Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Ancestor Spirit Oracle Cards

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Ancestor Spirit Oracle Cards by Jade-Sky, illustrated by Belinda Morris, boxed set of 43 cards and guidebook. Published by Blue Angel Publishing, £17.99

The deck provides 43 different ancestor possibilities from many different countries, times and cultures, providing wisdom and learning. The guidebook provides information on how to use the cards. Each card has an image, title, subtitle, ancestral reading, channelled message and a divinatory meaning. 

Monday, 27 February 2023

Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle

Mind, Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Wisdom of the Golden Path Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno, artwork by Yuehui Tang, 45 cards and information booklet in pack Published by Blue Angel Publishing. 

You are invited to 'see things from a higher perspective' and receive personal guidance and also use the cards to read for others. There are positive messages and affirmations. Toni Carmine Salerno has produced a large number of card decks through the Blue Angel publishing house of Australia. He is an author and has also produced mind body spirit CDs and is an artist in his own right. 

Friday, 24 February 2023

Esoteric Tarot Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Esoteric Tarot - Ancient Sources Rediscovered in Hermeticism and Cabala by Ronald Decker 312 page paperback with line drawings Published by Quest Books, Price: £14.99 

The author, Ronald Decker, has provided detailed historical research, comparisons with various early decks and their uses. Ancient texts are explored: we visit China where dice with pips, such as dominos, become paper cards with pips; via Persia, India, Russia and even consider possible links to Mongolia. The life and works of the Hermetic teacher and tarot designer, 'Etteilia' (Jean-Baptiste Alliette) is provided along with the information that Casanova forbade the use of the cards and threw them on the fire because they revealed

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Dream Goddess Empowerment Cards

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: Dream Goddess Empowerment Cards by Kelly Sullivan Walden, published by Blue Angel Publishing, 55 printed cards in a box, size 4.5cm x 10cm. 

Each card carries a goddess name and function and a 30 word message. The instructions are to choose a card and meditate upon the message before sleep or to close your eyes, breathe deeply, shuffle, and imagine you are basking in a field of unconditional love with wise female energies surrounding you. Read the card and imagine the goddess is whispering the message into your ear. Only 20 words per card. I missed card artwork! Ideal for beginners! I am sending one of these in the post with my Xmas cards!

Examples of text: 

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Living Shamanism Book Review

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Living Shamanism - Unveiling the Mystery by Julie Dollman Published by Moon Books - Paperback Price £8.27 Kindle Price £6.11 177 pages. 
The author, Julie Dollman, trained in the core shamanic practices of the Q'ero Indians of the Peruvian Andes, and is a graduate of the Four Winds Society. She introduces the reader to her personal understanding of shamanism and specific practices are described by the Four Winds Society and of Peruvian shamanism. We are offered practical methods to uncover our 'core wounds', to help us to let go of our past hurts and find the 'right relationship' with others, ourselves and our environment.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

The Wild Goddess Oracle

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review: The Wild Goddess Oracle - Divination and Ritual for Living an Empowered Life by Amy Zerner & Monte Farber. Set of Oracle Cards & Guidebook. Published by Voyager Press. US $30. UK £18. Can $39

These are 52 cards with a guidebook in a high quality presentation box. The card images of the cards in the book are full colour and extra large. Amy Zerner provides the artwork with beautiful paper collages and Monte Farber provides the excellent accompanying book text. It is a follow up to “Goddess Guide Me”. This oracle can be used for self reading or to read for others. It is ideal for self development and described as a “portable temple” and a “spiritual power tool”.