items that are sacred to you, like flowers. Include items that represent the elements. You might use a crystal for the Earth, a red candle for fire, an incense stick for air, a blue candle for water and a small mirror for spirit. Your altar is a thank you and a time to pause for reflection on the gifts from the worlds that the shaman walks between. In honouring sacred space and connection to all those life, you will be calling to yourself just what you need in times of uncertainty or confusion.

Altar Revealed: An altar is the sacred space in which to honour great spirit. Nature itself as an author to the shaman, but having your own altar helps you to focus on rituals, ceremonies and prayer. It is for the laying out of ritual tools and for holding pictures or artefacts chosen for your ancestors. It is a place of worship and have honouring personal beliefs. It is a meeting place between ordinary and spiritual realms.

Other Divinatory Meanings: Honour that which is sacred to you. Make room for quiet time. Dedicate an altar in your home or garden to that which you are aligned to spiritually. Focus will bring desired results. Make time in your day for gratitude and Thanksgiving. Time for reflection.

Altar Speaks Poem: Precious gifts and sacred items lay bare, holding a space to bless all that is there, ancestors, elements, directions and more - come speak with them and be reassured.

Books and card decks by the authors: The Heart of All Knowing. The Shamanic Handbook. Sacred Tools and Ceremonies. The Shaman Within. Divination of Atlantis Oracle Cards. The Book of Destiny. Dark Goddess. Sacred Sites Oracle Cards. Spell Casting Oracle Cards. Witches Kitchen Oracle Cards. Witches Familiar Oracle Cards. Witches Wisdom Oracle Cards. 

Review by Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk

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