Friday, 28 February 2025

Whispers of Love Oracle Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Review: Whispers of Love Oracle Cards - for attracting more love into your life by Angela Hartfield with artwork by Josephine Wall. Published by Blue Angel Publishing. Pack of 50 cards and 72 page booklet. £13.99 Author website:   Artist website:
Each of the cards carries an image, number, title and simple positive message pertaining to love and caring. Based on the Law of Attraction, you can read the cards for yourself or another person. A card for daily reading is suggested or a 3 card spread for past, present and future or a four card 'relating' spread. 

‘Appreciate this Moment’ says that each and every situation is an opportunity to grow as a person, to be loved and find love. It is numbered 33 and shows a woman of the deep, surrounded with sea weed, with sea shells and coral in her hair and is scrying with the mother of pearl of a giant sea shell. The card describes challenging circumstances, sometimes they do not make any sense at all. But you must face the reality of the situation, and learn the difficult lessons that are being taught. You are instructed to ask the angels to show you what is important. 
'Actions Speak Loudly’ has been chosen. It advises that sometimes expressing ourselves in words is not enough. We need to put the needs of those we care for before our own, by phoning them if they are lonely and listening to their problems, taking someone out somewhere nice, helping someone with something they are struggling with. This is the true way to express our love, not just this day, but everyday.

The author, Angela Hartfield, is based in Hawaii where she is a medium, reader, healer and teacher. She is also a Reiki Master. At the age of 4 years old she had an encounter with angels. She is the creator of Angelic Whisper Oracle Cards (2009) , meditation CD's and conducts Angelic Channeler Courses and conducts Hawaiian Healing Journeys.

The artist, Josephine Wall is UK based and paints finely detailed scenes of the fairy realms, with many well crafted animals and figures in landscapes of complex beauty. Her ornate and decorative style is inspired by the Victorian Pre-Raphelites, Arthur Rackam, Magritte and Dali. She painted the high colour pottery of Delphis Ware which are collectors' pieces and she also produces pottery figurines, sculpture and stained glass. Each artwork is lovingly created to inspire and entertain. These cards were used in the Celebrating Love workshop in central London on 8th February and were featured in an article on love in Psychic News Magazine. 
Review: Wendy Stokes 


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