Tuesday 9 August 2022

The Moses Legacy

Mind Body and Soul Ezine Book Review: The Moses Legacy - The Evidence of History by Graham Phillips, Published by Sidgwick & Jackson. 327 pages, quality paperback.

What is the story of the inscribed stone of 850BCE in the Louvre? What is the explanation for the plagues of Egypt? How can the Hebrew Bible be dated? Why did Amenhotep III create hundreds of Sekhmet statues? Who were the Israelites and who was Moses? What caused the journey to the Promised Land? Who were the Hiparu? The Philistines? The Canaanites? The Mari? The Hyksos? The Nabateans? The Edomites and where these the original Kabbalists? Were the Essenes in Petra and were their teachings similar to the Edomites? What was the Book of Jasher? Where is the Valley of Moses? What was found at Schechem? Where was Mount Sinai? When did the idea of one God originate? What is the story of the golden calf? When was Exodus? Can the Fall of Jericho be dated and where and what was this event? Where and what was the Red Sea? Were there two men with the name Moses? What is the story behind the Staff of Moses? What is the history of Petra? What black carved 'Sabean' stone was found in 1982 and why is this important? What was the object referred to as 'the Lord' in the Old Testament? Was it a horned pole? What was it for? Was there an ancient Edomite custom of eating the fruit of the thorn apple to gain hallucinogenic visions. Was this the 'burning bush' and why was it so called? 

I like the style of this book. Graham Phillips has been described as a historical detective. He sets out theories very clearly and at the end of each chapter, it  provides a summary, with a precis of the major points.

Graham Phillips is also the author of
Act of God
The Green Stone
The Lost Tomb of King Arthur
The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant
The Marian Conspiracy
Alexander the Great
The End of Eden
Merlin and the Discovery of Avalon in the New World
The Chalice of Magdalene
The Shakespeare Conspiracy

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