Sunday, 16 March 2025

Mists of Avalon Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Card Deck Review: Mists of Avalon by Rose Inserra, illustrated by Nadia Turner. Published by Rockpool Publishing. Boxed set of 36 cards with guidebook

Sample card: 12 The Holy Grail - Life Force, Wisdom. Be a beacon of light by walking the path. Shine bright with your magical soul, for all to see, feel, know and grow. The message is that there are new opportunities and beginnings presented to you. Be open to receiving the flow of life’s gifts. This is the time of conception, new beginnings, new love, birth, and a new cycle of life. Follow your personal soul quest, without losing sight of what holds the most value for you.


I like these cards. They reconnect us to the ancient Goddess and to the land of Glastonbury as a modern day Avalon, and to the court of King Arthur with its romantic ideals of loyalty, honour, daring adventures and the quest for the grail. Excalibur, the Lady of the Lake, Morgan le Fay, and others feature in this deck. It is for working with the highest good, for self discovery, spiritual evolution and soul quest.

There is information on how to use the cards, for oneself and for others. There is no right way to use them and there are no definitive answers, but scrying the meaning from the images is possible. Draw a card a day. There are 3 card and 5 card spreads also suggested. Questions could be ‘What do I need to focus on today?’’What part of my life needs light shed at the moment?’ In the book, there is a full colour image of each card with its number, title, 4 subtitles and a short quotation and affirmation. A image, title, subtitle and value are provided for each card and a message in the book for each card is 200 words.

This deck is presented as a quest and can be worked through by taking a card each day in sequence. I really like this deck, especially I like the work of the writer, Rose Inserra. There is depth, growth, and maturity in her guidance. Beautifully produced card stock. And the artwork is wonderful! Recommended. Review by Wendy Stokes. 

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