Wednesday 29 November 2023

The Cathar Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Cathar Tarot - The Secret Wisdom of the Perfecti by John Matthews and Wil Kinghan. Boxed set of 78 cards plus explanatory book. Card size: 4.5 inches x 3 inches. U.K.: £17.99 US: $19.95 CAN: $22.95

“In heaven, there are angels, and good men and good women.” Peire Mary June 1324

“The heart of man is the church of god”. Arnaut Sicre, October 1321

This is a concept tarot deck specifically designed for those who are interested in Catharism. The Tarot according to the Cathars you could say! There is a chart comparing the traditional Tarot cards and the Cathar cards. The book contains information about the history of the Cathars and an explanation on how to work with the cards, how to get to know the deck and how to activate it. Each Major is retitled with the traditional Tarot title and a Cathar title, subtitle, explanation, divinatory meaning and keywords for the light and dark aspects of each card. The Minors have less information but it is sufficient to provide a reading. The Minors are divided into the Book of Shields, the Book of Swords, the Book of Love and the Book of Wisdom. 


There are three spreads suggested, The Cathar Cross of 9 cards, the Court of Wisdom with 9 cards, and the Grail Knight of 5 cards. All the spreads have sample readings. 

I liked this concept, and the deck carries it well, having been written by John Matthews, a Tarot expert and historian. The Cathar Tarot is unusual, powerful, interesting, progressive and profoundly spiritually based. Recommended. Excellent value. 

Reviewer Wendy Stokes. 

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