Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Sorcerers Tarot by Antonella Castelli by Lo Scarabeo 2005
Good an evil are in an eternal battle! We must get the best from our reading and from our life. Neither positive nor negative magic equates to the soul of the querent. The reader encourages the querent to take responsibility for their life and to be courageous, wise and aware. Information in the cards can be good or bad as we make it. The magic enables us to build our own destiny. Willpower, intention, determination, and ability, these create the magic in your life! Magic deals with the human soul, it exists to transform the person spiritually, though we all want circumstances to be changed, this needs to happen by a change in ourselves - our actions reflect our character and spiritual qualities. Everything is related, all circumstances come together to create a whole - just one decision can have a knock on effect.
This deck is included in the Tarot course, Total Tarot, magazine numbers 78 and 79. Very enjoyable images that inspire interesting readings! Rediscover your sense of wonder with this beautiful Tarot deck. Also by this creator, Tarot Art Nouveau. Delightful and marvellous artwork. Golden Dawn influence. Plenty of myth and old traditions here to enjoy. Review by Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk
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