Sunday, 16 March 2025

The Ring Cycle Tarot

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Ring Cycle Tarot - Based on Richard Wagner’s The Ring Nibelung, created by Allegra Printz with illustration adaptions by Arthur Rackham. Set of 78 cards and guidebook in quality presentation box. Published by Schiffer Publishing, U.K. £40.99 : US $45 

Richard Wagner’s musical drama features the old Norse and Germanic pantheon and the story of a deadly and cursed golden ring of unlimited power. Characters and plot are taken from source material, and are adapted for this intriguing deck, which retains much of the drama, excitement and interest of the original storyline and is combined with the extraordinary and magical artwork of Arthur Rackham. 

The cards carry an image,  umber and a title and a subtitle from the story. There is information on each card’s background, and a divinatory meaning with reversed card meanings. The Divinatory meanings in the book are concise! I would say excellent. There is a lot of information to take in about the storyline, and if I had to make a criticism, it would be with the fonts that are difficult to read. 

The deck is dedicated to Ludwig J J of Bavaria…  “The so-called “mad” King, whose patronage financed Wagner‘s completion and initial production of the monumental Ring of the Nibelung.  In supporting art over war, Ludwig II left us a profound and enduring legacy of music and myth.”

The author provides personal insights, experiences, and interest in the subject matter. The themes are the deepest of life’s challenges, of lust, greed, racial and other conflicts, love, sacrifice and redemption. The intricate story is outlined in detail, with prologue, characters, scenes and outcomes. There is plenty of interest in this deck! There is also an Appendices, Quick Reference Card Meanings, and a Biography of Arthur Rackham, Themes of the Ring, Time & Eternity, World Initiator, Cosmic Fire, Gold Lust & Greed, Racial Conflict and the Struggle for Power, Love, Sacrifice and Redemption, Wagner’s Ribg Music, The Ring Libertel and its Sources, The a music Drama, Leitmotif, Ring Music, Colour Music, Valkyries, Rhinegold, Siegfried - and more! 

The Trumps have musical notation, a quotation, the card background and it’s divinatory meaning with reversal. Courts and Minors have less information, but with the use of the artwork, the traditional meanings and the added story of the musical drama, I think there is lots here to provide a reading. The four suits are: Gods (Fire & Wands): demigod Walsungs (Water & Cups): human Gibichungs (Air & Swords): dwarf Nibelungs (Earth & Discs). 

The epilogue asks us “if by chance or fate you came into possession of the Ring of Power, and were required to perform one act before returning it to the Rhinemaidens, what would you choose? 

This concept deck is comprehensive! Ideal for an intense psychological reading! Recommended for those with classical interests. There is lots to remember! Those who buy this deck will get an interesting course in The Ring Cycle! 

Suggested Spreads: The 3 Norns Spread (3 cards). The Nibelung Smithing Spread (9 cards). Ring Magical Implements Spread (14 cards)

Sample reading: 3 of Gods (The Valkyrie) The Card: Brunnhilde in the Wild. Brunnhilde wrestles with her thoughts in the solitude of nature, in despair over Wotan’s revised order is demanding that Siegmund now be killed instead of saved in the incoming battle with the Hunding. How can she even entertain the idea of disobeying her father’s new orders! And yet, at the same time, how could she possibly act against what she knows to be Wotan’s own true will in the situation – which is surely to save his beloved son‘s life?

Divinatory Meaning: You wrestle with a difficult decision. This requires ‘time out’ to think things through alone, as you are experiencing the horns of a dilemma and every course of action is problematic. Summon  your resourcefulness. You may decide to circumvent a shortsighted authority, or resist orders that do not make sense. Even if you make a choice for the highest good in the longest run as you see it, be prepared to pay the price and defend your actions. While there may be no way round the difficulty in the current situation, avoid becoming entirely engulfed in drama. ‘To thine own self be true’ and ‘virtue is its own reward’, underscore the meaning of this card. Reversed: You may be acting without adequate thought, perhaps blindly obeying orders that, on reflection, will prove misguided for all concerned. Or you are full in indecision. This reverse may also mean a release from a dilemma based on your information you are about to receive.

Who is Allegra Printz? Allegra is a professional artist whose work is sought by private collectors. She is native of Michigan but now resides in San Francisco. She is a graduate of the Boston Museum School of Fine Arts. Her interests are Ancient Egypt, India and Vedic History, Tibetan Buddhist texts, Western Hermeticism, Rudolf Steiner and Tarot. She is a classical music lover who studies piano and music theory. Her recent book, Bay Area Landscapes, Pastels, and Oils can be viewed on 

Review by Wendy Stokes

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